The Sydney Morning Herald

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Northern beaches schools not the only ones that need protection from emissions

Sunil Badami

Published: August 8 2017 - 12:05AM

I'd been on the phone for nearly 40 minutes and was through to the fifth or sixth person I'd been transferred to. And the answer was: no. No, members of the public could not personally deliver submissions on the design concept of the proposed WestConnex M4-M5 Link. No, no one could tell us the location of the office so we could do so. And no, they couldn't provide any further information.

A group of concerned parents at my child's school had wanted to go to the office to hand over hundreds of submissions expressing our concerns about the projected tunnels that would run right alongside the school on Victoria Road. Submissions closed on Friday.

The details were sketchy, with vague maps and little information. Requests for more detail at "community consultations", online and over the phone were met with stonewalling, obfuscation, or no answer.

What we could make out was that an unfiltered emissions stack would be put on the corner of Terry Street and Victoria Road, right next to the densely populated Balmain Shores community, and less than 200 metres from Rozelle Public School and preschool, meaning that more than 700 little kids face the prospect of being showered with pollution, including poisonous diesel particulates, before, during and after school.

As they play. As they eat lunch. At lines in the morning. In class. Walking to and from school.

And, given most of them live in the school's catchment area, while they play and sleep at home for the next five years of construction – for some, almost their entire primary school education.

And not just them. The proposed stack is only 400 metres from the Balmain campus of Sydney Secondary College, with more than 500 kids, and the popular King George's Park, where over 4000 kids from over 17 local schools regularly come for athletics carnivals, cross countries, Little Athletics and play.

When faced with the same prospect for children in his Northern Beaches electorate, where Beaches Link unfiltered exhaust stacks are proposed around the same short distance from local schools there, Education Minister Rob Stokes rightly said: "I won't be party to putting stacks near kids. There's no way in hell I'd support any development that put the lives of pupils, teachers and parents at risk." Will he show the same concern for our kids, their teachers and us?

We are not the only Sydneysiders who feel like this government doesn't care about us. At a packed meeting last week to protest the Sydney Metro City & SouthWest, I heard stories of sleep lost to round-the-clock drilling and construction, damage to homes, even diesel fumes leaking from generators into bedrooms; shops promised that the work would be done in stages to prevent disruption finding footpaths and roads blocked for months with no work done as they went out of business; the constant evasions and transfers to someone else, the phone calls and letters left unanswered and ignored.

In the construction of WestConnex hundreds of families have been forced out of their homes from Haberfield to St Peters, local parks destroyed and local communities torn apart.

And still, information on what's happening is hard to obtain. The Sydney Motorway Corporation, which is building and will sell WestConnex, is a private company held in trust by two cabinet ministers. All papers, including the business plan, traffic projections and other information are held "cabinet in confidence" and "commercial confidence" meaning nobody can ever see them. Denied the location of its offices, we've given our submissions to our local representatives to post on our behalf.

We're not opposed to development. We just want whatever happens to our neighbourhood to be done right – for our kids and our community.

There's no doubt that as Australia's biggest city, and with a fast-growing population, Sydney desperately needs infrastructure to make up for the decades-long neglect of successive state governments. There's no doubt that WestConnex is providing thousands of jobs across the city, and keeping the economy afloat. And there's no doubt that such a major, billion-dollar project must protect the interests of the many different commercial interests involved.

But of all the stakeholders in this process, from government donors to lobbyists, workers and construction firms, commuters and toll operators, surely the most important are our children, no matter whose electorate they're in.

Sunil Badami is an author and academic and the parent of a child at Rozelle Public School.

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