Former Bellamy's Australia CEO Laura McBain's corporate reinvention

Laura McBain is looking forward to her new role as managing director at Primary Opinion and is ready to put the saga of ...
Laura McBain is looking forward to her new role as managing director at Primary Opinion and is ready to put the saga of Bellamy's Australia behind her.

It was a balmy Barcelona evening in June. Laura McBain was sipping local wine in the garden campus of IESE's Business School when the penny dropped. It was time to get back in the corporate saddle.

Tasmanian-based McBain had spent months in self-imposed exile, going to ground and surrounding herself with friends and family after being spectacularly forced out from one-time market darling Bellamy's Australia.

McBain, a former accountant, had been credited with taking a small organic baby formula company to a $1.5 billion powerhouse. She'd made a small fortune for its investors. But late last year her corporate career came crashing down around her as she delivered a surprise profit downgrade and missteps in its key Chinese market that would ultimately torch $770 million in shareholder value.

The 40-year-old, who left Bellamy's in January, made a dramatic re-entry into the corporate world this week when she was announced managing director of an ASX minnow whose only asset is a 48 per cent stake in the gourmet food business, Maggie Beer Products, the business built up by celebrity cook Maggie Beer.

McBain's fall from grace was swift.
McBain's fall from grace was swift. Josh Robenstone

McBain has effectively been handed a 20 per cent stake in that ASX entity, called Primary Opinion. She will be paid $350,000 per annum in cash and through share placements at 1.8¢ will have 10 per cent of the company initially, with options deals taking that stake close to 20 per cent if the options are fully exercised.

Back in June, McBain was attending an executive program in Barcelona where she got some advice from the head of a Canadian financial company who told her in life you must do three things: you must have a family, you must travel and you must write a book.

"I said I've done the first two, but I'm not really ready to write the book yet. I realised I needed a few more chapters before there was a book ready to be written," McBain tells the AFR Weekend in her first in-depth interview since being pushed out out of Bellamy's.

Controversial exit

The former Telstra Businesss Woman of the Year's exit was highly controversial. Some major shareholders such as Kathmandu founder Jan Cameron backed her to the hilt. So did then chairman Rob Woolley who was close to McBain. He hired her in the early days at Bellamy's when it was just a struggling family operation. The pair built the business and took this "clean green" image to the world, capitalising on China's growing demand for what was dubbed "white gold".

McBain doesn't want to dwell in the past, admitting she was "beaten up in a dramatic way".
McBain doesn't want to dwell in the past, admitting she was "beaten up in a dramatic way". Mark Jesser

McBain's fall from grace was swift. Other independent directors wanted her out. A board split ensued. She was let go in January and Cameron and Woolley, despite being friends, parted ways. Just a month later most of the board was rolled by Cameron with support of other investors.

McBain doesn't want to dwell in the past, admitting she was "beaten up in a dramatic way".

It may be a new role but there are plenty of familiar faces.

Cameron, who she talks to regularly, is a Primary Opinion shareholder. So too is her one-time mentor Woolley. The pair talked this week after he heard about her new role.

McBain was let go in January and Cameron and Woolley, despite being friends.
McBain was let go in January and Cameron and Woolley, despite being friends. David Rowe

"I wish her all the best and she will do well, she is a very capable executive," says Woolley. "Every executive makes mistakes. No-one walks on water."

Inspirational people

McBain says while in Spain she was working with inspirational people from around the globe with executives from US retailers Wal-mart and Calvin Klein, who helped her realise where she could add value to any new company.

"I realised I needed to get back into it when I got back. You know when you have a liberating moment, that was it for me," she says.

"You know when you have a liberating moment, that was it for me."
"You know when you have a liberating moment, that was it for me." Josh Robenstone

Upon returning home she called her long-time friend and supporter, Melbourne stockbroker Hugh Robertson, who is a director at Primary Opinion. He also was involved with putting clients into Bellamy's and he himself was a shareholder. Robertson told her when she was ready for something new to call him.

"I wanted to do something in the food industry, so this seemed like a great opportunity and the stars were aligned," McBain says.

By early August she was in front of Primary Opinion chairman Tony Robinson. He argues Bellamy's challenges under her leadership were exaggerated by the financial markets misunderstanding the challenges and complexity of building good businesses quickly.

Robinson says the market pushed Bellamy's up quickly, assuming an unflawed high growth strategy.

Robinson says the market pushed Bellamy's up quickly, assuming an unflawed high growth strategy.
Robinson says the market pushed Bellamy's up quickly, assuming an unflawed high growth strategy. Kate Geraghty

"They made her [McBain] out to be like Warren Buffett, like all her decisions would be perfect," he says. "And based on this, the market sent the stock up to $14 [a share]."

Robinson is a director at Bendigo and Adelaide Bank and chairman of TasFoods, the former owner of Bellamy's prior to its ASX listing. McBain's husband Roger is also a director at TasFoods. Woolley was the former TasFoods chair and Robertson was also a former director.

Valuable skills

Robinson says while McBain's reputation might had fallen from "perfect to good", her skills, experience and attributes where still outstanding and highly valuable.

"She understands food, organics and retailing. She understands offshore. She is resilient and communicates well. She is not fearful of taking appropriate risks. She is an incredibly capable person and this [Bellamy's incident] will be a big benefit in terms of her making better future decisions," he says.

Maggie Beer herself is thrilled McBain is on board, with a trio of females now at the seat of power at the brand, which had its genesis in 1978 in a modest pheasant farm and associated restaurant in South Australia's Barossa Valley.

"I have great respect for the ability of women in the highest level of management, something so very evident in Maggie Beer Products," Beer tells AFR Weekend.

"So I'm excited to see Primary Opinion's appointment of Laura McBain and look forward to the contribution I know she will make".

Maggie Beer herself is thrilled McBain is on board, with a trio of females now at the seat of power at the brand.
Maggie Beer herself is thrilled McBain is on board, with a trio of females now at the seat of power at the brand.

The chief executive of Maggie Beer Products, Chantale Millard, who in 2015 took over the day-to-day running of the Maggie Beer Products business and its range of almost 200 jams, pastes, ice creams and verjuice, is also buoyed by the appointment of McBain as the company looks to expand offshore.

"We think it's a great strategic move," Millard says.

"The export business is in the very early stages," she says. "It's quite small." The biggest seller offshore are Maggie Beer ice creams in China.

Beer, who has a national following and is the author of a string of cookbooks, made the difficult decision in 2015 to start succession planning for the business she built up over four decades. In 2016 she struck a deal where Primary Opinion bought a 48 per cent stake for $15 million.

Rollercoaster history

Primary Opinion was a classic "penny dreadful". It had a rollercoaster history and was searching for a reason for being. Up until the Maggie Beer deal it was a legal services, human resources and accounting services firm, which had in turn transformed from its previous incarnation as a social media company called Jumbuck Entertainment.

Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett, who holds 18 million shares in Primary Opinion, was previously a chairman of the group. He is no longer on the board after resigning as a director in late 2015, but is enthusiastic about its prospects with McBain at the helm.

He said the Bellamy's ups and downs would make her a better executive. "Life is not always on an upward trajectory," Kennett said.

Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett  said the Bellamy's ups and downs would make MCBain a better executive.
Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett said the Bellamy's ups and downs would make MCBain a better executive. Pat Scala

Ellerston Capital also has a stake in Primary Opinion.

The company raised $20 million at 4¢ per share last year to fund the stake in Maggie Beer. That is more than twice the price at which McBain is getting her large stake in the company. A prospectus for the raising shows Maggie Beer Products was quite a small business in the context of consumer food groups, with revenue of $21 million in 2014-15.

It's also an unusual set-up. Primary Opinion doesn't have control of Maggie Beer Products, which also has its own board that is led by a corporate heavyweight, Trevor O'Hoy, who is a former chief executive of beer giant Foster's Group.

Focusing on positives

McBain was not too revealing about Primary Opinion's future plans but said she wold like to see Maggie Beer build out its product range. She also hinted about buying and building other Australian brands.

As for any lessons learned she openly admits it has been a tough time in her life but working with good people is top of her list. After taking a few holidays with her family and being around people that cared about her she was able to refocus and think about the positives.

"We did some brilliant things at Bellamy's and it was a brilliant company to work with and grow with. I'm enormously grateful for the opportunities that it provided me, both good and bad," she says.

"I'm energised and really, really looking forward to this next adventure, and journey, so watch this space."

McBain was not too revealing about Primary Opinion's future plans but said she wold like to see Maggie Beer build out ...
McBain was not too revealing about Primary Opinion's future plans but said she wold like to see Maggie Beer build out its product range. Josh Robenstone