Random Thoughts: Socialism, Communism, and Google

True socialism has never been tried. That would kill a country instantly instead of slowly weakening it.

Could someone very slowly and carefully explain to me what a “buttered roll” is?

Coconuts grow on deserted islands because that’s the only place anyone would be tempted to eat one.
“So what kind of fruit does this tree have?”
“It’s a… brown hairy ball full of wax.”
“Can… can trees have mental problems?”

So before today, did anyone else know you could put butter on a roll and eat it? I just used rolls as something to chuck at squirrels.

Most action movies are cheering on bad guys getting shot. I guess the more grounded in reality, the more “problematic” that becomes.
Taken was kind of in that mold, and it was very popular. At the cinema, we tend to like the simple, unapologetic solution to evil.

Is a poem written on a statue binding law? Before you answer, know that the statue is very very big.

He’s a father who after an unspeakable tragedy no longer cares if SJWs come after him en masse. It’s Bruce Willis in Problematic Wish.
“You can’t just gleefully gun down thugs without being contemplative about the underlying socioeconomic concerns!”
“Try and stop me.”

Considering the record, if you still support Communism over Capitalism, you absolutely, positively do not care about famine or the poor.
With the record of Capitalism versus Communism on famine, that’s like comparing a prime rib dinner to a shotgun to the groin.

Difference between Nazi and Communist is when you say how horrible Nazis have been, they don’t say, “Well, real Nazism has never been tried”

Really, though, who cares about the NYT? When was the last time they influenced anyone who wasn’t already a mindless left-wing partisan?

The difference between a prophet and a scientist is that there are more specific qualifications to being called a prophet.
We’d all be much smarter if journalists were required to replace “scientists say” with “some guys say”.
Then you’d ask, “Who are these guys and why should I believe them?” Questions some people think the term “scientist” answers when it doesn’t.

Guys, come on. Keep quiet on spoilers for the next 40 years while I’m waiting for George R.R. Martin to finish the books.

NYC having best pizza sounds like a dumb urban legend. You can just copy whatever recipes they have and make it the same in any other city.
Same for bagels.

Isn’t limiting the acceptable areas of discussion more anti-science than anything else?

So is Google even going to attempt to refute what the guy said or are they just going to fire him?

Whoever thought promoting diversity and tolerance would so often involve screaming, “Burn the witch!”?

Looking like 2020 will again be an easy choice between a cartoonish, moron buffoon and people who will constantly lie and try to destroy you.

There’s a hotline to call to report any nuclear wars you see.

The North is definitely my least favorite of the Koreas.

I’m all for tolerance as long as it’s for things I approve of.

What struck me about the Google memo was how earnest it was. He honestly thought he was going to foster a discussion.
He thought response would be “Here’s where you’re wrong and where your biases are blinding you.” Instead it was “You hate diversity! Fired!”
He comes off as this poor, naive guy who foolishly believed people who disagreed with you had other settings than “Crush! Kill! Destroy!”
Lesson learned for other Google employees: Stick to quietly seething.

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Maybe If They’d Declared It in ALL CAPS

Two people were fatally shot during a three-day ‘Cease Fire‘ called for by Baltimore citizens and supported by Mayor Catherine Pugh.

The fools! If only they’d posted more “gun free zone” signs.

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Cartoon of the Day – Promises

[Steve Kelley – GoComics]

Yep. Lying liars lie. Party doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to that.

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Tuesday Night Open Thread

I haven’t had a Coke in some time. The longest I have gone without a Coke, since I started drinking Cokes, was early in the Army, when I went around three months without one. Well, since December, when I was hospitalized twice, I have only had one Coke, that that was only about ¼ of a Coke, and that was in March.

If you know how to read a calendar, you know that March was around five months ago. And, if you know math, you know that five is usually a larger number than three. So, I’ve now exceeded the time in the Army when I went without a Coke.

That Army thing was in the U.S., not during any deployment. I was able to get Cokes during all my deployments. Not every day, but I never went three months without a Coke, other than my first few months in the service. At the end of that three months, I was looking forward to a Coke. Right now? Nope. I’m not drinking Cokes because I’m not wanting a Coke.

[The YouTube]

Yep, Harvey posted this one time before, but a whole slew of things happened and that post isn’t currently available. So, I don’t mind posting it again.

What about you? Is there something you’d like to talk about? We’re here and we’re waiting. It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread, after all.

Who wants to start?

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Who Therapies the Therapizers?

Now becoming a thing on Facebook: robot therapists.

Who will themselves eventually get depressed and need therapy because they aren’t getting enough likes.

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Can’t Help Wondering Why This Wasn’t One of His Earliest Projects

[Primitive Technology: Sandals] (Viewer #3,837,452)

That “look at my cracked foot” shot at :18 made me wince a little bit. That can’t be comfortable.

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Link of the Day: I Actually Saw This Once Back Before the Internet Came Along and Jaded Everyone to Death

This Is What Over 100 Years Of Circus History Looks Like

[Despite this being BuzzFeed, it actually has all the pictures on one page instead of making you click your way through an interminable slideshow]

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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And Then Opening in Biker Bars

L’Oreal says that if current trends continue, male cosmetics counters could hit department stores in five years.

Uh huh… and if trends always continued, everyone in America would own a pet rock by now.

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It’s the New Peace Sign, Hippies

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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Straight Line of the Day: The Trump White House Reportedly Has an Enemies List. At the Top…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The Trump White House reportedly has an enemies list. At the top…

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The Illustrated Frank J: Your Pink Hat Will Become As Worthless As Confederate Currency


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Crocodile Un-Dee

North Korea has threatened “thousands-fold” revenge against the United States for imposing sanctions on it following that nations recent ballistic missile testing.

Oh no! You mean they might start blowing up fish off OUR coast, too?

[title reference link]

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Cartoon of the Day – Slogan

[Michael P. Ramirez]

It’s all the same, whether you call it poop, crap, number 2, or whatever, it’s all the same.

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Monday Night Open Thread

Harvey has been studying women’s fashion.

Why has he been studying women’s fashion?

I don’t know. Go ask him.

What else would you like to talk about? I mean, Harvey has the whole women’s fashion thing going at his blog. So, what else you wanna talk about?

It’s Monday Night Open Thread. Your turn to direct the conversation.

Who wants to start?

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It’s the Best Medicine for a Sick Planet

A new report shows that Al Gore’s Nashville estate expends 21 times more energy in a year than the typical US home.

To be fair, though, he laughs 21 times harder all the way to the bank at the suckers who buy his books, movies, and lecture tickets, so it all balances out.

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