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World Athletics Championships 2017: Bolt's last race ends in drama

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The world's most glorious athlete, Usain Bolt, finished his last race in the most inglorious fashion, walking across the finish line.

As a farewell it was dramatic, but not golden.

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Usain Bolt breaks down in final race

Everything was working towards one last gold medal for the Jamaican.

Running the final leg of the sprint relay the Jamaican was in third place and chasing the Britons and Americans when he pulled up sharply with an injury to his left leg.

He looked clearly injured and jerked backwards sharply, then put his foot to the ground gingerly and tried to step. he tumbled forward in a somersault and laid on the track as all other runners crossed the finish line. A wheelchair was hurriedly wheeled onto the track to help him off as doctors rushed to his aid. 

The Jamaican champion eventually waved the medics - and the wheelchair - away and with the other three Jamaican team members now around him he walked to the line.

It was assumed he had torn a muscle badly such was the sharp manner he pulled up yet incredibly doctors later could confirm no injury. He had cramp. 


"It's cramp in his left hamstring," Dr Kevin Jones the Jamaica Team Doctor said.

"But a lot of pain is from disappointment from losing the race. The last three weeks have been hard for him, you know. We hope for the best for him."

It made for the most dramatic, unexpected and disappointing end to the career of the most decorated athlete ever. 

With Jamaica pulled up Great Britain ran home in a victory as surprising as Jamaica's last place, ahead of the USA in silver and Japan bronze.

Justin Gatlin, the new world 100m champion who was a member of the US silver medal winning team said the cool conditions and a decision to get athletes on the track early and have extended introductions might have affected Bolt's injury.

"I think it was the elements. I am sorry he got this injury. He is still the best in the world," Gatlin said.

"It was a recipe. I don't want to say this but I understand we need to be ready early but I think we took our clothes off a little too early. It's a little chilly in here so I think that's where the cramp came from. That's what he suffered with. He was running out there cold.

"You can't let this championships define what he's done in the past. He has done amazing things. He's still the man, you know. The was his farewell race and we wish him the best and hope he recovers soon.