- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 67986
Sponsor or sponsorship may refer to a person or organization with some sort of responsibility for another person or organisation:
In popular culture:
Sponsor Me - How to get companies to sponsor your events - Ask Evan
How to Get Sponsors on Your YouTube Channel
How To Get Sponsored On YouTube!
Power Breakfast: 'Sponsors' Phenomenon
Sponsors - Presente (video oficial) [HD]
Sponsors - A todo trapo [FULL ALBUM, 2011]
Sponsors - Afuera llueve (video oficial) HD
How To Get Sponsors On YouTube
Sponsors - Nada (video oficial) [HD]
Ask Deadly #43 - Do I Have Sponsors? Simple Maths? Loot System?
OFFF 2009 Sponsor Titles
OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors Titles
OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors titles
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny
http://www.evancarmichael.com/support/ - SUPPORT ME :) Like this video? Please give it a thumbs up below and/or leave a comment - Thank you!!! In this video I answer a question from one my readers who asked: "Hello Evan, I am Tomal Dass from India. I always love to read all your articles about business and entrepreneurial leadership. It always fills me with new energy. It helps me a lot to learn a lot from the experiences of well known businessmen arround the world. Recently I was working in a partnership in event management business, We were new in the market and we didn't have any capital to rotate in Business. We were working to start a music festival in Central India. I belong to the city named Indore. It is the business capital of India...
How to Get Sponsors on Your YouTube Channel http://youtu.be/VSajTZ5VQHI If you're a YouTuber interested in sponsorship for your channel this video can help you learn to get sponsors and not make your audience feel like your selling out! In this video I cover: Why you should consider sponsorship in the first place. How to find the right sponsors for your channel. How to find sponsors your YouTube audience will like. How to show sponsors that your channel is worth it. How to get your sponsors to add value for your audience. If you have more questions about YouTube channel sponsorship or are interested in finding sponsors feel free to ask me your questions. If you want to try to get sponsors right away you can feel free to use my link for Famebit and their sponsor platform: https://fam...
Updated! How to get sponsored in 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVLmGvEexE&feature;=youtu.be Today I'll be teaching you how to get sponsored on YouTube! Today I am going to be teaching you how to get a gaming sponsorship on YouTube and make brand deals with companies! You can get a sponsorship for small channels, or bigger channels easily on YouTube and I will be teaching you how! If you want to know how to get a sponsor on YouTube or in gaming, look no further! Famebit: http://bit.do/famebitsponsorships Grapevine: http://grapevinelogic.com NoScope: https://www.noscopeglasses.com/sponso... Cinch: http://cinchgaming.com/support.php?ty... ___ → Become a ZIOVIAN: http://bit.ly/subziovo → Record and stream your Wii U, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One gameplay with the Elgato! The new...
Power Breakfast discussion with Damaris Matubda - Actress and Flavour Mang'ula on the 'Sponsors' Phenomenon Citizen TV is Kenya's leading television station commanding an audience reach of over 60% and in its over 12 years of existence as a pioneer brand for the Royal Media Services (RMS), it has set footprints across the country leaving no region uncovered. This is your ideal channel for the latest and breaking news, top stories, politics, business, sports, lifestyle and entertainment from Kenya and around the world. Follow us: http://citizentv.co.ke https://twitter.com/citizentvkenya https://www.facebook.com/Citizentvkenya https://plus.google.com/+CitizenTVKenya https://instagram.com/citizentvkenya
CONSEGUI "PRESENTE" EN TODO EL MUNDO EN: https://itunes.apple.com/ar/album/110/id410773524 Escuchalo En Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/4uDujwugLJWAWXNrNgDCZs Escuchalo En Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/736494 ARTISTA: SPONSORS. TEMA: PRESENTE. EXTRAIDO DEL ALBUM "110%" EDITADO POR POP ART DISCOS EN 2008. DIRECTOR DEL VIDEO: ROTSTEIN FEDERICO http://queseasponsorsrock.blogspot.com.ar/
TRACKLIST CD "A TODO TRAPO" : 00:00 Nunca es igual 04:19 Hay que bancar 07:00 La amistad 10:28 Vos sos lo más 13:14 Lo mejor del amor 16:56 Sin tu amor 19:59 Afuera llueve 23:42 Drogarse y coger 25:29 Dealers 27:35 Da más gratis 30:00 Diarios de ayer 32:40 Tacho de basura 35:03 Los que te quieren de verdad 39:09 Acá estamos 42:04 A todo trapo CONSEGUÍ "A TODO TRAPO" EN TODO EL MUNDO EN: https://itunes.apple.com/fj/album/a-todo-trapo/id472893266 Escuchalo en Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/0acwRdeBXSt8S3ugf4KTTe Escuchalo en Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/1315175 + INFO POPART DISCOS: http://www.popartdiscos.com http://www.twitter.com/popartdiscosok http://www.facebook.com/popartdiscografica
CONSEGUI "AFUERA LLUEVE" EN TODO EL MUNDO EN: https://itunes.apple.com/ar/album/a-todo-trapo/id472893266 Escuchalo En Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/0acwRdeBXSt8S3ugf4KTTe Escuchalo En Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/1315175 ARTISTA: SPONSORS TEMA: AFUERA LLUEVE EXTRAIDO DEL ALBUM "A TODO TRAPO" EDITADO POR POP ART DISCOS EN 2011. http://queseasponsorsrock.blogspot.com.ar/ Dirección: Andy Caballero Director de fotografía: Santiago Trocolli Productora:Volcan Films Sponsors es el proyecto grupal creado y liderado por Joaquin Levinton luego de la disolución de Turf. Editaron su primer disco "100%" en 2008 con buen suceso de público y crítica. Luego se presentaron en el circuito de clubes de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y Gran Buenos Aires, realizaron giras por distintas ciudades...
Start getting Sponsors and Brand Deals with FameBit here: https://fbit.co/itC Download the free Video Influencers checklist with “19 Tips for Getting More Views and Subscribers on YouTube” here: http://videoinfluencers.net/start/ In this Sean Cannell from Video Influencers talks about how to get sponsors on YouTube and cool website called FameBit that connects brands to creators and brand deals, and sponsorships. Check out FameBit: Fame Bit is a YouTube marketing platform where brands collaborate with YouTube influencers and create videos. https://fbit.co/itC About FameBit: Famebit is the largest marketplace that makes YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Vine influencer marketing easy for advertisers, brands and influencers. Video I Mentioned on My THiNK Media TV Channel "Boombotix B...
CONSEGUI "NADA" EN TODO EL MUNDO EN: https://itunes.apple.com/ar/album/110/id410773524 Escuchalo En Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/4uDujwugLJWAWXNrNgDCZs Escuchalo En Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/736494 ARTISTA: SPONSORS. TEMA: NADA. EXTRAIDO DEL ALBUM "SPONSORS 110%". EDITADO POR POP ART DISCOS EN 2008. http://queseasponsorsrock.blogspot.com.ar/
Support DeadlySlob's YouTube and Twitch by subscribing here: http://tinyurl.com/subscribeDS Daily Streams at 8:30am: http://twitch.tv/deadlyslob Tweet me: http://twitter.com/deadlyslob Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Deadlyslob As seen on: http://dayztv.com
Onesize premiered their astonishing titles for the festival sponsors. And they were huge! An extremely inspired eight minutes piece where art and branding converges in the most wise way possible. The work mixes video and 3D under a retro aesthetics where everything fits just perfectly. We love it! Thanks, Onesize: you made us happy!
And now the most beautiful thing you can imagine, the OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors Titles by Julien Vallée. Full credits: Director: Julien Vallée Photographer: Simon Duhamel Sound Design: David Kamp Music by: Like Elliot Did Interns & Precious Help Jean-Constant Guigue Maxime Bédard Additional Help Karim Zariffa Eve Duhamel Guillaume Marin Olivier Valiquette Pierre-Olivier Nantel Madeleine Cournoyer Claude Duhamel Cedric Jaccheri Amandine Zink
Since 2001, OFFF festival has been held in Barcelona, becoming the globally recognized and trendsetting event it is today. The three-day festival showcases top digital artists, web, print and interactive designers, motion graphics studios, and new music adventurous. OFFF festival provides insight into all culture media platforms. Each year, they are asking one of the keynote speaker to create a video that present the major partners of the event. I had the honnor to make it for this issue of OFFF, and we had an amazing fun creating these different stories for each of the sponsors. Thanks to all the collaborators that contributed to make this film happen. * A making of should be release soon! twitter.com/valleejulien or list@jvallee.com to keep in informed! DIRECTOR : Julien Vallée DOP...
School assignment to reinterpret the fairytale Little red ridning hood. Inspired by Röyksopps Remind me. Music: Slagsmålsklubben, Sponsored by destiny www.smk.just.nu Animation: Tomas Nilsson www.tomas-nilsson.se
Stardust was selected to design the title sequence for the 2012 AICP Awards' sponsor reel showcased at the MOMA in NYC. President and CEO of AICP, Matt Miller said, "The team at Stardust did an amazing job showcasing the AICP Partners and Sponsors. The use of image and sound to acknowledge - and convey our appreciation - to our supporters is so important, and sets the tone for the evening. The look and feel of the piece is very much in keeping with the AICP Show's relationship to art and cultural institutions." Overall the sponsor reel features stunning visual imagery, explosive graphics and a haunting track from Squeak E. Clean.
A project I helped put together for Mercury Radio Theater. Check out their stuff at www.mercuryradiotheater.com!
Our creative minds here at Element X Creative (http://www.elementxcreative.com) were pretty stoked about The Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP) asking us to create this year's Sponsor Reel for the Southwest show. The creative carte blanche was daunting given such a small window of time to concept and produce a 5 minute piece. It was even more challenging considering our own expectations were set high, not only in terms of storytelling, but wanting to create something that had not been done in the history of the show. After hours and hours of brainstorming concepts, we found an idea the whole studio could rally behind. Every individual under our roof came together to write, storyboard, model, texture, shoot, rig, animate, composite, and edit the final product. Many late...
съёмка и монтаж: Алексей Наймушин катаются: Николай Гринев Степан Артемьев Алексей Батманов Артём Пичхадзе Илья Верхотуров в эпизодах: Алексей Осовицкий Андрей Трегубов Никита Крикунов Виктор Салтымаков Слава Абрамов Jeremy Леонид Стебловский Кирилл Кривов Михаил Афонасьев Антон Бухаров Сергей Зюзюк помощь в съёмке: Владимир Владимиров Максим Нестеров Илья Верхотуров Стёпа Артемьев спонсоры: Joint Snowboards Quiksilver product by Hash Heaven Films