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Despite the rhetoric, here's why Islamophobes don't want Yassmin to go

 It's 2018, and every Muslim in Australia has been interned. The "radicals", the "moderates", the devout, the nominal, the Aussie-born, the migrants, the Logie winner, the TV hosts, the Q&A; guests. The lot. Australia is now a Muslim-free country.

Has Islamophobia won? Well, no. Because despite the rhetoric and hysteria, this is precisely what Islamophobia does not want.

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You see, Islamophobia needs Muslims. Not because it "needs an enemy". But because Islamophobia is driven by the same logics that define patriarchy.

This is very different to saying that Islamophobia is about hating Muslims. If only it were that simple. Think about how much easier it is to challenge misogyny – hatred of women – than it is to challenge patriarchy – a society structured on male domination, privilege and control. In the patriarchal utopia, women are not removed from society, but they exist within a space that seeks to contain, groom, control and possess them.

This, too, is the goal of Islamophobia, and nothing has demonstrated its internal patriarchal logic more clearly than the treatment of Yassmin Abdel-Magied – who, after weathering months of intense Islamophobic backlash, drew further ire this week when she announced she's decided to leave the country.

Abdel-Magied has come to represent everything that Islamophobia hates – but actually loves– about "the Muslim problem". It's a game of seeing how far "the Muslim" can be controlled and disciplined. Like men who enjoy asserting power over women's lives, there is a perverted pleasure in this exercise of seeking to dominate Muslim lives – telling Muslims how and where to dress, speak, eat, worship, and live.


For a while, Abdel-Magied was pretty much the "good moderate Muslim": youth activist, respectable profession, ABC presenter, member of the Council of Australian Arab Relations, "moderate enough" to attend a Ramadan iftar with the Prime Minister (even pose in a selfie with him) and to tour the Middle East promoting so-called Australian values. She was a "safe" Muslim who seemed to know her place.

It all fell apart when she dared to express an opinion that deviated from acceptable scripts Muslims may use when speaking publicly. It fell apart even more dramatically because up until then, she had been considered "safe". It's when the "good woman" deviates that society loses the plot.

"Islam to me is the most feminist religion," Abdel-Magied said on national television in February, provoking a media and political storm and public petition calling for her to be sacked. Is there anything more subversive than a woman who insists on defining herself on her own terms?

Fast forward to Anzac Day this year, when Abdel-Magied sent out that tweet. Patriarchal Islamophobia rallied its mob, demanding Abdel-Magied be punished. This was a reminder for Muslims to understand they will get less free speech – from many of the same people who claim racial discrimination laws infringe on their right to speak freely. Like women who need to be reminded that they will earn less pay. It's not hatred. It's a system of privilege and domination.

The disciplinary tone in the statements by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop to Abdel-Magied's Anzac Day tweet demonstrates how Islamophobia is essentially about control.

Turnbull said she had '"done a silly thing". Bishop explained that she had decided not to sack Abdel-Magied from CAAR because she had removed the post on the same day, "apologised profusely", "did not seek to defend her words" and had "communicated a positive image of Australia as an inclusive, tolerant and multicultural nation where civic participation of Arab-Australians, and particularly women, is valued". This was the equivalent of satisfying the mob that the trouble-making woman had been reined in and would no longer cause any trouble.

This week's reaction – including national media coverage – to Abdel-Magied's tweet announcing that she is moving to London was particularly frightening.

There was the "good riddance" crowd, operating under the logic that is satisfied enough when a troublesome woman has been ejected from a space men claim as their own. Then there was Channel Seven's Facebook poll, asking followers to vote if Abdel-Magied should leave or "face her critics", in much the same way women in abusive situations are often denied the right to exercise any agency or choice on how to live their lives and respond to abuse.

Then there were those who were incensed that Abdel-Magied was moving to London. How dare she choose London over us? She deserves a country where she will be subjected to "shariah" stonings/lashings. The equivalent of "If she rejects me, she deserves to suffer".

These multiple responses lay bare that Islamophobia is fundamentally about seeking to control and dominate Muslims, trying to groom a particular kind of Aussie Muslim: compliant, quiet, conformist.

While some people may very well dream of a "Muslim-free Australia", the more dangerous and normalised expression of Islamophobia is one that influences how Muslims are treated – from the far right to parts of the "soft" grooming politics of parts of the liberal left.

You don't need internment for that kind of project. You just need a very effective disciplinary system to kick in every time a Muslim deemed "subversive" steps out of line.

The irony of the overall appalling treatment of Abdel-Magied is that it has vindicated the many Muslims who have been saying for years that Islamophobia doesn't care if you're the "model moderate" Muslim.

Sooner or later, Islamophobes will concoct a transgression and come after you simply to send a message to the wider community that dominating is far more important and effective than "hating".

One of the most disturbing consequences of this is the chilling effect it creates. Many Muslim women avoid the media, think twice about public interventions because the personal cost is so vicious and so high.

What we are facing is symbolic internment: the removal of Muslim women from the public domain. This is unacceptable. More needs to be done to protect the right of Muslim women to feel safe when speaking publicly.

Randa Abdel-Fattah is an award-winning author and Honorary Research Fellow at Macquarie University researching Islamophobia and racism. 


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