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Malcolm Turnbull: too much to lose if you don't start to lead


One of the most distinguishing posters of the Obama Presidency was an image of his face, under rolling colours, with the single word "HOPE" emblazoned across the bottom in bold capitals. There is little doubt Barack Obama won with the promise of "hope".

By contrast, Tony Abbott's reign as leader saw the emergence of a similar poster, featuring his face, under similar colours, but with the single word "NOPE" emblazoned across the bottom in bold capitals. There is little doubt he established his political reputation as a negative campaigner – he set out to, and succeeded, in "destroying" the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government.

Abbott is at it again, and coming alive, setting out to lead the "NOPE" campaign in the now voluntary postal vote on same-sex marriage. His deliberately divisive "pitch" echoes the successful "NO" strategy of previous referenda: "If you Don't understand it, Don't vote for it" – this time expressed as "And I say to you if you don't like same-sex marriage, vote no. If you are worried about religious freedom and freedom of speech, vote no, and if you don't like political correctness, vote no because voting no will stop political correctness in its tracks".

This is a position driven by "emotion", not "reason". It doesn't seek to go to the substance of the issue, but rather to spuriously link it with other "concerns" and "sensitivities", to foster opposition by division.

Abbott is also deliberately setting himself against Malcolm Turnbull, who has said that he will vote "YES" but, claiming a number of other "challenges on his plate", is reluctant to actively lead the "YES" campaign.


Turnbull has settled with his bizarre and indefensible claim, and ironically almost as a response to previous Abbott statements, that: "Strong leaders carry out their promises. Weak leaders break them. I'm a strong leader."

"Bizarre," yes, because you can't just claim "strong leadership" you must demonstrate it, and if you do, you won't need to claim it.

Unfortunately, Turnbull just doesn't get it. He was able to seize the prime ministership from Abbott with the "promise" of genuine leadership, creating expectations that he would deliver "good government", all policy options would be on the table, no more slogans but solid policy debate and delivery. All against a background where most expected that he actually believed in, and was passionate about, a number of key issues, such as climate, tax reform, and including same-sex marriage.

It all rings very hollow when he has ended up proposing and supporting yet another delay on the inevitable parliamentary vote on same-sex marriage, now in the form of a postal vote, when he is well documented to have previously strongly opposed a plebiscite, and questioned the effectiveness of a postal vote.

Many now ask, legitimately, "Did Malcolm ever really believe in these issues?", or were they simply positions he embraced at the time out of political expediency, to differentiate himself from the then leader?

The rapidly mounting suspicion is that he never really believed in anything but Malcolm. That he just wanted to be PM. That he didn't assume the position with a particular passion for, or commitment to, a particular policy agenda. He loves to claim that "It is an exciting time to be an Australian". Perhaps we should add two more words, "It is an exciting time to be an Australian Prime Minister". Turnbull is obviously enjoying himself, but he obviously doesn't see that this should extend to effective leadership.

Given the expectations with which he became PM, the electorate has every right to expect that he would now show a bit of passion and commitment and pro-actively assume the role of leading the "YES" campaign. To the extent he doesn't, he leaves a vacuum for those intent on running pretty much a "scare campaign", fostering division, even "hate mail", bringing out the worst in our society.

Turnbull has consistently chosen political expediency, and compromise, rather than commitment and substance on this and so many issues.

Moreover, he has not learned from recent history and experience. Gillard left a vacuum to be filled by the Abbott negativity when she changed her mind and committed to "put a price on carbon" in February of that year, and then failed to provide any detail until July. Abbott was able to launch and sustain a massive scare campaign based on a host of exaggerated, and sometimes irrational, certainly indefensible, claims about the likely consequences of pricing carbon.

Indeed, it should also be top of Turnbull's mind how in his recent, disastrous, election campaign, he essentially "ignored" Shorten, and rather than attacking him on his union links and abuses, keeping him on the back foot, he left a vacuum within which Shorten could mount an effective, and again dishonest, "Mediscare campaign".

An expensive, postal plebiscite on same-sex marriage is not where any rational person would have assumed that we could end up. But, here we are. Stand up Malcolm. Get your hands dirty, and LEAD. If you don't there is still a chance that the ultimate parliamentary vote will be lost.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.


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