- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 1633
A cookie is a small, flat, sweet, baked good, usually containing flour, eggs, sugar, and either butter, cooking oil or another oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips or nuts.
In most English-speaking countries except for the US and Canada, crisp cookies are called biscuits. Chewier cookies are commonly called cookies even in the UK. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars.
Cookies may be mass-produced in factories, made in small bakeries or home-made. Cookie variants include sandwich cookies, which are using two thin cookies with a filling of creme (e.g., Oreos), marshmallow or jam and dipping the cookie in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses, with the latter ranging from small business-sized establishments to multinational corporations such as Starbucks.
Daylight saving time (DST) or summer time is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months by one hour so that in the evening daylight is experienced an hour longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Typically, regions with summer time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time.
New Zealander George Hudson proposed the modern idea of daylight saving in 1895.Germany and Austria-Hungary organized the first nationwide implementation, starting on 30 April 1916. Many countries have used it at various times since then, particularly since the energy crisis of the 1970s.
The practice has received both advocacy and criticism. Putting clocks forward benefits retailing, sports, and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours, but can cause problems for evening entertainment and for other activities tied to sunlight, such as farming. Although some early proponents of DST aimed to reduce evening use of incandescent lighting, which used to be a primary use of electricity, modern heating and cooling usage patterns differ greatly and research about how DST affects energy use is limited or contradictory.
Stephy: 陪作家渡假 狂揭書看畫 你像梵高嗎 多麼的瀟灑 Theresa: 陪作家渡假 攜帶一幅畫 印象派美麗嗎 你給我浪漫的花 Kary+Miki: 夏季給我獨佔天空宇宙 Stephy+Theresa:隨意夢遊亂跳永不休 合: 穿過世紀只想握緊你手 合: 跳入時光中 與畢加索溝通 畫面輕抱著我 可愛的天空 浸入陽光中 赤裸裸聽海風 巴哈擁抱著我 演奏於天空 A song for summer time Summer time Summer time(Miki:Summer time) Miki: 陪記憶渡假 曾拜訪過他 你是梵高嗎 真的很瀟灑 Kary: 陪作家渡假 崇拜卡夫卡 細味小說密碼 懶得理世界喧嘩 Stephy+Theresa: 夏季總有力去爭取快樂 Miki+Kary: 隨意夢遊別去理工作 合: 走向沙灘海面閃閃發光 合: 跳入時光中 與畢加索相擁 畫面輕抱著我 可愛的天空 浸入陽光中 與巴哈再相擁 聲音跟我撞碰 演奏於天空 A song for summer time Summer time Summer time (Kary:Summer time) 合: 跳入時光中 與畢加索相擁 畫面輕抱著我 可愛的天空 浸入陽光中 與巴哈再相擁 聲音跟我撞碰 演奏於天空 ...
'Little Comfort' "在每個徬徨無助的時刻,聆聽這首曲子,就像躺在温暖的棉价上,可以放心自在地夢遊天際"
A small piece of music that can always make me melt into the peace.
配樂基地 版權音樂 www.mbase.com *由多元領域的精銳音樂人組成的配樂團隊 *完善合法的授權,迅速完成授權 *便利的全曲試聽及MP3試用下載 *專業的配樂訂製 影片配樂/電視電影配樂/電話網站背景音樂/遊戲配樂/各式配樂等 04-3704-0110 mbasetaiwan@gmail.com 歡迎洽詢 Dora專員
歌詞是對魔鏡的 上傳後才發現有些歌詞不對= =
我是谷阿莫的副頻道,每隔一段時間才會把影片備份到此處,想看最新影片請到主頻道觀看。 若有問題請直接寄信給我:amoverygood@gmail.com 主頻道:https://goo.gl/5TpPdd 副頻道:https://goo.gl/q0Ww3w 小窩:https://goo.gl/eSVK2E 我是谷阿莫,very good的阿莫,科科,來這邊只是聽我說一個我喜歡的故事,我不評論原始故事背後的含意或導演拍攝的用意,因為那些東西每個人都有不同的看法,有空還是要自己去看原創故事喔,謝謝。
真相,就在時間的另一個盡頭! 全球賣座超過10億美金的《魔境夢遊》回來了,所有的角色全員到齊,還加入了脾氣暴躁卻又處處出糗的新角色「時光怪客」,要再次帶領觀眾經歷魔境世界的奇幻冒險。續集發生在三年後,此時愛麗絲已是遊歷四方的成功船長,但好友瘋狂帽客卻面臨死亡威脅!愛麗絲必須從自大傲慢的時光怪客手上,偷走能回到過去的時空轉移球,找到帽客生病的癥結,卻意外發現紅白皇后的秘密,原來,兩人也曾經是好姊妹,直到看似溫柔婉約的白皇后,做了不可告人的舉動,讓紅皇后大受打擊,從此性情大變…… 目睹這一切的愛麗絲,想透過時空轉移球的能力,回到一切發生的起點,改變魔境世界的命運! 迪士尼影業粉絲頁: https:/www.facebook.com/disneymoviesTaiwan 迪士尼影業官方YouTube 頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/disneymoviestw