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  1. hace 20 minutos

    Gandhi was leader of India's movement for independence from Britain. Here's a closer look at the 'Soldier of peace.'

  2. hace 33 minutos

    Observers urge candidates in Kenya's presidential election to respect outcome and resolve any poll disputes in court

  3. hace 45 minutos

    Welcome to Burns Road, where Karachi meets Delhi. 70 years on from the India/Pakistan divide, food unites two cities

  4. hace 1 hora

    NOAA's climate report: - Highest surface temperatures - Rising greenhouse gas marks - Sea levels at record highs

  5. hace 1 hora

    A car which plunged 500 feet (152 meters) off a cliff into a river may belong to missing Thai students, police say

  6. hace 2 horas

    Exclusive: The chaos behind the scenes of Fox News' now-retracted Seth Rich story

  7. hace 2 horas

    Why thousands of teenagers are fleeing to war-torn Yemen

  8. hace 2 horas

    The Ivanka Trump brand will be opening a store in Trump Tower

  9. hace 2 horas

    From British colonialism being overthrown to a thriving space program. Here’s how India's evolved since independence

  10. hace 2 horas

    Pres. Trump's immigration plan would result in 4.6 million lost jobs by the year 2040, according to a recent study

  11. hace 2 horas

    A woman is under investigation in China after she attempted to mail her baby to an orphanage wrapped in plastic bags

  12. hace 2 horas

    The only surprise about Donald Trump's flare-up with Mitch McConnell is that it took so long, writes

  13. hace 3 horas

    How the US would detect and attempt to shoot down a North Korean missile

  14. hace 3 horas

    Be careful with fidget spinners, government safety group warns

  15. hace 3 horas

    ‘We could be here today and gone tomorrow’: Guam locals describe life under North Korea’s crosshairs

  16. hace 3 horas

    What can 13-million-year-old remains reveal? Researchers call this the most well-preserved ape skull ever discovered

  17. hace 3 horas

    From Sulawesi to Dominica, these 17 underrated islands are often overlooked by travelers

  18. hace 4 horas

    James Clapper says US and North Korea situation is reminiscent of "WWI and how the world ... blundered into that."

  19. hace 4 horas

    200 days in, Obama is still on Trump's mind

  20. hace 4 horas

    During a solar eclipse, the natural world falls out of its usual rhythm. Here's how animals react:

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