Enterprise Systems Catalog (City of Brisbane, CA)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
• A system that serves as an original source of data within an agency ...Physical access control systems, employee identification management systems, video monitoring and other physical control systems. • Infrastructure and mechanical control systems, including those that control or manage street lights, electrical, natural gas or water or sewer functions ... • A description of categories or types of data....

Application Optimized Transport in the Data Center using Segment Routing (Cisco Systems Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
Cisco Blog > Data Center Data Center Sultan Dawood - June 27, 2016 - 0 Comments ... As the networking industry continues to stride towards Digitization and simplification of the data center, Cisco continues to innovate and execute on the concepts of software defined networks (SDN) ... Original documenthttp.//blogs.cisco.com/datacenter/application-level-intelligence-in-the-data-center-using-segment-routing....

France Opens Manslaughter Probe into Crashed EgyptAir Jet

Edit Voa News 28 Jun 2016
In a related development, memory cards recovered by Egyptian investigators from the doomed plane's damaged flight recorders arrived Monday in Paris in hopes that French engineers can salvage critical data about the crash. French analysts attempting to retrieve chip data from the damaged black boxes of ......

Health ministry, partners set for MIS

Edit Sierra Express Media 28 Jun 2016
The National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) under the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control (DPC), Ministry of Health and Sanitation have disclosed to pressmen at their Secretariat, Sierra Leone Medical Stores, New England Vill, Freetown that they are set to kick start the country Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) Monday June 27th –7 August, 2016 with funds from Global Fund to the tune of 1.3 Million Dollars....

‘Trafficking laws not well implemented’

Edit The Himalayan 28 Jun 2016
Experts today stressed the need to effectively implement the Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act-2007, for quick justice and compensation to victims and witnesses ... Advocate Dilip Koirala said that a National Human Rights Commission data shows that there are around 12,000 cases of human trafficking every year, of which only around 185 cases get registered in the police office....

DBW Expands Herbicide Treatment in the Delta for Egeria densa (California Department of Parks and Recreation)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
- Continuing the effort to control invasive aquatic plants in the Delta, California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) will begin treating Egeria densa in the Bethel Island region starting July 11 through November 4, 2016 ... Below is detailed information on the division's latest control efforts.. Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Control Program ... Herbicide Control Treatment Period....

Bosh! Student Night tickets

Edit Skiddle 28 Jun 2016
Cargo in London. Tuesday 28th June 2016. 7.00pm til 1.00am (last entry 12.00am). Minimum Age. 18. Let loose and carouse - Cargo brings you your new favourite Tuesday night out!. Event Info. Venue.   Buy tickets securely. Type of Ticket Price QuantityQty ... Embed Ticket Box ... Let loose and carouse - Cargo brings you your new favourite Tuesday night out! ... ....

Insight Series: Do you know how secure your data is? (Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia Pty Ltd)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia Pty Ltd) Enterprise Content Management (ECM) promises greater efficiencies in dealing with the flood of data your organisation already holds - or is about to receive from social media, big data applications, data analytics or even Internet of Things (IoT). When looking at your options, here are five critical data security considerations....

How Citi North America nails predictive analytics for marketers: Art versus Science (VB Live)

Edit Venture Beat 28 Jun 2016
Amassing terrabytes of data and analyzing the hell out of it — that’s the key to wildly successful predictive analytics, right? This Citi North America marketing maven tells you why you’re so wrong — and how to do it right ... “I think companies need to realize that dumping more data in doesn’t refine those basics — and they really are basics.” ... it’s not data....

Collier County visitor numbers down, slightly, in May

Edit Naples Daily News 28 Jun 2016
Last month the county saw 135,300 visitors, down 2.7 percent from the same month last year, according to a report by Tampa-based Research Data Services Inc ... While it's too soon to see any real impact from the British voters' recent decision in favor of "Brexit" — the British exit from the European Union — there will be an impact, Walter Klages, president of Research Data Services, told the Tourist Development Council....

Indonesia is not a Zika Endemic Country (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
Based on WHO's data as of 15 June 2016, 60 countries and territories report continuing mosquito-borne transmission ... As an anticipatory measure, the Indonesian Ministry of Health continues to intensify prevention and preparedness efforts through increased surveillance and mosquito eradication in order to control the ......

Mixing Mind and Machine: How the UK’s Business Leaders Make Their Big Decisions (PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP) New PwC study finds most UK organisations still only dabbling with data. UK business is still underutilising data to make their most important decisions despite rapid technological advances, according to PwC's 2016 Big Decisions Survey ... Less than a third of UK organisations (30%) claim to be highly data-driven, compared to those in the US (45%) and China (53%)....