The RBA graph that explains the downturn in WA and Queensland

In his first speech since taking charge of financial markets in December, RBA Assistant Governor Christopher Kent noted ...
In his first speech since taking charge of financial markets in December, RBA Assistant Governor Christopher Kent noted bond markets played a key role in mining companies' moves to rein in spending. Brendon Thorne

Bond markets have played a key role in forcing Australia's biggest mining companies to haul back on investment spending since 2012, pushing states like Queensland and Western Australian into significant economic downturns, suggests the Reserve Bank of Australia.

In a speech surveying Australia's bond market developments over recent years, Reserve Bank assistant governor Christopher Kent said signals from debt markets influenced the behaviour of mining firms.

After increasing their bonds on issue by three-fold from 2008 and 2015, peaking at close to $80 billion, mining companies saw their gearing ratios - or the ratio of net debt to the book value of their equity - gallop over 40 per cent from well below 20 per cent, Dr Kent said.

As commodity prices then started falling from late 2012 onwards, bond market investors triggered a sharp rise in mining industry bond yields compared to benchmark government bonds.


"The sharp rise in bond spreads on resource company debt from 2015 into early 2016, in response to the large declines in commodity prices, signalled the concerns in these markets about the health of some resources companies," Dr Kent told a function hosted by Bloomberg News in Sydney on Wednesday.

"Not surprisingly, mining companies responded to those signals in commodity and bond markets by reining in their costs significantly," he said.

"Much of that was driven by a reduction in expenditure on a wide range of things.

The associated reductions in spending allowed the mining companies to reduce the extent of their debt, and repayment of bonds has played an important role in that process."

Dr Kent heads the Reserve Bank's financial markets division, a role he has held close to a year, and has responsibility for monitoring Australia's $1.1 trillion bond market.


Despite recent increases in yields, which have taken the levels back to where they were a year ago, Dr Kent said bond markets continue to provide funding for companies and governments in Australia.

He also noted that the greater dependence on deposit had reduced the reliance of Australia's big four banks on offshore wholesale markets, which were disrupted during the global financial crisis a decade ago.

He said more recently the cost of funding for banks had fallen materially.

"Our estimate of the average outstanding funding rate for banks has declined by close to 10 basis points since late last year, and the marginal rates of funding are currently a little below the average outstanding rates."

While federal government borrowings have been rising, Dr Kent said a lesser recognised trend was the overall stabilisation and even declines in state government debt.

"NSW has seen the largest decline of outstanding bonds, while the mining state of Western Australia has headed in the opposite direction.

"These patterns are not so surprising. The Western Australian economy has experienced a bumpy road following the commodities boom.

"On the other hand, NSW is faring relatively well; revenues associated with the strong property market, in conjunction with asset sales, has provided the opportunity to reduce the value of bonds on issue.

"The message is that state debt has been affected by state specific economic developments, which in the case of NSW has helped to bring down debt."