Immigration reform the sleeper issue of the economy and Canberra warfare

A nervous Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is using a sleeper issue – immigration – to shore up support among more ...
A nervous Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is using a sleeper issue – immigration – to shore up support among more conservative Coalition MPs. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Immigration, a trigger issue for the Australian psyche, is emerging as a potential sleeper in the next federal election.

According to Australia's most experienced demographer, Bob Birrell, the current annual intake of about 205,000 should be just about halved to 100-120,000 a year to take pressure off major cities like Sydney and Melbourne.

His remarks accord with positions taken by former Liberal prime minister Tony Abbott and Australian Conservatives leader, Senator Cory Bernardi, and partially parallel an understated recent shift in the Turnbull government's own policy.

Dr Birrell said there should be a "significant adjustment in size and focus" of the current intake. He is "heartened" the government's recent series of changes to the immigration program "seemed to indicate a start in that direction".

Immigrants leaving the ship Maloja at Pyrmont Sydney, 1937. So far there have been three major changes, interspersed by ...
Immigrants leaving the ship Maloja at Pyrmont Sydney, 1937. So far there have been three major changes, interspersed by roughly 20-year periods, in a 72-year-old migration program. Keith Rainsford

Recent moves include "quite tough citizenship changes," a re-set of the 457 temporary visa program, and a statement on "more performance criteria in visa programs", said Birrell, founder and director of Monash University's Centre for Population and Urban Research from 1971-2014 and founder of the independent think tank The Population Research Institute.

"These things are all pointing in one direction – make the program tighter." They "imply there would be a drop in numbers". Longer term, they may presage a shift in an immigration program which has, with a few notable exceptions, been a bipartisan bedrock of post-war Australia.

Motivations for this under-announced shift vary from a nervous Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull shoring up support among more conservative Coalition MPs while not wanting to alienate a pro-migration business support base, to a necessary adjustment to post-mining investment boom labour market realities.

Not to mention "this might be a way of getting a competitive edge on Labor" on such a sensitive political issue.

So far there have been three major changes, interspersed by roughly 20-year periods, in a 72-year-old migration program which – to echo former Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello's comment that "demography is destiny" – has moulded the character of post-war Australia.

David Rowe

Irrespective of these iterations, a generally welcoming immigration policy springs from the old Australian aphorism of "populate or perish". In 1945 the Chifley Labor government announced an ambitious assisted migration program to increase the rate of population growth, provide labour for an expanding, highly protected, manufacturing industry, and fill positions in national development projects like the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

The first major change came in 1966-1973 when the Holt Liberal government punctured the White Australia policy – a legacy of the Federation compact – by taking in a quota of Asian migrants. The White Australia Policy was later formally abrogated by the Whitlam Labor government.

Election of the Howard Liberal government in 1996 ushered in a significant shift in emphasis away from family reunion to allowing in people with needed professional qualifications and skills, or the money to invest in new business opportunities. As the mining investment boom gathered pace in the early noughties, the 457 temporary visa program, which allowed employers to bring in skilled workers for specific projects, exploded.

A confusing array of visa categories emerged, covering skilled workers, foreign students and young backpackers finding seasonal work on extended holiday visas. Reduced to their practical significance, a complex points system allowed a pathway for various 'temporary' categories to find permanent settlement in an Australia becoming an increasingly attractive destination for young foreigners.

Now those pathways have been narrowed. The Turnbull government will abolish the 457 program, replace it with two new visa categories, reduce the number of occupations eligible for two-year visas, and thereby halt its "open-ended" nature, which often leads to permanent settlement.

Birrell, now head of the Australian Population Research Institute, recently wrote that the government's re-set "puts an axe to the two pillars of past immigration policy of encouraging employers to recruit as many skilled temporary foreign workers as they want and then facilitating their transition to permanent residence."

"All the Coalition's reset initiatives point one way: they add additional constraints and costs to employers considering employing foreign workers on a temporary or long term basis." For example, existing programs allowing employers to sponsor temporary workers into permanent residents "will fall to less than a third" of the roughly 50,000 a year currently allowed to remain under this category.

"Those who think that immigration levels are set in concrete will have to reassess this belief. Expect further Coalition reform designed to rectify this situation."

Further, he writes, "those who think that Australia is immune from policy discord on immigration are wrong. The immigration issue is now in play."

Chris Wright, a senior lecturer in Work and Organisational Studies at Sydney University's business school, who specialises in the study of labour market behaviour, says Birrell is over-stating the significance of these changes. While the new restrictions "are going to make some people less inclined to come," more will arrive "under other visas".

Professor Wright also authored a recent report on migration to Australia which noted the "evident" benefits of a more jobs demand-based program. "Skilled immigrants have offset population ageing, improved labour productivity, helped businesses to source skills that are difficult to find at short notice, and addressed the needs of regional areas and industries," the Wright report said.

"However, various reforms are needed particularly relating to the treatment of temporary immigrants in order to maintain public support for sustained immigration intakes," he noted.

These differing views among people who, collectively, have spent decades studying Australia's migration patterns, underline the complexity of the subject. They may also reflect lingering differences in the culture of Sydney and Melbourne.

In the latter, a Deakinite flavour – Melburnian Alfred Deakin was an early prime minister who presided over Federation compact policies like White Australia and compulsory arbitration – can still be detected. Sydney, the spiritual home of pre-Federation free traders, remains more of an "open-ended" society, one less inclined to impose caps and limits.

Now it's up to the politicians to come up with clear plans for the future. But will this mean the end of a bipartisan approach to Australia's immigration policy?