Daily Life

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My day on a plate: Darren McMullen

TV host Darren McMullen, 35, shares his day on a plate.

7am - Woke up, way too early I might add.  I really must get better curtains that don't let the sun in. Inspired by Jamie Oliver YouTube videos, I'm going to try and poach an egg. Thirty minutes later, two bits of gluten free toast ('cause I'm allergic to the tasty stuff), topped with some very dodgy looking poached eggs. All washed down with an almond milk latte.  

11am - I walk past a new cafe I haven't seen before. The guy out the front tells me he has the best gluten-free muffins I will ever try. I tell him I don't believe him. He says he'll give me my money back if they're not. I tried a blueberry one, I have to admit it was bloody fantastic BUT it's not the best I've ever had. I don't have the heart to tell him though, so I let him keep my money even though a deal is a deal. I also polish off my second almond milk latte, with honey. 

1pm - Walking through the rain in Sydney without an umbrella, dreaming about my holiday in Bali last week. Wondering why the hell I'm not still there, when out of nowhere, a sign from the Gods landed - Nasi Goreng now being served at my favourite cafe in Surry Hills.  If I can't be in Bali, I can at least eat Bali.

3pm - I eat an ice cream, even though it's freezing outside and I'm not that hungry. I feel a little guilty for a second but then convince myself it's fine because it was gluten and dairy free. 

8pm - I have a business dinner at Gowings restaurant at QT hotel in Sydney. Started off with some Moules Frites, or as they're known here in Australia, Mussels and Chips. Then I had the most amazing Line Caught SA Snapper with lemon butter sauce, frisée (whatever that is) mint and a salad.  I was feeling way too healthy after  all that so I washed it all down with a bottle of white wine. 


Dr Joanna McMillan says: 

Top marks for…The seafood dinner. Mussels are fabulously rich in minerals including zinc - essential for men as your sperm needs it - and iodine, essential for thyroid hormone production and often low in Australian diets. Along with the fish this meal was a good source of anti-inflammatory long chain omega-3 fats and the salad greens (frisée is a salad leaf) added antioxidants including vitamin C. I'm prepared to overlook the fries.

If you keep eating like this you'll… Avoid major nutrition related problems, but neither will you optimise your health. You did well at dinner with veggies, but the other meals were short and you had no fruit (bar the few blueberries in the muffin), no nuts or seeds (hardly any nuts are used to make almond milk), no legumes and no wholegrains. Also I hate to tell you but ice cream is not dairy free… did you mean sorbet?

Why don't you try…Adding some wilted spinach, mushrooms and grilled tomato to your breakfast. Snack on a handful of nuts. Swap the ice-cream for a fruit salad with yoghurt or if you need a dairy free option choose a soy or coconut yoghurt. 

Darren McMullen is the host of Behave Yourself, starting Tuesday at 8.30pm on 7.