- published: 25 Mar 2017
- views: 8
Hubei (Chinese: 湖北; pinyin: Húběi; Wade–Giles: Hu-pei) is a province of China, located in the easternmost part of Central China. The name of the province means "north of the lake", referring to its position north of Dongting Lake. The provincial capital is Wuhan, a major transportation thoroughfare and the political, cultural, and economic hub of Central China.
Hubei is officially abbreviated to "鄂" (È), an ancient name associated with the eastern part of the province since the Qin dynasty, while a popular name for Hubei is "楚" (Chǔ), after the powerful State of Chu that existed here during the Eastern Zhou dynasty. It borders Henan to the north, Anhui to the east, Jiangxi to the southeast, Hunan to the south, Chongqing to the west, and Shaanxi to the northwest. The high-profile Three Gorges Dam is located at Yichang, in the west of the province.
The Hubei region was home to sophisticated Neolithic cultures. By the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BC), the territory of today's Hubei was part of the powerful State of Chu. Chu was nominally a tributary state of the Zhou dynasty, and it was itself an extension of the Chinese civilization that had emerged some centuries before in the north; but it was also a culturally unique blend of northern and southern culture, and was a powerful state that held onto much of the middle and lower Yangtze River, with power extending northwards into the North China Plain.
Chinese can refer to:
Yuan Li may refer to:
Li Min is the name of:
American Chinese cuisine, known in the United States as simply Chinese cuisine, is a style of food developed by Americans of Chinese descent and served in many North American Chinese restaurants. The dishes typically served in restaurants cater to American tastes and differ significantly from Chinese cuisine in China itself. Although China has various regional cuisines, Cantonese cuisine has been the most influential regional cuisine in the development of American Chinese food.
Chinese immigrants arrived in the United States due to the high demand for miners and railroad workers. As large groups of Chinese immigrants arrived, Chinatowns began to emerge in America where immigrants also started their own small businesses, including restaurants and laundry services. In the 19th century, Chinese in San Francisco operated sophisticated and sometimes luxurious restaurants patronized mainly by Chinese, while restaurants in smaller towns (mostly owned by Chinese immigrants) served what their customers requested, ranging from pork chop sandwiches and apple pie to beans and eggs. Since the beginning, Chinese restaurants were opened by Chinese immigrants and many of them were self-taught family cooks who improvised on different cooking methods and ingredients. These smaller restaurants developed American Chinese cuisine where they modified their food to suit a more American palate. First catering to miners and railroad workers, they established new eateries in towns where Chinese food was completely unknown, adapting local ingredients and catering to their customers' tastes. Even with new flavors and dishes, these Chinese restaurants have been cultural ambassadors to Americans.
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Another rare performance by Venerable Daoist Priest Guo Gaoyi (1921 - 1996) of a version of Taiyi Sword at the Zixiao Palace on Wudang Mountain in Hubei Province, China. _______________ Taiping Wudang Boxing http://www.satirio.com/ma/wudang/development.html
Chinese Countryside Minority Cultures and Turism - 中国县乡旅游#民族乡俗文化: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf8c1qp5Bsq86ORalc__-SouOmZyeeV2a 坐落在长江中下游南岸的药姑山又名龙窖山,为幕阜山余脉,跨湘鄂两省四县,临湘、通城、崇阳、赤壁毗邻,方圆200余平方公里,由7峰、10岭、11山组成。有“瑶胞故园”、“天然药库”之称。 药姑山药材资源丰富,历史上就有江南“天然药库”的美誉,明代杰出的医药家李时珍多次到药姑山采集药物标本。这里的药物种类繁多,计有草本、木本、藤本、真菌等植物1700多种。贵重药材有人参、党参、太子参等,药用动物有蛤蚧、油蛙、蕲蛇等。因此药姑山成为明朝著名医药学家李时珍采集药物和研究药物学的重要基地。他为编写《本草纲目》,足迹踏遍药姑山,曾云“药姑山上百草全,只缺甘草与黄莲”。他曾在此研究蕲蛇,写成《蕲蛇传》。当地至今还流传着许多李时珍在此山采药时的趣闻逸事。传说神仙吕洞宾也多次按落云头迷恋山中美景。其实,药姑山名称由来就和医药紧密联系。相传很多年前,从外地来此山结庵居住的李氏三姐妹,喝泉水,食野草,箬叶遮身,故又名箬姑山。后来一种叫“打摆子”(疟疾)的病在当地流行,李氏三姐妹在山上遍采百药,反复配方,亲口尝试其药性药效,找到一“有病治病、无病防灾”的药剂,挨家挨户送到当地百姓家中,分文不取,使人们免遭疾病的困扰。百姓对李氏三姐妹感激不尽,把她们视为下凡神仙,在家中设立牌位,天天烧香,顶礼膜拜。三姐妹的善行感动了上天,王母娘娘把她们升天成仙,封为司药女神,专司人间百草,此山就此称药姑山了。山上还有李氏三姐妹升天成仙的遗址三仙坛。 药姑山是瑶族历史上早期千家峒是古瑶先民心中的世外桃源,其历史悠久,文化深厚。并留下了大量石屋...
Chinese Symbols for Hubei Province. Part of the series: Chinese Symbol Radicals Yi 4 & You 4. Learn Chinese symbols for the "Hubei province" with tips on writing and pronouncing Chinese characters from a Chinese language teacher in this free video on Chinese words and phrases. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_4537744_chinese-symbols-hubei-province.html
Rick Barrett demonstrates Luoxuanzhang in Hubei province, China. This was a celebration commemorating the 132nd anniversary of the school founded by Master Yang Fukui's great granduncle. He is the author of two books: Finding You in a World of It (www.amazon.com/finding-You-world-Rick-Barrett/dp/0996058850) Taijiquan, Through the Western Gate (www.amazon.com/Taijiquan-Through-Western-Rick-Barrett/dp/1583941398) For more info please visit rickbarrett.net Thank you for watching and please subscribe to our channel!
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Composer: Daniel Fawcett (1991- ) Performers: Piano/Small Gong, Tong Liu Piano, Stefani Babić I. ("Bianqing") at 0:00 II. ("Jú Huā") at 2:07 Performed at Chicago College of Performing Arts You guys are awesome!!! Note: The music is my own. Images are borrowed with non-commercial intent.
Chinese Erhu Music Featured Gem 中国二胡音乐精选: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf8c1qp5Bsq80uBEFjDwptL9MJuC3wtoa 张广明出生于上世纪50年代,1988年,他参加湖北省民间音乐、舞蹈电视比赛一举夺冠,获得金奖。1989年,他随省民间艺术团出访德国,他的演出深深吸引了外国友人,倍受同仁赞赏。同年被特邀参加第二届中国艺术节。后评为全国优秀二胡指导教师,并任咸宁学院音乐系二胡教授。 --- The other featured Chinese culture playlist are shown below --- -Delicious Chinese Food - 中华美食- Famous Chinese Food Brand - 知名中国美食: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW4pEJ-Ymaw&list;=PLf8c1qp5Bsq9CajoYUQf27SeNif8K56FE Chinese Food Documentory - China on the Tongue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyvaXl7VZpo&list;=PLf8c1qp5Bsq_1wsZr2JqZ5pz4OKMldJz3 -Chinese Kungfu - 中国功夫 | 健身气功 - Chinese kungfu Movie Clips Featured Gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtaCI-BVS8o&list;=PLf8c1qp5Bsq-egA68UipNsbEQEJCt7wH0 Chinese Kungfu Tai Chi - 中国功夫_太极: https://...
The title "Imperial Bells of China" is something of a misnomer, since the bells used in this splendid performance and recording were the property of the Marquis Yi of Zheng during the Warring States period, about two hundred years before the King of Qin declared himself Emperor. But never mind any of that. Just enjoy this noble music, played on instruments over 2,400 years old!
This video is an athlete competing at the 2012 China Women's Wushu Nationals, held in Jinzhong city, Shanxi Province from September 21-23. For more information, videos and blogs from this event please visit the dedicated page at http://wushuzilla.com/2012womens
Yuan Li Min of Xuan Wu Pai performs Wudang Sword for an Interview with Hubei Television in July 2009。The interview, featuring Yuan Li Min and his student, Lucia Ring-Watkins, has also been uploaded. For Wudang Tai Chi and Qi Gong in the UK go to www.wudang-pai.co.uk for community classes and www.flowtogether.co.uk for classes in the workplace. 玄武派的袁理敏表演武当剑。2009年7月。
From the Wudang San Feng Wushu school at Wudang Mountain (near the Temple of the Eight Immortals *Ba Xian Guan* - Wudang Mountain, Hubei , China ) The 15th Generation Successors Yuan Li Min of Xuan Wu Pai performs the - Wudang tai yi mian zhang. 武當三豐武術學校- 館長袁理敏道長(中國湖北.武當山.八仙觀) 武當玄武派 第十五代武術傳人 演示 - 武當太乙綿掌 武當內家拳宗以"水"的哲學思想延伸而出的武當太乙綿掌,可謂微妙精緻,綿者,柔也;武當太乙綿掌剛柔相濟、陰陽相隨、不僵不滯,看似柔弱無骨,實則綿裡藏鐵。所謂剛則易折,柔則長勝,此拳充分體現了道家以柔克剛的真諦。 以下是 武當袁理敏道長近幾年賽事及武術活動回顧: 2001年 - 在武當拳國際聯誼大會上獲劍術冠軍(武當丹劍)。 2002年 - 在峨嵋山,代表武當山參加了"武當、少林、峨嵋"群英會。 2003年- 4月,應邀赴台灣做武當武術表演,影響巨大,台灣各大報均整版報導。 袁理敏還以武當弟子的身份多次為中央首長、外國元首和海內外友人做精彩武當武術表演。 2004年五月:率武當山功夫團隨十堰招商隊伍前往香港參加活動時,受到金庸的親切接見和對其功夫的高度評價,並贈書致詞:"觀其劍技,傾倒之至" 於2005年正式組建武當武術團。
Flor da montanha da etnia Yi : cerimônia de casamento. A crença da união dos noivos através do pentear e entrelaçar dos longos cabelos.
English Sub -Minute 19.45-Please help for better translation This English sub Credit to NBH -Youtube Account. Chinese folk song is inspired by everyday life of the Chinese working people and is passed down and elaborated from generation to generation. Folk music features simple language, vivid imagery, and has many genres and forms. Here collected are the top 10 most famous Chines folk songs, enjoy and let me know which one you like best. Mo Li Hua : 茉莉花; pinyin: Mòlìhuā; literally: "Jasmine Flower" is a popular Chinese folk song. The song dates back to the 18th century. In time, many regional variations were created, and the song gained popularity both in China and abroad. It has been used during events such as 2004 Summer Olympics, 2008 Summer Olympics and 2010 Shanghai Expo opening...
Today is Ted's first day in Wuhan, and he spends it visiting the Hubei Provincial Museum. Visit http://teach-english-in-china.co.uk/ for more info about our programme. To apply send a CV and cover letter to: info@teach-english-in-china.co.uk
Sorry for longtime no uploading because I just came back from China. This is my second trip from China. This time I would like to bring you to South and West of China for exploring and traveling the Next time I will record the North China to explore and reveal the Chinese secret city Thank you for your sharing , following and subscribing. ^_^
Follow me on Insta: http://bit.ly/2c5ojch And subscribe to my channel here: http://bit.ly/2cCy2ub Chinese Street Food Wuhan - Chinese Street Food - Street Food China Chinese street food and Chinese Food is something I’m always eating and traveling for. So I took the high speed train to Wuhan, China and have been eating street food and noodles non stop. Best Street Food and noodles! The Chinese food is so good in Wuhan! I've eaten street food in Bejing, street food in Shanghai, and street food in Chengdu, Street Food in Xi’an, all of which has been amazing, and the street food in Wuhan is my new addition to the street food around the world and street food in China series. The street food in Wuhan was so delicious. The Chinese restaurant food was also very nice! I had some amazing noodles a...
i went back home for a week and i was totally stunned by the amazing views i haven't seen for 3 years . since i moved to Guangzhou 3 years ago and studied in aother city for 4 years , i haven't been back for 7 years . well , in cities , the changes are huge. old buildings are replaced by modern-looked high rise commercial building . while in the countryside , the traditional housing , farming could still be seen . a harmony between human and nature, where people grow their own food , farm their own animals . everything on the dinning table are ---in modern standards -- organic. Because chemical pesticide , ferterlizer are replaced by natually -made things like the ashes of wood could be sprayed on the leaves of vegetable as natual pesicides
Hubei is a Province of China, located in the central China region, with Wuhan as Capital city.
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Best places to visit - Jingmen (China) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Like what you see? Buy us lunch (or a new camera!) using PayPal: http://tinyurl.com/kzdd338 A short collage of clips from a Monkeetime trip to Wuhan, China. This was supposed to be a much longer trip, but got derailed on the account of huge technical difficulties with the camera, and the related loss of motivation. In any case, here it is. Enjoy. Part One is all about getting there, setting in, checking out the Yangtze River (Asia's longest), and getting some food into us after that hugely long train trip. ☑SUBSCRIBE ☑LIKE ☑SHARE ☐GET ON PLANE FOLLOW THE MONKEE! ✩ Blog/Website - http://www.monkeetime.com ✩ FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/monkeetime ✩ Twitter - https://twitter.com/monkeetimevideo
Audley product executive Isabel recorded this footage on her exploratory trip to the Guizhou Province of China. "My exploratory research trip in Southwest China took me to the verdant hilltop towns of Guizhou province where I was awarded a rare insight into the daily lives of the Miao and Dong minority cultures. Here I learnt the age-old technique of fishing with a wicker basket in the rice terraces, took in some incredible far-reaching landscapes whilst hiking from village to village and immersed myself in the heritage of their most valued festivals, musical instruments and ceremonial dress." Start planning your own tailor-made trip by calling our China specialists. UK 01993 838 220 US 1-855-834-8220 Canada 1-855-834-8220 Or visit https://www.audleytravel.com/china
Wherever i go, you go. i hope you really enjoy it. You can follow on Instagram : PB_Naruebet .
An in-depth Q&A; with smarTours Product Manager Nancy Stern about her recent to China, with a focus on her time in undiscovered Wuhan, the capital of the province of Hubei. Nancy also discusses the changes she's seen in China over time. For our 15 day "China Highlights & Undiscovered Wuhan" trip, please visit the trip page: https://www.smartours.com/tour/china-highlights-undiscovered-wuhan/
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Don't cry baby
It's no big deal
It's not like it really matters
How I feel
I knew that you would break my heart
I knew it right from the start
But I wouldn't listen to a thing
How could I have been a fool
To put my trust in you
And how did I get here
Drowning in your tears
When you were nowhere near
I can't get mad at you
Over what you put me through
It's what stupid people do
Don't say maybe
'Cause that won't do
Here to take on tomorrow
It's nothing new
I heard you went around the block
Making all your frequent stops
But I wouldn't listen to a thing
It's what stupid do
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Stupid people do
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Yeah Yeah Yeah
I don't need your sympathy
So get used to never seeing me ...dork
Don't' cry baby, it's no big deal
Stupid people do
I don't need your sympathy