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  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 2 minutu
    Replying to

    : In Search of : -Propaganda Fake News: Rutte wil Rusland tegenhouden zich UIT TE BREIDEN ?

  3. Duela 16 minutu

    A great day here at ! Great rides and great people!

  4. Duela 3 ordu

    Discovery Communications Inc. Series A

  5. Duela 4 ordu

    Dont believe the lies in the it is the problem get big corporations out of government

  6. Duela 6 ordu

    So psyched to be a Slack Community Host for the next 6 months helping professionals.

  7. Duela 8 ordu
  8. Duela 13 ordu

    No matter how many weapons &armor of Saudi mercenaries have bcz they are afraid from -i fighters

  9. Duela 13 ordu

    conference of Ministry of Transport reveals huge victims of closure of airport

    مؤتمر صحفي لوزارة النقل والهيئة العامة للطيران المدني 09-08-2017
    مؤتمر صحفي لوزارة النقل والهيئة العامة للطيران المدني والأرصاد، حيث أطلعت فيه وسائل الإعلام المختلفة عن الوضع الكارثي الذي تسبب به العدوان والمتمثل في ايقاف حركة الطيران المدني @Hona_Almasirah
  10. Duela 13 ordu

    US-Saudi close airportFor1yearCause death of11250&prevent100,000s patients from traveling

    تداعيات إغلاق مطار صنعاء على الوضع الصحي في اليمن 09-08-2017
    الجريمة مستمرة منذ عام عندما أغلق العدوان مطار صنعاء، حيث أن هناك 100000 مريض بحاجة للسفر للعلاج في الخارج من بينهم 11250 ماتوا بالفعل @Hona_Almasirah
  11. Duela 18 ordu
  12. abu. 9

    Trump has set the up and it's too late for them now. He has leveraged their hatred against them. The die is cast, the game afoot.

  13. abu. 9
  14. abu. 9

    How do we know is lying to us with their polling? When the Reuters/Ipsos poll uses only 20% likely voters in their sample - lying.

  15. abu. 9

    For all their efforts the past 2 1/2 years, there is no evidence the 's nonstop lies and hatred towards Trump are having any effect.

  16. abu. 9

    Rules when dealing with the . NOTHING is off the record. They WILL lie to you and about you. They ARE the enemy. They DON'T like you.

  17. abu. 9

    It's amusing to hear the refer to Trump's "stalled" agenda. Jobs exploding, confidence sky high, illegals staying away. Stalled?

  18. abu. 9

    Just to point out the obvious, has anyone noticed how often the is wrong? Somewhere between all the time and always.

  19. abu. 9

    I'm trying to pay attention to the reports of Trump's presidency falling apart but I keep getting distracted by the record optimism.

  20. abu. 8

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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