
Pollution from coal-fired power reveals a 'black hole'

A survey of 10 of Australia's biggest coal-fired power stations finds them lagging internationally on most areas of ...

Australia's biggest coal-fired power stations are permitted to dump toxic pollutants on nearby populations far in excess of overseas counterparts, even those in China, a survey by Environmental Justice Australia reveals.

Life's too short: Why we pay the mug's power bill

“Smart” home control devices promise to do many things, including helping households reduce their energy bills.

The major power companies' default mode is to treat loyal, long-term customers as complete mugs. You can ask for discounts, but it's finding the best deal where the pursuit of cheaper power becomes complicated.

Exclude coal from clean energy target, AGL says


The nation's largest power generator has urged the federal government to exclude coal from its planned clean energy target, saying there is no appetite among private investors to fund new coal-fired power plants.