A total of 97 complaints regarding the state of bus stops have been received by Malta Public Transport throughout this year, so far. More than one-third of those complaints, 36 in all, have been made in July alone, according to information provided by the public transport company.
With Malta’s cruel heatwaves and high temperatures accompanying the influx of tourists catching buses on a daily basis, The Malta Independent attempted to discover more about whether the shade in bus shelters is currently sufficient for passengers, and whether there are plans to improve the situation and to tackle the bus stops where no shade or protection from the sun is available.
Apart from Malta Public Transport, this newspaper also contacted Transport Malta, the entity responsible for bus stops, which also stated that complaints about bus shelters not offering enough protection are the main complaints which it receives.
“The complaints that we receive, and which one must note are not that many, are primarily related to bus shelters not offering enough protection and not related to the location of bus stops,” a spokesperson for Transport Malta said, when asked whether the company receives any complaints from passengers regarding shade-related issues.
“Persons raising complaints believe that because the structures are made out of glass, they do not offer any protection. Nevertheless, the structures, designed according to international standards and practices, offer a good level of protection.”
The spokesperson explained that there are 350 glass bus shelters installed across Malta and Gozo, which were designed to include security for the person making use of the shelters, hence the use of glass as a material.
“One needs to note that the glass used in these structures is not common glass but have characteristics, including that it blocks 99% of UV rays, has a shade factor of 42%, and reduces heat within the shelters by about 36%.”
The Transport Malta spokesperson went on to mention that recently, the company issued a Request for Proposals for additional new bus shelters and to increase protection and comfort of passengers when waiting for a bus. Five submissions were received following the request, and the adjudication process is still in progress as one of the bidders appealed.
“The Request for Proposals requests that the roof of the bus shelter structure offers better protection than the ones that have been installed so far,” they said.
Keeping in mind that some bus stops remain merely poles, locations where passengers can alight and get off the bus, without any shelter, The Malta Independent asked Transport Malta what is taken into consideration when looking for locations for bus stops, and whether shade is considered as part of the equation.
“There are several factors taken into consideration when locating bus stops,” they said. “Amongst such factors are availability of space, sheltering (including shade), obstruction of traffic, proximity to catchment area/landmark and passenger convenience.”
They added that due to these factors, due to various constraints, not all sites will permit installation of this additional protection.