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Marco Pierre White's Hell's Kitchen Australia crashes and burns

In one of those life imitates art, art eats life moments, chef Marco Pierre White declared to the contestants on his new television series: "I don't know who any of you are. I haven't got a clue."

The moment could have been a devastating indictment on the parlous state of celebrity reality shows, were it not for the fact that Hell's Kitchen Australia (Seven, Sunday, 7pm; Monday and Tuesday, 7.30pm) is a devastating indictment itself, on the parlous state of television cooking shows.

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To be fair, he does make a reasonable point. Aside from Debra Lawrance​, who basically foster mothered the modern nation of Australia from the fairly thin walls of a fibro beach cottage in Summer Bay, they're a fairly motley line-up of people you won't recognise from TV shows you've probably never watched.

Lincoln Lewis is an actor of some note. Willie Mason is a former footballer of some note. And David Oldfield is a former political identity and radio host of some note. That's three. Four including Debra (nee Pippa, of Home and Away fame) and we're still well short of the 10.

There ought to be a rule that if you appear on one reality program it does not necessarily follow that you can then appear as a "famous" contestant on the celebrity edition of another. (There should also be a rule that you can't simply make someone famous by using the word "star" after the title of the show on which they appeared.)

Such a rule would hobble Hell's Kitchen Australia before they opened the oven door, as (most of) the remainder of the line-up seems to be just that, notably Pettifleur Berenger, who sounds like a women's hygiene product, but is startlingly a "star" of the Real Housewives of Melbourne.


In one sense, this is already piling up into a televisual car accident of epic proportions. That's bad news in the sense that the first week's ratings look like someone burnt the recipe to a crisp and nothing, short of a Michelin-starred miracle will be able to save it,

Mercifully in television, a car wreck of epic proportions can also be good news. (c.f. The Real Housewives of Sydney.) And the early signs are that with a little word of mouth Hell's Kitchen Australia could become fireside chatter for the nation, if only they could peel their eyes away from the drying paint on their walls long enough to watch.

With barely a flicker on the recognition register, White didn't set the bar high in culinary terms either. In the first episode, the show's shambolic line-up of demi-celebrities were tasked with cooking an egg. Of course they largely stuffed it up, but that's what the thin qualification of barely-famous gets you.

"The bar is set so low, it's impossible to fail," White declares. Oh Marco, you don't know the half of it.

There's a tiny bit of irony in that the show's weakest performers out of the gate - in cooking terms - are Candice Warner and Jess Fox who, given they both have a sporting background, ought at least to know their way around a kitchen. (Or have more sensible long-term career plans.)

The art of television is an imprecise science. But a certain logic suggests you need a good cast. If you haven't got that then you need to deliver a rock-solid narrative. And if you haven't got that then you need to impress with production values that belt it out of the park.

If you haven't got all three? You haven't got a hope.