- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 26015
The Internet Movie Database (abbreviated IMDb) is an online database of information related to films, television programs, and video games, including cast, production crew, fictional characters, biographies, plot summaries, trivia and reviews. Actors and crew can post their own résumé and upload photos of themselves for a yearly fee. U.S. users can also view over 6,000 movies and television shows from CBS, Sony, and various independent filmmakers.
Launched in 1990 by professional computer programmer Col Needham, the company was incorporated in the UK as Internet Movie Database Ltd in 1996, with revenue generated through advertising, licensing, and partnerships. In 1998, it became a subsidiary of Amazon.com, who were then able to use it as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes.
As of January 2016, IMDb had approximately 3.6 million titles (includes episodes) and 7.0 million personalities in its database, as well as 65 million registered users and is an Alexa Top 50 site.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
An application programming interface key (API key) is a code passed in by computer programs calling an API (application programming interface) to identify the calling program, its developer, or its user to the Web site. API keys are used to track and control how the API is being used, for example to prevent malicious use or abuse of the API (as defined perhaps by terms of service).
The API key often acts as both a unique identifier and a secret token for authentication, and will generally have a set of access rights on the API associated with it.
API keys can be based on the UUID system to ensure they will be unique to each user.
Charidimos (Harry) Demetriou (born 20 August 1958 in London) is a Greek Cypriot-British poker player.
Demetriou first became known in poker circles for his 3rd place finish at the $2,000 no limit Texas hold 'em tournament at the 2002 World Series of Poker (WSOP) won by Layne Flack. Demetriou took home $80,200 for his finish.
He finished in 18th place in the 2004 WSOP Main Event, where he became annoyed with the belligerent attitude of Josh Arieh. Demetriou received $147,500 for his finish in the tournament.
At the 2005 WSOP, he finished as the runner-up in the $2,500 short-handed no limit hold'em event, receiving $163,850 when his Q♣ 9♠ failed to improve in the final hand against Isaac Galazan's K♥ J♠ on a board of 8♦ 5♦ 4♦ 5♠ 2♥. He also made the final table of the same event at the 2006 WSOP, finishing 6th.
Despite his successes at the WSOP, he has made criticisms of disorganisation of events at the 2005 WSOP , the HORSE event at the 2006 WSOP , a change to the format of the 2006 WSOP's shootout event and a rules decision in the 2006 WSOP main event .
Kodi may refer to:
Coollector Movie Database v3.24.6
Creating a Film Database Part 1
Building Movies Database with Laravel & AngualrJS 2 (Backend Overview)
Tech Tutorials - 06 - Ant Movie Catalog
Welcome to GMDb.tv (Game Movie Database)
2 Creating a Movie Database Application in 15 minutes with ASP NET MVC
Movies Database in Python
IMDb's Top 10 Al Pacino Movies
How to build movie collection database using MS ACCESS 101 Part 1
IMDb's Top 10 Clint Eastwood Movies
8.1.1 Using the TMDb API
Android Movie Database
Movies Database
Fallout 4 Game Movie (All Cutscenes) 1080p HD
Movie Collection Database Demo
SQL Server 2016 Part 8 - The Wise Owl Movies Database
CSCI 1201 Microsoft Access Lab - Movie Database
How to set up a database for film entry includign the use of lookups.
Movie Database - Sample Application built with AngularJS 2 frontend and laravel 5 backend. Github: https://github.com/byteparity/Movies-Database-Laravel-AngualrJS-2 Demo: http://movies-demo.byteparity.com
If your movie collection needs some cataloging and organizing, this is a great piece of software to do it with. The built in scripts automate a lot of searching and gathering by filling in a lot of the movie's info for you. This allows you to have a complete catalog with lots of info about your movies. There's lots more features not covered in this video as there are lots you can do with the software such as things like exporting your data and printing labels/catalogs. Check it out, and best of all, it's FREE! Ant Movie Catalog Homepage - http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog Ant Movie Catalog Download Page - http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog/download My Homepage - http://www.rgddesigns.com
Follow GLP on Twitter - http://twitter.com/glittlep Follow GLP on Instagram - http://instagram.com/glplaygr0und Like GLP on Facebook - http://facebook.com/gLpLayground GMDb (Game Movie Database) http://www.gmdb.tv Yic17 Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/yic17 Tamiil: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tamiil This has been a long time coming, but I'm proud to finally announce that GMDb.tv is ready for mass use. This is a joint venture with Yic17, Tamiil and us. Our goal is to bring any Game Movie fans the ultimate database for you to enjoy these wonderful game stories. We thank you for your continued support and hope enjoy the website! ____________________________ Our 2nd Channel GLP TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/glptvee BUY GLP SHIRTS HERE: https://tinyurl.com/y7sbgb3j
My project of creating a Movies Database or catalog using Python. This is still a work in progress. It currently sits at about 1,000 lines of code but I still need to do some refinement. It's programmed in Python 3 with the following modules: PyQT4, Requests, BeautifulSoup 4, and SQLite3.
The Internet Movie Database Top 10 Al Pacino Films. Average overall score for these 10 movies is - 8.2 All trailers are the property of the copyright holder and have been edited.
Building database using microsoft access
The Internet Movie Database Top 10 Clint Eastwood Films. Average overall score for these 10 movies - 8.0 All trailers are the property of the appropriate copyright holder and have been edited. And the 5 worst - 1. Pink Cadillac - 5.1 2. City Heat - 5.3 3. The Rookie - 5.7 4. Firefox - 5.7 5. Any which way you can - 5.8
TMDb's API is accessed by constructing a RESTful URI for the appropriate function, such as "search for movies matching a keyword" or "retrieve detailed information about a specific movie". To prevent abuse and track each user of the API separately, each developer must first obtain their own API key by requesting one via the TMDb website. Request URI's that do not include a valid API key are not honored, returning an error instead. For request URI's containing a valid API key, TMDb returns a JSON object as the result of the request encoded by the URI. This flow---construct a RESTful URI that includes an API key, receive a JSON response---is a common pattern for interacting with external services.
Organize your movie collection. Search movie info online and save it locally to your android device for offline browsing. Features: - Send a CSV (tab separated) backup of your movie collection to your email - Delete movies - Stores movie data: *Movie name; *Cover *Year *Runtime *Genre *Link *Ratings *Director *Writer *Actors *Plot - Search movie info online to store locally Search criterias: *Gravity *Gravity 2013 - Search your local movie database by: *Name,year,runtime,genre, ratings, etc. Search criterias: *Gravity *2013 *Comedy | 2013 *7.0 *7.0 | 2013 *Drama | 7.0 Quick-start guide: Double tap on movie plot/summary to open in separate view Tap on image to open in separate view Tap on movie name to open link in browser To delete a movie hold down the selected movie for 3 seconds and ...
Do you know how many movies Harrison Ford & Steven Spielberg have worked together on? What year was Gone With The Wind released? If you want to know more about movies, or if you are just looking for a movie to watch tonight, this application will help you answer those questions.
Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Fallout 4 is the much anticipated follow up to 2008's Fallout 3 and 2010's Fallout: New Vegas. It's been 7 years since Bethesda's last Fallout game. This game is definitely worth the purchase, although it's far from perfect. The game is simultaneously one of the best games I've ever played, and one of the buggiest pieces of sh*t I've ever played. I encountered small bugs like NPC's randomly walking on screen while you're having conversations, and your companion getting stuck on walls, to game breaking bugs like corrupted game saves. All in all after almost 70 hours of gameplay, the truth is that dspite all its flaws, the game was still fun for me. I can see long time Fallout fans hating the changes, but for a new Fallout p...
I have made this video to showcase the database that I made for my movie collection. If anyone is interested in having this for your own collection, then please let me know in the comments below.
If you'd like to help fund Wise Owl's conversion of tea and biscuits into quality training videos you can click this link http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/donate?t=1 to make a donation. Thanks for watching! By Andrew Gould Download the required files here http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/videos/sql2016/movies-database.htm This video explains how to install the Wise Owl Movies database which is something you'll need to do if you want to follow most of our other tutorial videos! The video also explains how to create a database diagram to help visualise the structure of the database, as well as how to view and edit the data in the tables. The last part of the video explains a few of the design decisions we've taken to simplify things for the purposes of teaching and offers some alternative approaches to s...
Add the biggest collection of movies & shows to Kodi Krypton 17. Movies url #1 http://dl.my-film.org/reza/film Movies url #2 http://dlirhd.video/Film2/ Movies url #3 http://dl5.nightsdl.com/Masih/Film Movies url #4 http://s1.bia2m.biz/Movies/Archive/ Movies url #5 http://dl.my-film.org/hasan/film/ TV Shows url #1 http://dl2.mihanpix.com/Serial/ TV Shows url #2 http://s1.bia2m.biz/Series/ TV Shows url #3 http://dl6.nightsdl.com/TV.Show/ TV Shows url #4 http://dl.my-film.org/serial/ My Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterSoloMan My Facebook: http://bit.ly/TwitterSoloMan
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WWW.SIMONAVENTURA.IT presents Simona Ventura on Internet Movie Database (biography, filmography, awards, other works and more). Contact: matteo@simona-ventura.it http://italian.imdb.com/name/nm0893377/ http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0893377/ http://www.simonaventura.it
Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Fallout 4 is the much anticipated follow up to 2008's Fallout 3 and 2010's Fallout: New Vegas. It's been 7 years since Bethesda's last Fallout game. This game is definitely worth the purchase, although it's far from perfect. The game is simultaneously one of the best games I've ever played, and one of the buggiest pieces of sh*t I've ever played. I encountered small bugs like NPC's randomly walking on screen while you're having conversations, and your companion getting stuck on walls, to game breaking bugs like corrupted game saves. All in all after almost 70 hours of gameplay, the truth is that dspite all its flaws, the game was still fun for me. I can see long time Fallout fans hating the changes, but for a new Fallout p...
If you'd like to help fund Wise Owl's conversion of tea and biscuits into quality training videos you can click this link http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/donate?t=1 to make a donation. Thanks for watching! By Andrew Gould Download the required files here http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/videos/sql2016/movies-database.htm This video explains how to install the Wise Owl Movies database which is something you'll need to do if you want to follow most of our other tutorial videos! The video also explains how to create a database diagram to help visualise the structure of the database, as well as how to view and edit the data in the tables. The last part of the video explains a few of the design decisions we've taken to simplify things for the purposes of teaching and offers some alternative approaches to s...
The Internet Movie Database Top 80 Films of the Decade. Only Films with more than 40,000 user votes are included. If two films have the same rating, the movie with the highest number of votes takes precedence. All movie trailers are provided with thanks to the appropriate copyright holders. Stats - Steven Spielberg - 6 Rob Reiner - 4 James Cameron - 3 John Hughes - 3 John Landis - 3 Hayao Miyazaki - 3 Robert Zemeckis - 3 Tim Burton - 2 Joel Coen - 2 Brian De Palma - 2 Richard Donner - 2 Stanley Kubrick - 2 David Lynch - 2 John McTiernan - 2 Alan Parker - 2 Sam Raimi - 2 Oliver Stone - 2 Peter Weir - 2 Longest Film - Once Upon a Time in America - 3hrs 49mins Shortest Film - This is Spinal Tap - 1hr 12mins Airplane (1980) The Blues Bro...
Chicos aca les explico como subir la información de las series a esta base de datos para agilizar el proceso para nuestra web. Si no entienden algo me avisan por favor ;)
WATCH MORE EPISODES HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw0ry7t3NLCjnZwYyvUy-5_Tzn8lXbOcW Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Episode 4! Minecraft: Story Mode is presented as within a game of Minecraft; the Minecraft characters are the avatars of fictional players as they participate in the game together. The main character is named Jesse, who sets out on a journey with his friends within the Minecraft world to find The Order of the Stone–four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon–in order to save the Minecraft world. Jesse is described as a newbie player of Minecraft still learning how to build and craft but passionate about the Minecraft world. Download our App here, or search for GLP in the App Stores: Android: http://tinyurl.com/n4w4qab App...
Скарлетт О’Хара — главная героиня романа Александры Рипли «Скарлетт», который является продолжением романа Маргарет Митчелл «Унесённые ветром» и сериала, снятого по мотивам этой книги. В ролях: Джоан Уолли-Килмер— Скарлетт О’Хара Тимоти Далтон — Ретт Батлер Шон Бин — лорд Ричард Фэнтон Эстер Ролли — Мэмми Аннабет Гиш — Анна Хэмптон (Батлер) Дэвид Келли — Хэлл Портер Пол Уинфилд — Большой Сэм (1 серия) Scarlett (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database Scarlett (англ.) на сайте allmovie Scarlett (англ.) на сайте TCM Movie Database
The Internet Movie Database 70 Best Movies of the Decade. Only Films with more than 25,000 user votes are included. If two films have the same user rating, the one with the most number of user votes takes precedence. Movies by the 10 Broad genres - Drama - 17 Comedies - 12 Thrillers - 12 Horror - 9 Sci-fi - 6 War - 5 Action - 4 Musicals - 2 Westerns - 2 Animation - 1 List of Movies - Kelly's Heroes (1970) MASH (1970) Patton (1970) A Clockwork Orange (1971) Dirty Harry (1971) The French Connection (1971) Harold and Maude (1971) Straw Dogs (1971) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972) Cabaret (1972) Deliverance (1972) The Godfather (1972) Sleuth (1972) Solaris (1972) American Graffiti (1973) Badlands (1973) The Exorcist (1973) Ent...
Follow GLP on Twitter - http://twitter.com/glittlep Follow GLP on Instagram - http://instagram.com/glplaygr0und Like GLP on Facebook - http://facebook.com/gLpLayground Check out Gaming Sins' "Everything Wrong With Rise of the Tomb Raider:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyQNYUqbXvE Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Rise of the Tomb Raider is here! Or as it's known to others, Tomb Raider 2. Tomb Raider has been a staple in gaming for the past 20 years, but for the last decade or so it became a washed up franchise. All that changed in 2013 when Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix rebooted the franchise. The 2013 was brilliant, and introduced a much rougher and grimier version of the franchise. Rise of the Tomb Raider plays it safe her, but in a good way. Th...
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Dragonball Z Abridged Parody follows the adventures of Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta and the rest of the Z Warriors as they gather Dragonballs and fight intergalactic evil. With the comedic writings of Lanipator, Takahata101, and Kaiserneko this may not be the DBZ you remember but TFS hopes you enjoy it all the same. How high can the Krillin Owned Count get? Who will be the next to go Super Saiyan? Can Vegeta's ego get any bigger? Find out NOW on DBZ Abridged! TeamFourStar is a group of voice actors, sound designers, musicians and entertainers based out of Texas. Most noted for the series Dragonball Z Abridged, TFS loves to make comedy and specifically parody. You can find more of our work on our website: http://teamfourstar.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/teamfourst...
Please support the official release! ➤ http://bit.ly/TFSFuniNow Wanna raise your power-level? Subscribe! ➤ http://bit.ly/TFSYTSub Join in our Streams Tues Thurs & Fri at 6CT! ➤ http://bit.ly/2jbUJa8 Want More DBZ? ➤ http://bit.ly/2iLK7eW Please support the official release! ➤ http://bit.ly/TFSFuniStore Dragonball Z Abridged Parody follows the adventures of Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta and the rest of the Z Warriors as they gather Dragonballs and fight intergalactic evil. With the comedic writings of Lanipator, Takahata101, and KaiserNeko this may not be the DBZ you remember but TFS hopes you enjoy it all the same. How high can the Krillin Owned Count get? Who will be the next to go Super Saiyan? Can Vegeta's ego get any bigger? Find out NOW on DBZ Abridged! TeamFourStar is a...
Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Company of Heroes 2! Just like part 1, this one is only comprised of the cinematics since the gameplay really throws off the experience. Excellent story, and all credit to Relic Entertainment for their excellent work. We hope you enjoy the story! Download our App here, or search for GLP in the App Stores: Android: http://tinyurl.com/n4w4qab Apple iOS: http://tinyurl.com/le24bqw Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/glplaygr0und Follow us on Twitter! http://twitter.com/glittlep Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/gLpLayground
Follow GLP on Twitter - http://twitter.com/glittlep Follow GLP on Instagram - http://instagram.com/glplaygr0und Like GLP on Facebook - http://facebook.com/gLpLayground IF YOU PREFER TO WATCH IN EPISODES, CLICK HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw0ry7t3NLChDBXNh5vYvUWAShmyi5RtV Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Assassin's Creed Brotherhood was the 3rd installment in the series. This was Assassin's Creed at it's peak, with our favorite assassin of all, Ezio Auditore. The story is set in a fictional history of real world events set in two time periods, the 16th and 21st centuries. The main portion of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood takes place immediately after the plot of Assassin's Creed II, featuring 16th-century Assassin Ezio Auditore da Fire...
If you'd like to help fund Wise Owl's conversion of tea and biscuits into quality training videos you can click this link http://www.wiseowl.co.uk/donate?t=1 to make a donation. Thanks for watching! You can buy our Introduction to Excel VBA book here http://www.lulu.com/shop/andrew-gould/introduction-to-excel-vba/paperback/product-23301058.html By Andrew Gould http://www.wiseowl.co.uk - Connecting to databases in VBA sounds like it should be complicated, but using the ActiveX Data Objects, or ADO, Object Library makes life an awful lot easier! This video teaches you how to reference the library and how to create a connection to almost any type of database by providing the correct connection string (this video covers Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server). We'll also show you how to ...
Watch more Game Movies at http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Alan Wake is a best-selling psychological thriller author but has been suffering from a two-year stretch of writer's block. He and his wife Alice travel to the Washington State mountain town of Bright Falls for a short vacation on the advice of Alice and his friend and agent Barry Wheeler. Alan Wake is a psychological horror game described by Remedy as "the mind of a psychological thriller" and "the body of a cinematic action game" put together. As always we used relevant gameplay, important dialogue and all cutscenes to create a fluid cinematic experience. We hope you enjoy! Gameplay by Fallen166 Edited by Yofatdaddyyy Download our App here, or search for GLP in the App Stores: Android: http://tinyurl.com/n4w4qab Apple...
Watch more Game Movies here: http://www.gmdb.tv (Game Movie Database) Borderlands was an extremely fun game to play with it's own unique twist of humor. Even though it lacked cinematic scenes and lots of voice acting it was still an incredible game and I can't wait to continue the series! The three main games in Borderlands are first-person shooters with some role-playing game elements. Players select one of the available characters, representing Vault Hunters that have traveled to the planet Pandora to try to seek its fabled Vault. Each Vault Hunter has a different skill tree and one or more unique abilities. Players then work on completing quests and exploring Pandora while dealing with the violent Pandora wildlife, crazed scavengers that have been stranded on the planet, and various m...