Daily Life

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My day on a plate: Sophie Falkiner

TV presenter, Sophie Falkiner, 43, shares her day on a plate.

7am One slice of spelt toast with avocado and poached eggs, with fresh spinach and tomatoes on the side. (I eat my son's leftover avocado toast, too.) Dandelion tea with almond milk and cinnamon.

9.30am An almond milk cappuccino – I'm sensitive to cow's milk.

11am An apple and a few almonds while I run errands.

12.45pm Home-made chicken and vegetable soup left over from last night's dinner. Half a slice of spelt toast with more avocado – yes, I have an addiction.

3.30pm Carrot and celery sticks with hummus for afternoon tea with the kids.


6pm A glass of pinot noir.

7pm A friend makes me dinner – fillet of beef on the barbecue, roasted potato and sweet potato, and a salad of rocket, pear and pine nuts. Another glass of pinot. Two pieces of dark chocolate for dessert.

10pm Dandelion tea before bed.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… A pretty spot-on day. I love that you got a couple of vegies into breakfast with your eggs and used up leftovers for lunch – they're nutritious while minimising food waste. Your wholefood snacks were ideal.

If you keep eating like this you'll… Have to find alternative sources of calcium, since you can't have dairy, otherwise you risk your bones weakening in later life. Almonds, hummus and a few vegies don't supply all your daily requirements.

Why don't you try… Boosting your calcium intake by including small fish with soft edible bones such as sardines or canned salmon. Other good sources include tofu, calcium-fortified soy milk, vegies such as broccoli, bok choy and silverbeet, and dried apricots and figs.

Sophie Falkiner is an ambassador for Jeans for Genes day, which takes place on August 4; jeansforgenes.org.au.