
The Thunderbolt: TB 170705 Don't Worry - Be Stupid!, Segment 1

4 days 2 hours ago
This week’s Thunderbolt starts off by celebrating a noted Northwest icon, the Banana Slug! Stand proud, Cascadia! We’re the only place that’s got em! Next, we explore the ‘Dunning-Kruger Effect’, wherein some people are utterly incapable of judging the level of their own utter incompetence — and so, in order to be truly objective, for this week’s show, we have assumed that Mr. Thunderbolt himself suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect — and we report accordingly! For instance: We start right off by pointing out the good things about the Rump presidency! A high bar indeed! Then, when we report on how California State Assembly Leader Anthony Rendon (a Democrat) has single-handedly killed a bill that would have introduced single payer health care for the residents of the State of California — in compensation for the Dunning-Kruger effect, we then point out how that is actually a good thing too! The Toothless Old Grandpa describes how the Rump — or any president, for that matter — is largely helpless when it comes to shaping American foreign policy — a good thing (unless your foreign policy is being shaped by a criminal gang of psychopathic murderers, anyway…) After that we expose the numerous false flag attacks happening in relation to the Syrian madness — and how the Rump even tried to issue a false flag warning about an upcoming false flag attack — and how due to our ‘Dunning-Kruger’ symptoms, we simply didn’t know up until now how even that is actually a good thing as well! Happy, happy! For the title piece this week, we describe how the Rump is sharpening the skills of foreign diplomats by challenging them to explore their creative instincts whilst attempting to gain the ear of anyone in the Rump’s administration — and then we encapsulate our ‘Dunning-Kruger’ episode of the Thunderbolt by riffing on George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign slogan in 1988: “Don’t worry! Be happy!” Then we switch gears and end this weeks news and commentary section with a contemplation upon the fact that love is a verb — and that verbs require action. (Dunning-Kruger notwithstanding.) Curves, swerves, and unexpected detours this week, Kids! Fasten your seat belts…
106.5 KOWA (Olympia, WA)

Latin Waves : interviews author/Feminist Activist Silvia Federici, Segment 1

4 days 4 hours ago
Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Silvia Federici about her latest book: Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle. The struggle to make visible how the Capitalist system depends on the unwaged reproductive labour of women. How the revolution must include both the liberation of men and women from exploitation. She speaks of the challenges, victories and alternatives. Silvia Federici is a feminist writer, teacher, and militant. In 1972, she was cofounder of the International Feminist Collective, which launched the Wages for Housework campaign internationally.