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How renters could never leave under radical plan being pursued by the government

Sydney renters could occupy their homes for decades or might even pass them down to their children under a proposal to increase the supply of affordable and stable housing for people locked out of Sydney's surging property market the NSW government announced it was developing on Friday.

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the government was "very keen" to look at creating a "build to rent" sector of property development in NSW to make housing more stable and affordable for the one-third of Sydney-siders who rent.

The build-to-rent sector has big investors build apartments to lease on a long-term basis, sometimes indefinitely. Investors receive steady returns; renters get steady living arrangements in turn, advocates say.

In a speech to the NSW Property Council Mr Perrottet said the government had already begun exploring options for incentivising investors to build for steady rental returns in favour of windfall profits, which some analysts say have held back the model especially in Sydney's growing market.

"Current property prices make the dream of home-ownership more difficult than for past generations," he said "But for long-term renting to be a viable alternative, it has to be affordable and it has to be secure.

Mr Perrottet said the government had already been examining options but would now create a taskforce to work with industry and examine the viability of an idea that is popular overseas but which he said would face challenges in Sydney.


The rent-to-build approach is popular in Europe, where it is not uncommon for rental properties to be occupied by a sole tenant for decades. In countries such as Germany or Denmark infinite leases are available and apartments are passed down between generations.

"It's attractive there to companies who are interested in a reliable return rather than flipping [an apartment] every six to 10 years," said Simon Cutcher from the Tenants Union of NSW. "They're very happy to let a good tenant stay".

Fairfax Media understands offering zoning incentives, or (with federal cooperation) tax breaks or the right to redevelop prime state-government owned land on the condition that it is used exclusively to house renters are all ideas that have been floated within the government at an early stage.

Mr Cutcher said the very high proportion of small amateur investor landlords in Sydney made renting unstable as they were less interested in tenant relationships.

A third of Australian households rent and more than 40 per cent of those have been in the rental market more than 10 years or more.

In some suburbs in Sydney's inner-ring that figure can rise to twice as much.

Mr Perrottet's idea was welcomed warmly by the property development sector which has begun some small such projects in Melbourne.

"Mirvac believes that build to rent is a sector whose time has come," said the CEO of the Mirvac builder Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz. "We see a great opportunity".

But renters' advocates stressed it was too early to say if the plan could change the experience of renting in Australia for the better.

Mr Cutcher described the speech as an "interesting shift in rhetoric" but said that unless Australia changed laws allowing landlords to readily evict tenants that renting in Sydney would remain a precarious existence.

"Finding ways to give renters that security without excessively curtailing the rights of property owners is a fine line to walk," the Treasurer said.

A 2017 survey by consumer group Choice found that the short-term nature renters lived with widespread anxiety with one-in-five fearing eviction and nearly 10 per cent being evicted on a "no grounds" basis at least once.

The move comes as NSW Labor announced a scaled-back package of renters' protections at its annual conference that would ban "no cause" evictions and which would oblige landlords to justify excessive rental increases. The party junked a plan for capping rent raises, however.

Under housing affordability measures aimed at owners announced in June, the state government said it would offer more than $1 billion in stamp duty concessions to buyers of cheaper properties to help level the playing field of the housing market.