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Bill Shorten the 'most dangerous left wing leader in generations', says Malcolm Turnbull

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has ramped up the rhetoric in his attacks against Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, labelling him the "most dangerous left-wing leader" in generations.

In a speech to the party faithful in South Australia, Mr Turnbull took a break from spruiking the government's energy policy to personally single out Mr Shorten, just days after the Labor leader said he would hold Mr Turnbull "responsible for every hurtful bit of filth" "unleashed" during the same-sex marriage survey debate.

Speaking to a sympathetic audience, Mr Turnbull said Labor had lost its way.

"The Labor Party of today is not the Labor Party of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating," he said.

"This is the most dangerous left-wing leader of the Labor Party we have seen in generations.

"He is a wholly owned subsidiary of militant, left-wing unions who have no regard for the rights of others, let alone the law of the land. The CFMEU controls Bill Shorten."


Mr Turnbull said Labor had embraced the "politics of envy".

"Labor's so-called war on inequality is nothing more than a war on aspiration," he said. "This is the politics of envy, done at the behest of large militant unions. Labor has never been more left or more dangerous. It has never been a greater threat to our economic opportunities, to the opportunities it is up to us and we owe to deliver to our children and grandchildren."

Labor's energy spokesman Mark Butler called Mr Turnbull's attack "a ridiculous statement from a prime minister who clearly is out of his depth and struggling to do the job he is expected to do for Australians", while a spokesman for Mr Shorten was more blunt.

"We are watching the disintegration of a Prime Minister in real time," he said.

"This is desperate, hoarse and embarrassing. It's a sign of a man under pressure, who's so crippled by his own weakness he can only lash out and obsess about Bill."

The war of words has been escalating between the two leaders since earlier this year, when Labor began attacking Mr Turnbull over his personal wealth and harbourside mansion, labelling him as out of touch.

Mr Turnbull responded by calling Mr Shorten a "simpering sycophant", and accused him of previously pandering to the wealthy.

With the debate over same-sex marriage intensifying in the lead up to the government's non-binding postal survey, MPs from both sides expect the rhetoric battle between the two leaders to escalate more.