Yesterday’s other Trade Union march

Danny Glover, Bernie Sanders and NAACP president Cornell Brooks participated yesterday in a march with Nissan factory workers trying to unionize in Canton, Mississippi. It is worth watching the film below, and Brooks is particularly eloquent about why workplace rights are civil rights.

It is also worth reading this interview with Hollywood star, Danny Glover, which is illuminating about how the fight in Mississippi is about the same issues of precarious employment so familiar to us in the UK.

all the employees were initially full-time employees. So the workers have been there 13 and 14 years. And they had benefits, good wages and a relationship with the company. But then the plant resorted to temporary workers who do the same jobs as those workers who are permanent and have been there some time. Now the workforce is about 40 percent temporary workers. Some temporary workers are there for three and four years but don’t have a sense of permanency and make significantly less that the permanent workers. These are the kinds of things that you work out within the union [through] collective bargaining.

However Glover makes the point that Nissan has 45 plants around the world, and the only ones that are non-unionized are in America: in Canton, Mississippi, and in Decherd and Smyrna, Tennessee. He argues that the reason for this is simple: “it is a continuation of the system [of] Jim Crow, which was born out of slavery. Basically, it’s an issue of civil rights—worker rights are civil rights. The South has always been anti-union


Following Amazon Prime’s recent dramatisation of Philip K Dick’s “Man in the High Castle”, and BBC’s current drama called SS GB, there is clearly a vogue for alternative history imagining a Nazi victory over Britain in World War Two.

It is worth rembering the compelling and controversial “It Happened Here”, a 1960s semi-amateur feature by Kevin Brownlow of what Britain would have been like under Nazi occupation.

Here is a review I wrote of it in 2008

The premise of the film is that Britain was conquered in 1940, and the film is set in 1944 when military resistance to the occupation has began to resurface. What makes the film so remarkable is that it is centred around the experience of collaborators, in the fictitious but all too believable, Immediate Action movement, some of whom are British fascists, some of whom are pragmatic people just seeking to work within the existing political framework, and some are ordinary people misguidedly pushed towards supporting the Nazis through having been caught in the crossfire of anti-fascist partisan violence.

Because of course the political lesson of saying “it happened here” is not that Britain could lose a war and be occupied; but that there would have been willing British hands to participate in pogroms of the Jews, persecution of trade unionists and communists, and murder of the sick and infirm. The genius of the film is the mundanity and domestic familiarity of the British collaborators.

In some places the acting is a little creaky, and the film starts a little slow by modern standards, but is has a great deal of verisimilitude, and is actually thoroughly gripping. Indeed, the film had a little too much verisimilitude and was very controversial because it used real fascists to play key roles, and even included a six minute section where Colin Jordan, leader of Britain’s fascists in the 1960s plays the role of a collaborator being questioned about his anti-semitic beliefs. This section was removed from the original cinema release but is restored to the DVD version.

This of course raises the question of under what circumstances it is permissible to provide fascists with a platform to put forward their views. There is no doubt that the six minute section with Colin Jordan makes very uncomfortable viewing. But the overall context of the film is deeply anti-fascist, and exposing the strong sympathy that the then contemporary fascists had for Hitler’s Germany, and the fact that the British fascists in the 1960s were prepared to boast that they would indeed have been collaborators in an occupation, did more to discredit the fascists than build support for them.

Momentum election results

I was delighted to see a strong and successful showing by sensible centre-left candidates in Momentum’s internal elections. Particular commiserations to David Braniff-Herbert in South East region, who came fourth, but failed to be elected due to gender balancing. The full results are here. Turnout was 35%.

These are the candidates elected.

North and Scotland region:

Elizabeth Hayden, Gemma Thornton, Nav Mishra, John Taylor

Midland, Wales, East and West region:

Rida Vaqua, Cecile Wright, Martin Menear, Liz Hames

South-East region:

Christine Shawcroft, Yannis Gourtsoyannis, Puru Miah, Sahaya James

Momentum has been mobilising effectively for the Copeland and Stoke Central by-elections, and under its new leadership I am confident that Momentum will turn outwards away from internal squabbling, and will be working for a Labour general election victory.

A socialist case against Basic Income Guarantee

The concept of a basic income guarantee (BIG) has gained increasing traction on the left in recent years, for example being adopted as union policy by GMB and UNITE, being a manifesto commitment of the Green Party, and supported by John Mcdonnell, the shadow chancellor.

The concept is hardly new, with subsidized grain for plebian citizens being introduced by the populist Tribune, Gaius Gracchus in 123 BC. Indeed, as one of the currently touted arguments for a citizen income is founded on the idea that automation is creating a sub class of those permanently excluded from work, then the fate of the propertyless Roman plebians, impoverished and marginalized in an economy based upon military plunder, colonial tributes and slave labour, is an apt one.

Economist, Billy Mitchell has produced a number of detailed arguments about Basic Income, in a five part series of articles.

But his general point is well made that the concept is highly elusive and slippery, due to the wide range of political interests that advocate basic income, and the differing reasons that they support the policy:

Tracing the origins of the BIG proposal reveals that the motivations of the proponents at different periods of history have varied from those who desire to cut government spending overall and push the responsibility of maintaining ‘welfare’ onto individuals, to those who were believed that unemployment was a violation of justice but was outside of the capacity of governments to solve it, to, more recently, those who invoke trepidation about the so-called second machine age and claim that robots are going to wipe out jobs on a massive scale (the ‘robot’ justification).

Voices from the left and the right weave various aspects of these motivations, often in overlapping ways, to justify their demands for a basic income to be paid by the state to all individuals (although even then, the unit that would receive the benefit is also a topic of disagreement).

An example of the confusion is that basic income advocacy group, BIEN, has published a muddled history of the concept since Thomas More’s “Utopia” onwards which conflates two distinct and separate phenomena: the state guaranteeing income, and the state providing a finite capital endowment. The second concept, advocated by Thomas Paine, gained limited expression by Tony Blair’s government with the baby bond, based upon research that even a limited access to capital at the start of life, for example to pay for an interview suit and suitable work clothes, or for driving lessons, could have a disproportionate effect in improving life chances. Sadly the Baby Bond was abolished by the Coalition government in 2010.

If we look at the detailed proposal from the Green Party then simplifying the benefit system, removing tax allowances and abolishing tax relief on pension contributions would lead to sufficient savings to fund a basic income of £80 per week for working age people, an increase of child benefits to £50 per week, and an £80 pw supplement for single parents.

A number of immediate objections can be made. Our economy is based upon fiat money, that is currency which is inherently worthless, but which gains value from being underwritten by the government, and its social and commercial acceptability as legal tender. There is therefore no limit to the amount of money in circulation, and payment out by the government of the basic income will undoubtedly be effectively financed by printing money, which will be inflationary over the longer term. Sustained economic growth and prosperity is achieved by investment in the productive economy, not by subsidising consumption.

Furthermore, any taxation and benefit system will modify behaviours, and while the Green Party’s proposals for income levels are relatively modest, they are unconditional. It would be sufficient for a significant number of people to withdraw from the labour market altogether. Furthermore, there would be a substantial number of persons in work, who either would be, or would perceive that they were, subsidizing people who were not willing to work. This is a politically untenable position.

Indeed the Green Party’s own proposal is even more economically inept, and politically incoherent than that. As the Guardian reported:

The Citizen’s Income Trust (CIT), which has given advice to the Green party and been repeatedly cited by the Greens, has modelled its scheme and discovered it would mean 35.15% of households would be losers, with many of the biggest losers among the poorest households.

The trust’s research shows that for the two lowest disposable income deciles, more than one-fifth would suffer income losses of more than 10%.

Even if the policy flaws of the specific proposals by the Green Party could be ironed out, fundamental problems remain.

As Billy Mitchell describes it:

As more an more individuals opted for the basic income without work, output would drop dramatically and material prosperity would be violated.

And Mitchell argues elsewhere:

Payment of a BIG to all citizens would signify a further withdrawal by the State from its responsibility to manage economic affairs and care for its citizens. Young people must be encouraged to develop skills and engage in paid work, rather than be the passive recipients of social security benefit.

Indeed, Basic Income Guarantee marks a retreat by the left from the concept not only that the state should take responsibility for developing skills and full employment; but a retreat from the idea that collaborative productive work is the sound moral foundation of a just society. It is through the collaborative endeavour of building and rebuilding the material world around us, producing through shared human labour our food, shelter, clothing, transport, communication and cultural artifacts that we find expression as social beings conscious of our collectivity.

Well intentioned do-gooders might imagine that freed from the compulsion to work, individuals will flower to become a generation of Shakespeares, Goethes and Mozarts, they are more likely to sit in their underpants watching Netflix. This is not a facetious point, the Basic Income Guarantee sees individuals as consumers of a world that they do not shape, they are the objects of society, not its self-conscious subjects. Passive consumption is not a stimulus for creativity.

The socialist project is to advance the interest of the working classes, and to ultimately build a society where the state acts in the interests of the working classes. Trade unions exist to combine workers to increase their strength through collective bargaining for those in work.

A Basic Income Guarantee would withdraw a number of citizens from the workforce, particularly at the unskilled, low paid end of the job market, whose work would inevitably need to be filled by immigrants. These non-citizen workers would not be entitled to BIG, and therefore the working class would be divided down the middle in such a way as to irrevocably weaken the possibility of trade union organisation.

In contrast to the collective orientation of organized labour, the Basic Income Guarantee is predicated not upon creating communities of solidarity but upon citizens with individual entitlement. It is pessimistic about the possibility of successful political action to achieve a shift of wealth and power to working people, and the possibility of working people democratically shaping society; and instead is fatalistic in seeking to provide ballast against poverty for dis-empowered individuals at the mercy of the gig economy.

An evening of inspiring political theatre

Trailer for new play ‘Dare Devil Rides To Jarama’ by Neil Gore from Louise on Vimeo.

Today is the 80th anniversary of the start of the battle of Jamara, just outside Madrid, where fascist forces sought to break through republican lines to penetrate into the capital, and where they were opposed by, amongst others, the British Battalion of the International brigade. On that day, former speedway and daredevil motorcycle rider, Clem Beckett, and the extraordinarily glittering Communist intellectual, Christopher Caudwell were both killed, as the British and Irish volunteers were roughly handled by the experienced veterans of Franco’s army.

On Friday night I was fortunate to catch the new play by Neil Gore, “Dare Devil Rides to Jamara” at the Pound Art Centre in Corsham, which brought to life Beckett’s fascinating sporting career and political evolution, set against the tumultuous background of the 1930s. Beckett’s hatred of fascism led him to volunteer to lead a convoy of ambulances to Spain in 1936, at which point he met, and developed a friendship with Caudwell.

This is great political theatre, combining an entertaining evening of drama and music with a poignant examination of the background and personality of those who bravely and inspiring volunteered to risk their own lives to make a stand against the rising tide of fascist violence.

It was encouraging to see that so many local Labour Party members and trade union activists attended, especially at a small venue in the middle of rural Wiltshire. Indeed, the tour is sponsored and supported by a wide range of trade unions, primarily  Unite.

It is important to build and maintain cultural celebration of the values and traditions of our movement, and the courage shown by our comrades in the past can help inspire the determination that we need to show in the future.

The play is on tour, and future dates are available on Facebook. There will also be an opportunity to see the performance at the GMB tent at Tolpuddle this July.

Get your CLP to nominate left candidates for CAC and NCC

If there is one thing which the left should have learned over the last couple of  years, it is that  who controls the key positions in the party matters.

The constituency seats on the Conference Arrangements Committee and the National Constitutional Committee will be elected later this year. The CAC controls the conference agenda, and voting, and the NCC is in charge of the crucial disciplinary function. These elections matter.

The left candidates for these positions are as follows.

Seeking nominations for the Conference Arrangements Committee:

Seema Chandwani
Billy Hayes

Seeking nominations for the National Constitutional Committee

Anna Dyer
Emine Ibrahim

The closing date for nominations is Friday 23rd June. Please make sure that the nominations are raised at your constituency party meeting in time to meet that deadline.

Nominations can be submitted online by CLP Secretaries and Chairs at: