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Australia ACCESS Global MSL Pressure/Thickness/Rainfall Summary

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About ACCESS Global

Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). Based upon the UK Met Office Unified Model system. ACCESS G is the global numerical forecast model operated by the BoM. It is run twice daily (00Z and 12Z) and provides forecast data out to 240 hours with a horizontal resolution of 25km and 70 vertical levels.

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Proper warmth coming to NSW but first a few chilly nights

13:14 EST

Despite the talk of unseasonable warmth, nights and mornings will be a bit on the chilly side this weekend with some frost likely west of the ranges.

Cyclone Debbie: Homeowner who refused to leave after house blew off stumps brings it back to its level best

10:18 EST

A north Queensland man who spent three months living in a house on a sharp slant after it was torn off its stumps by Cyclone Debbie can finally say his house is dead level.

Quokkas frolic in snow on Bluff Knoll as cold front blasts southern WA

18:01 EST

A series of severe cold fronts that have swept across the southern half of Western Australia this week have brought snowfall to Bluff Knoll — and the even more unusual sight of quokkas frolicking in the icy whiteness.