

Wind River review: Inside an extreme environment warped beyond reason

MA, 107 minutes

A fractured and sometimes fascinating thriller that draws deep on the wintry brutality of the landscape, Wind River unfolds in the mountainous back blocks of Wyoming. The vista is widescreen and so is the deprivation: boarded-up trailers that are barely habitable and bodies laid out in the snow, surrendered to the elements, feature prominently. The film is set in and around a Native American reservation and is not short of grim realities.

When wildlife ranger Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner) sets out to hunt a four-legged predator that's been killing livestock, he instead finds the body of a young woman who was so scared she ran barefoot in the sub-zero snow at night until her lungs froze. With the arrival of an FBI agent, Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen), the case's extent becomes clear – the young Native American victim, Natalie, had been raped, and she was the daughter of Cory's family friends.

Written and directed by Taylor Sheridan, who made his bones by writing the drug war procedural Sicario and the Texan bank robbing drama Hell or High Water, Wind River is concerned with the painful loss that can overwhelm parenting's hope. The way Cory talks to Natalie's distraught father, Martin Hanson (Gil Birmingham) – alongside the hardened exchanges with his own ex-wife, Wilma (Julia Jones) – makes clear that he's already been through a similar tragedy.

Revenge is important to these men, but more so is the resolution of simply knowing what happened. It's the endless uncertainty of murky circumstances and inexplicable motives that can haunt them. When Jane asks Cory to serve as her guide, he accepts, although it's obvious he has his own motives. And even as the film draws them together – the latest iteration of the mismatched partners archetype – there's a sense they may diverge.

Sheridan never indulges cliched views of Native American life; there's none of the mysticism that circulated through Michael Apted's 1992 thriller Thunderheart, which takes place on a reservation in South Dakota. Without Wilma, Cory is a white outsider to some in a community torn apart by generations of unemployment, drug abuse and crime. "Prison," notes the local police chief, Ben (Graham Greene), "is a rite of passage" to the young Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shosone men.


Like the successes Sheridan previously penned, Wind River depicts an extreme environment warped beyond reason. But the picture's dialogue is sometimes overly explicit: "I get so mad I just want to fight the whole world," a young suspect tells Cory, just after his actions made that readily apparent. Shooting his own script, Sheridan doesn't have that extra layer of excision that Denis Villeneuve applied to the nightmarishly menacing Sicario.

On what is his second feature as director (following the low-budget horror-flick Vile in 2011), Sheridan captures the cold vastness of the terrain and the scornful hardiness of those inhabiting it. There are times he ladles on too many elements – the score can be intrusive – but beyond that he's trying to depict a world that can break perpetrators and bystanders alike, and that requires a rare level of harshly suggestive finesse.

This is familiar but formidable ground for Renner, the Avengers co-star whose intensity was self-destructively captivating in The Hurt Locker and nigh on repetitive in The Bourne Legacy. He shows how Cory, despite being a father to a younger son, is hollowed-out by grief, yet purposeful in the field. It's unfortunate that Jane never comes into complete focus opposite him. Too many of Olsen's scenes are purely reactive and she can only gather so much nuance.

The story is "inspired by actual events", but it doesn't attempt to work as a mystery. The investigation's real struggle is with random violence, which the film suggests is the native tongue of a world where you either "survive or surrender", as Cory puts it. Sheridan wants to explain the case so as to get at the underlying causes, and that gives Wind River an untethered fearfulness. Sicario revealed vast, malignant institutions at war, but the combatants here have no commanders or orders.

At first I thought the resolution to the movie was bereft of logic, but that just may be the point. What leaches through Wind River is not a fear of dark, diligent motives but casual, improvised monstrousness. There's not a great deal of satisfaction in acknowledging that, or easy means of fixing environments where it can flourish. The film takes you all the way there, but offers no way back.