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Off duty cop bashed on his drive home in Kununurra

Phil Hickey

Published: August 12 2017 - 3:39PM

The WA Police Union says it is 'horrified' by the level of violence towards officers, after an off duty officer on his way home was bashed by two people in WA's Kimberley region.

The male Constable was driving in Kununurra after finishing his shift at about 10pm on Friday when he saw a woman throw a rock at a vehicle travelling in front of him.

The woman then allegedly threw a rock at the officer's car. The officer got out and identified himself as a police officer.

It's alleged the woman then assaulted the officer and was joined by a man who continued assaulting him.

The officer received facial injuries and fell to the ground. He managed to break free and call for help, before he was again assaulted by the pair.

Other officers arrived at the scene and restrained the man and woman.

The Constable was taken to hospital for treatment and received stitches to a wound on his nose.  He also received bruising and scratches to his face and body.

Kununurra Detectives have charged a 27-year-old man and 26-year-old woman with assault public officer.

"This is yet another callous attack on an off-duty officer who was just trying to get home after his shift," police union president George Tilbury said.

"Instead, the officer was taken to hospital and needed stiches to close the lacerations to his face from this attack. He has significant swelling and bruising and is currently recovering at home."

Mr Tilbury said a Kalgoorlie officer was also assaulted last night when police were arresting a man for disorderly behaviour.

Officers were putting the man into the back of a police van when he kicked out at an officer, striking his neck.

"I am horrified by the level of violence directed to those who are simply doing their job to protec​t the community. It is appalling and a real example of what police face 24/7," Mr Tilbury added.

"I encourage the Premier to take a look at these recent assaults and ask whether he would be prepared to face this danger for an extra $1,000 per year. I don't think he would."

Hundreds of police officers demanding a higher pay rise rallied outside WA Parliament this week.

The union says its officers want the government to stick to its original 1.5 per cent wage deal, after breaking an election promise and announcing all public servants' pay increases would be capped at $1000 a year.

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/off-duty-cop-bashed-on-his-drive-home-in-kununurra-20170812-gxustg.html