Category: News

Saudis bribed their way into the heart of U.S. Government

Leading up to today’s release of the redacted 28 pages from the Intelligence Committee Report on the 9/11 Attack, national security officials have beat out a steady drumbeat proclaiming  “conspiracy theorists” would be  sorely disappointed...

The Rigged Democratic Primary in New York

None of what follows—were it known—would likely play well with New York’s liberal Democratic electorate, whether pro-Clinton or pro-Sanders. Forget the long lines. The late openings. The snafus. Forget the 125,000 voters disenfranchised in...

Narco-jet in Costa Rica scandal tied to Iran Contra figure

A key employee in Bogotá of the Canadian oil company owners of the drug plane flown by Costa Rica’s President Laura Chinchilla was at the heart of the Contra Cocaine pipeline profiled by the late author Gary Webb in his...