
License article

Apology to Ali Jomaa

On the morning and early afternoon of 10 August 2017, Fairfax Media published an article entitled "Border Force defends agency after corruption arrests". There also appeared on the home page a link entitled "Corruption 'cauterised' ABF head defends agency after arrests".

The article referred to the arrest of a man known as Ali Jomaa on serious drug charges. However both the article and the link included a photograph of a different person also called Ali Jomaa (known as "Ali AJ Jomaa"). That person, the Mr Ali Jomaa who has not been arrested, is completely unconnected to the arrests and crimes discussed.

Fairfax Media unreservedly withdraws all allegations either express or implied in the article which convey any suggestion that the person depicted in the photograph was the person arrested. Fairfax Media sincerely apologises to the Mr Ali Jomaa who had not been arrested (and who appeared in the photograph) for any hurt and embarrassment caused by the article and the link on the home page.