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Margaret Court sounds off again: WA tennis greats weigh in on same sex marriage

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Former tennis champion Margaret Court has again gone public with her views against marriage equality, writing a letter to the editor of Western Australia's daily newspaper pleading for people to vote no 'for the sake of Australia, our children, and our children's children'.

The letter was published the morning after current Australian tennis star Casey Dellacqua posted an emotional statement to Facebook on the issue.

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Tim Minchin's plebiscite video goes viral

Tim Minchin mocks the Turnbull government's decision to hold a non-binding postal vote on same-sex marriage in a pithy music video uploaded to his social media channels on Friday.

"I am not usually outspoken about much but I feel it's an important time for me to speak up for my love, my family and my children," Ms Dellacqua wrote.

"The same-sex marriage issue in Australia is something that obviously aligns closely with me. I am disappointed my country, that I have proudly represented for many years, thinks that inequality is ok.

"It's honestly mind boggling to me to think that in 2017 we are still having this discussion. I am over it and I think the rest of Australia is over it too right??!!

"This 'debate' has become harmful and disrespectful to many people (on both sides) and it needs to stop."


But the 'debate' is far from over, with Mrs Court delivering her second serve on same sex marriage on Friday morning as the nation prepares for a same sex marriage postal vote. 

"It is disappointing Australia has to go to any vote on same-sex marriage," Mrs Court wrote to The West Australian.

"We have, ever since foundation, been a proud nation; a nation which people migrated to – to the extent that it eventually had to be restricted.

"Australia's moral values are the envy of the world; nobody wants to leave and there are plenty in the queue wanting to get in. If we have to vote, let us vote no to gay marriage for the sake of Australia, our children and our children's children."

Mrs Court, of City Beach, aired her views on marriage equality in June, when she claimed she would boycott Qantas due to chief executive officer Alan Joyce's advocacy on the matter.

Her comments drew criticism from tennis stars from around the world and calls to rename the Melbourne tennis court named in her honour. 

Ms Dellacqua has two children with her partner Amanda Judd, and rejected Mrs Court's comments in a post-match interview at the French Open in Paris.

"I personally am embarrassed that I will have to sign a piece of paper via snail mail and tick YES to say that my love should be equal," she wrote.

"The love I have for my partner, my family and my children is equal to that of all other Australians.

"I have nothing but absolute love for my country and I hope that by the end of the year this same-sex marriage issue will not be spoken about again and we can all just carry on being respectful, tolerant and compassionate human beings.

"We aren't married (obviously) and we won't be rushing off to get married but I certainly feel WE deserve the right to make that choice if we choose to do so in the future.

"Have a great day guys, peace, happiness and lots of love to you all."

WA composer and comedian Tim Minchin released a politically-charged song on the issue of marriage equality via social media on Friday morning.

The video ends with a personal note from Minchin, stating he believes the plebiscite is "noxious". 

"Polls show that Aussies are overwhelmingly in support of marriage equality," he said.

"Not that it should matter, it's not f---ing X-Factor. But let's drown the mofos in the 'yes' votes."  

Ballot papers for the postal plebiscite will begin arriving in the mail from September 12, and voters have until November 7 to post them back.

While voting is not mandatory, the Australian Electoral Commission reported 68,000 people enrolled to vote on Thursday – in comparison with the daily average of 4,000.