Beth Comstock's innovation push breaks the mould for General Electric

Beth Comstock: "There's a big fear that we're all going to be working for the machine overlords."
Beth Comstock: "There's a big fear that we're all going to be working for the machine overlords." Cole Bennetts

Beth Comstock, vice-chair of US industrial giant GE, is looking for the next growth engine. As well as overseeing GE’s investment in a portfolio of around 100 young businesses, Comstock has been deeply engaged in the difficult digital transformation of a stodgy old industrial conglomerate. It’s a journey that’s still under way. Insiders say she is the second-most powerful executive in GE: “She owns all things digital and data in the company.”

Last year, Bill Ferris, chairman of Innovation and Science Australia, asked Comstock to join the ISA board after hearing her keynote address an Austrade function in San Francisco. “It was the passion with which she spoke about innovation. I thought, wow, this could be just what we need,” says Ferris.

Fast-forward 18 months and ISA is deep into its work on its 2030 blueprint. The brief is to explain what’s not working in the industry, government and university collaboration system and what should be done to fix it. It must go beyond the 30 or so government reports that already exist on innovation and which currently languish on dusty shelves all over the country. Australia desperately needs a global reality check, a cold shower to wash off the complacency of 26 years of continuous economic growth.

With characteristic clarity, Comstock is helping deliver just that. After a day at CSIRO offshoot Data61 discussing Australia’s efforts to build a digital economy and innovation ecosystem in May, Comstock’s message to assembled business and innovation leaders was blunt.

Jeff Immelt, former chief executive of GE.
Jeff Immelt, former chief executive of GE. Steven Senne

‘‘I’ve got to tell you: in the last months I’ve been to three other countries including [United Arab] Emirates and China and every single one of those countries is saying the same thing about moving quickly to a digital economy, to be globally competitive.”

“It was a pretty sobering moment,” says Data61 chief executive Adrian Turner.

“She carried a lot of gravity in the conversation and really struck a chord.”

Australia desperately needs to move beyond strategic action. Somewhat ironically GE’s Australian business illustrates the problem: it has a strong local corporate customer base and can point to $250 million over the next five years in local healthcare research. It recently invested $150 million in renewable energy projects and has trained 3000 people at its skills and technology complex at Jandakot in WA.

But as GE scans the globe for its next research and development investment, will Australia, with its high innovation, but low commercialisation capability, be on the radar?

Innovation and Science Australia chairman Bill Ferris: " I thought, wow, this could be just what we need."
Innovation and Science Australia chairman Bill Ferris: " I thought, wow, this could be just what we need." Quentin Jones

In an interview with BOSS, Comstock is frank: “Australia has to find its place in the world. The race is on and the world is moving really fast and you don’t have the option of saying we’re not going to participate. So how does Australia deal with its strengths?”

GE is still hugely challenged by its heavy energy interests. Chairman and chief executive of 16 years Jeff Immelt was replaced in August by John Flannery. GE shares are down almost 20 per cent this year. Activist investors have pushed for cost cuts. But GE has invested in businesses across all the areas that could disrupt it, including energy, healthcare, software and advanced manufacturing, to investigate whether those businesses can be scaled.

“[GE has been willing to] get alongside small businesses and companies that are potentially disruptive and learn from them, or buy them,”says Ferris. “That preparation and attitude we don’t see a lot of in Australia.”

“There is a fear we don’t have a burning platform. There’s a sense of, ‘We’re still growing so what’s the problem?’ ”

Adrian Turner, chief executive of  Data61: “It was a pretty sobering moment.”
Adrian Turner, chief executive of Data61: “It was a pretty sobering moment.”

‘Bright, measured and wise’

Comstock started her career in broadcast journalism but quickly switched to media management and became head of marketing at NBC. In 2008, she joined GE and spearheaded its investment in the industrial internet. Immelt says Comstock was responsible for driving GE’s digital evolution. That means evolving its huge industrial machines, like jet engines, into machines packed with sensors capturing data to form the platform of the data driven Industrial Internet that Immelt and Comstock have championed.

Comstock’s insight into transforming an industrial company into a digital business is valuable, not just for local organisations trying to make the shift, but also for ISA as it grapples with creating its blueprint.

Australia has much to learn about building a high functioning innovation ecosystem, says ISA director and AirTree Ventures founder Daniel Petre. Comstock, he says is bright, measured and wise. “We’re incredibly lucky to have someone of her calibre.”

“We’re incredibly lucky to have someone of her calibre," says ISA director Daniel Petre of Beth Comstock.
“We’re incredibly lucky to have someone of her calibre," says ISA director Daniel Petre of Beth Comstock. Lee Besford

Comstock says her skill as a trendspotter is a muscle toned by intense curiosity. “I’ve made it my job to go to the edge, to go out where things are emerging and where change is happening. Discovery is what I love to do. If there’s a skill, I think it’s passion for what’s new and what’s next.

“I’ve had to learn pattern recognition and for me it’s really simple, it’s not like it’s any scientific formula. It just sort of goes in threes: I see something once, it’s really interesting, I make note of it. I see it twice, I go, ‘Huh? Is that coincidence?’ and then three times, ‘No, I think there’s something here,’ so I want to go dig in.”

Colleagues speak of Comstock’s humility and down-to-earth approach. “She has her feet on the ground,” says Ferris. “There’s no hubris.”

Commonwealth Bank group executive wealth management, Annabel Spring, attended a recent Business Council of Australia roundtable with Comstock. She says Comstock has a rare mix of curiosity and broad business experience. “In a space where people talk a lot, she tends to listen and do more.”

Sandy Plunkett,  founder of Innovation Clearinghouse: "In the US, Korea, Japan and increasingly China something like 80 ...
Sandy Plunkett, founder of Innovation Clearinghouse: "In the US, Korea, Japan and increasingly China something like 80 per cent of PhDs are working in business." Sean Davey

Comstock was an early participant in a new course at Stanford Business School called The Industrialist’s Dilemma. Management lecturer Robert Siegel says Comstock has been a guest in several of his lectures.

“She is three steps ahead, yet very relatable and one of the clearest thinkers I’ve ever met.

“When I put her in front of the students she is incredible. She talks openly about what’s working and what’s not.”

Acknowledge the fear factor

Soon after Malcolm Turnbull launched the ideas boom in late 2015, Comstock visited Australia and called out the need for incubators for food, health, financial services and energy. She also suggested that Australia should be targeting Asia. But she tells BOSS that leaders need to do more work to convince people to get over the fear of change.

“There’s been a bit of concern, the sense that progress is not all good. I believe in progress but there is a sense that innovation has a bad side. The mindset shift has to happen as well, you have to make innovation happen to participate in it. And yes, the kind of work we do is going to change. But I don’t know that you can ignore it and say, ‘We’re not going to have that here.’ We have to make it happen.

“All of us are a bit fearful of the pace of change. I haven’t met anyone who feels comfortable with how fast things are going. But we can’t stop that. So how do you play in that?

“It’s funny, people tend to want to have that disruption in your face before you react. It’s like you can see the change coming and it’s gradual and you underestimate it. Then suddenly it’s as if you never saw it but it was there all along.”

Professor Roy Green, dean, UTS Business School, University of Technology, Sydney: “We can’t go round celebrating ...
Professor Roy Green, dean, UTS Business School, University of Technology, Sydney: “We can’t go round celebrating entrepreneurs.”

Ferris says Comstock is impressed with Australia’s capability. “But she is worried about whether there is a strong enough awareness about the pace we need to go at. She is not sure we are really engaged with that yet.”

Ferris says GE’s experience provides insights for corporate Australia. Innovation among the start-up community is increasing. But business simply doesn’t invest enough in research and development, and doesn’t collaborate enough with researchers.

Innovation expert Sandy Plunkett, who is writing a book exploring Australia’s response to the digital age, says innovative nations have a high level of research capacity embedded in business and industry, not just within universities, and Australia underperforms in this area.

“In the US, Korea, Japan and increasingly China something like 80 per cent of PhDs are working in business. In Europe it’s about 60 per cent. In Australia, it’s only 30 per cent. This relatively low rate has as much to do with the nature of the Australian economy and the subsidiary activities of global giants here, which are predominately sales and marketing. In an increasingly IP-driven global economy, this comes at great cost in the long run. When you see entities like Data 61 and CSIRO only now articulating a bold goal to get a mere 0.1 per cent of global R&D; spend – a ten-fold increase over what we get now – that’s a powerful and disturbing statistic.”

Digital boot camps

GE is betting big on its $US2 billion ($2.5 billon) industrial internet platform, Predix, to create a competitive advantage. It’s signed a multi-million dollar deal with South32 to help its digital transition. Comstock is impressed at how the mining industry in Australia has embraced digitisation, proving that old industries can be reborn.

GE has a $55 million flight efficiency services agreement with Qantas on a digital program that feeds pilots data about how the plane is performing and the rate of fuel consumption. “So you’re giving people the freedom of having digital feedback and being able to adapt,” she says.

Qantas is launch partner for GE’s collaboration centre in Austin, Texas that will use 10 billion data points produced by the aviation sector annually to improve fleet operations.

Creativity will be crucial

Qantas expects big benefits from its new partnership saving it $30 million a year in fuel bills. Increasingly, Australian companies look likely to be users, not owners or builders, of similar global enterprise platforms based on industrial data.

It’s another example of why ISA 2030 has big issues to deal with. The ISA board doesn’t know which political party will eventually be charged with implementing its recommendations. It is grappling with whether to temper its conclusions knowing that a big portion of the political class is deeply sceptical about innovation and technology.

The way that it deals with prospective job losses from technology, and reskilling, will be crucial to its reception.

“We can’t go round celebrating entrepreneurs,” says UTS Business School dean Roy Green. The strategic plan has to deal with those alienated from the digital economy. The ISA 2030 blueprint may canvass changes to education, to prepare children better for multiple careers and challenge the system than currently channels the brightest into medicine and law.

Comstock says Australia has a chance to use its strengths to gain traction in additive manufacturing, 3D printing, designing in the cloud and material science. “So you could start to map out industries and the kind of jobs you need in advanced manufacturing: robots don’t just operate by themselves, someone has to program them, someone has to interact with them, there’s the interface design.”

Liberal arts, creativity and design are crucial for this new industrial future, says Comstock.

“There’s a big fear that we’re all going to be working for the machine overlords or something and the reality is we like to talk about minds and machines. Machines free our minds to do more strategic thinking, critical thinking.

“I’ve found a budding community of people in business who are drawn to philosophy because of the ethics and the unintended consequences of artificial intelligence.”

Feedback and freedom

As part of its digital transformation, GE is reskilling its workforce, including coding classes for executives.

“I don’t think everyone’s going to code,” says Comstock, “but you need to understand that language. We’re doing digital boot camps with all of our professional employees just to give them an appreciation of what that means. It is also mapping the future of work.”

GE’s efforts to map the future of work is pushing the debate beyond fear, she says.

“As you start to do that, you can start to look at a country and say, ‘OK here’s where the jobs are going to be, here’s the skills we need to get there, here’s what government’s going to do, here’s what academia is going to do, here’s what corporations have to do, here’s what people have to do.’

“Ten years is a really good horizon. Certainly we all talk about the science and technology. Obviously software, data, analytics, those kind of jobs are going to be critical.”

GE’s lessons for corporate Australia are many. GE has been technology-based from the beginning and has always been focused on product and then service innovation. But now business model innovation is key.

“It’s not enough just to have the great breakthrough technology, you have to marry it to software, you have to connect one machine to others and look at the system. This is exactly what corporate Australia is struggling with. They’re focusing on product and service innovation capability,” says Comstock.

“But the big business model innovation is very hard to do simultaneously, due to the sort of disruptive pace that’s going to potentially attack your legacy business. You have to do both. That’s the tension.

“The first thing you have to recognise is there’s tension in that. Most big companies are good at scale, they’re not traditionally good at incubating what’s new.

“I once had a business leader say to me, ‘If you could just guarantee me this is going to be a $500 million business, I’ll do it.’ I think I might have laughed.

“I’ve learned from doing this work not to throw too much money at things. You think like a big company, so you think if we just put a lot of money into it, it’s going to be big. This is what we’re learning from hanging out in the venture and start-up world: getting the right amount of money at the right stage.

“You don’t expect early-stage companies to deliver the same kind of results as a big-scale company, so you hold them accountable to different metrics.

“You also need the right people at the right stage. The idea of launching something from zero to $500 million seems like a distraction but there are entrepreneurial people in our company or outside, that’s what they love to do.

“We’re having to find room in companies for people that have that sort of seed and grow capability and it’s probably a separate track.”

ISA chief executive Charlie Day says there is a lack of skills capability in business which stretches from workers to top executives.

“We have to lift our game about how we educate people about the process of participating in and managing innovation.”

To enable a more innovative culture, GE transformed its human resources and bureaucracy. Fastworks is a cultural overlay enabled by HR to encourage market-driven innovation. People are trained in the innovation tools, she says, but most importantly you give them permission to test and learn and not be perfect.

GE still has plenty of work to do. For many years it was very focused on Six Sigma, a data-driven approach and methodology to eliminate defects. It is still used, but needs to adapted, she says. For many organisations it’s a challenge to get rid of old command and control layers of process and bureaucracy. “You constantly have to root it out,” she says.

Order from chaos

Some Australian businesses get the need for urgency. The decision by ANZ Banking Group to shift its workforce to agile teams could see large job cuts and a massive reordering of the way work is done. It will probably be chaotic at first, Comstock says.

“The question will be, can they stick with it? Because the first phase will undoubtedly be sloppy and messy and people will go, ‘See? It didn’t work.’ At that point it will be, ‘Yeah, but we got to make it work.’

“The one I am just transfixed on, and we’re seeing it in GE, is the role of feedback loops. Do we have the right feedback loops and are we giving our employees the freedom to adapt to what they see?

“Leaders have to say, ‘Here’s where we’re going, I’m going to give you the feedback and you’ve got to get there,’ and they have to give them the freedom to make some mistakes, not big ones but little ones. That’s hard for big companies.”

Another of Comstock’s unique insights is how the role of marketing has changed. She says it has to take its name more literally. “Traditionally, marketing was at the end of the process. ‘I’ve finished this product, marketing, you go launch it.’ Now, it’s marketing in the beginning, representing that outside view. Is that product going to be relevant when it gets out there? Are they going to pay for all five features? Who are you targeting?

“If you’re running a company, a team, your own career, you can’t delegate change to someone else. How do we teach people to jump back up, start over and try again? It’s about resilience, it’s about giving people room to find their way and change, giving them multiple paths, not saying everybody has to do it exactly the same way.

“My job as a leader has become more about coaching and less about managing.

“We’re talking about mission-based teams at GE, it almost sounds like something out of a skit. We all have to have the same objective: do we know what good looks like? Here’s an amount of time – go.”

Investment and a helping hand

Comstock says GE is trying to work with venture capitalists, not compete, when it co-invests in early-stage companies.

“What start-ups can’t get from a venture capitalist, that companies have, are commercial opportunities, access to insight and global markets. I call it market R&D;, I love that. I think that’s the shift.”

Corporate ventures are motivated only in part by the idea of an equity return. Far more important is partnership, commercialisation and strategic insight.

“We’re sort of de-risking opportunity for GE, so we can get in and learn. A GE-backed or a GE-validated drone company is going to be listened to. Start-ups can get lost in a big company, so you have people to manage it.

Comstock is open to her next career move. “You have to be open to what may come that you can’t see right now. I’ve been able to craft a kind of job where I’ve been able to develop new skills and use what I’m good at. As long as I find a place where I can do that, I’m happy.”

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