Welcome to Dynamic Drive, the #1 place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site!

Script Categories
New and Revised Scripts
  • Automatic Anchors Links from Headers  New Scripts July-25-17

    This jQuery script automatically generates a table of contents from all of the headers on the page (H1, H2, CUSTOM etc), enabling viewers to navigate to key sections with ease. Set whether to animate the scroll mechanic, limit number of characters shown for each header link, and more.

  • jQuery Full Screen Image Viewer  New Scripts June-14-17

    This script expands any image to fill the entire browser screen when clicked on, with option to further zoom in on the image onmousever or tap. It's ideal for product images or simply high resolution images that demand a larger stage.

  • jQuery Page Scroll Progress Bar  New Scripts May-02-17

    This compact jQuery script adds an sleek progress bar to either the top or bottom of the page to give your visitors a better sense of how far they are along the page as they scroll up and down.

  • Zoomio jQuery Image Zoom  Revsied Scripts Mar-20-17

    Updated to v2.0, which now supports specifying a different, higher resolution image (via a data-largesrc attribute) to use as the zoomed in image.

  • Animated Header Menu  New Scripts Feb-24-17
    Animated Header Menu is more than just a menu, but a modern website header template with a mobile optimized drop down menu and search form built in, plus room for a logo on the left. The result is a polished animated header template with the most important UI components built in, ready to be used on your site!
  • Multi-Level Full Screen Menu  New Scripts Jan-13-17
    A mobile friendly full screen menu that supports multiple levels of sub menus. Click on a header to bring up the corresponding sub menu. Vanilla JavaScript and CSS3 powered.
  • Pausing up-down message scroller  New Scripts Dec-12-16
    This is an up-down message scroller that pauses between each message! Responsive in nature, the scroller supports percentage widths and uses CSS3 animations for buttery smooth, mobile optimized animations. See this blog post for details.
  • gAjax RSS Scripts updated  Revised Scripts Dec-12-16
    gAjax RSS Display scripts updated to use Yahoo's YQL instead of Google Feed API due to the later's imminent shutdown. See this blog post for details.
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