
Showing posts with label Battlestar Galactica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battlestar Galactica. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tenuous BSG Follow Up

Diary of a Battlestar Commander:

XO: 'Commander, there's a toaster on the recreation deck!'
Commander: 'Oh, frak! Quick, send in a squad of highly trained marines and lots of guns. And someone expendable.'
XO: 'No, commander, I mean there's a toaster. The crew were tied of eating Frosted Flakes.'
Commander: 'My bad.'

Later that very same day!

XO: 'Commander, there's a toaster in your private quarters!'
Commander: 'Thanks for your concern, but I prefer jelly donuts!'
XO: 'No Commander, you don't understand. There's a toaster in your quarters. And she's lying on a rug wearing not-very-much clothing!'
Commander: 'War is hell. Take over the con, Mr. Sulu!'
XO: 'Sir, my name is Tigh. As in Tigh one on.'
Commander: 'Well, either way, I'm interrogating the babe. I mean, toaster. Sheesh, this sci-fi stuff is blowing my mind.'

Well, which would you rather find in your kitchen on a Saturday morning?

Either way, I'm glad the Cylons lost the skirts - remember those back in '78?

So Say We All

Just got time to give props to my fave TV show, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. I just discovered the show about two months ago and have been working through the first three seasons episode by episode. Just about every one either has me holding my breath, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, or both. It's a classic drama, with great acting, fantastic production and a real sense of pay-off. After the embarrassing thud of the final X-Files episodes, here's hoping the upcoming final season will be more The Return of the King and not Matrix Revolutions.

BTW, if you haven't already, check out the five minute version of the BSG miniseries - it's a riot.