Safety at Twitter

You’re in control with our safety tools.

  • What you see
  • What others see
  • Account security

Mute options

Mute feature


No longer want to see Tweets from someone in your timeline or notifications without blocking them? You can mute an account, and unmute it any time.


Avoid language you don’t want to see by blocking specific words. You can choose to block them for 24 hours, seven days, 30 days, or forever. Muted words, hashtags, phrases and more won’t appear on your timeline or in your notifications.


Muting a conversation stops notifications related to a Tweet you're a part of, without blocking anyone or removing the conversation from your Home timeline.

Choose who sees you.

If you want to, you can block any account instantly. When you do, they can’t see your Tweets or message you when you’re logged in. If your profile is public, users you have blocked may still be able to see your Tweets if they are logged out. We also offer the option to protect your account.

Sensitive media

Choose what you want to see.

Discovering new things is part of the Twitter experience, but you can opt out of seeing certain imagery that may be sensitive. Change your settings easily to warn you before sensitive media is displayed.  

Read more

This Tweet is unavailable
This Tweet is unavailable.

Safe search

The safe search function removes potentially sensitive content by default, as well as accounts people have blocked and muted, from all search pages.

Choose what you see.

Get an extra level of control by filtering the types of accounts you see in your notifications timeline. You can choose to stop seeing notifications from certain kinds of accounts.

Protected Tweets

Control who can see your Tweets.

If you protect your Tweets, you will need to manually approve each new follower. Then only they can view or search for your Tweets.

Photo tagging

Choose who can tag you in photos.

Photo tagging can be a great way to connect. You can choose who can tag you: no one, only your followers, or anyone.

Add or hide where you are.

You may want to consider whether or not to share your location. It’s turned off by default; you can enable it in your settings.

Account discovery

Let your friends find you.

Friends can find you on Twitter by using your email address or phone number – but if you don’t want to be discoverable, you can turn this feature off in your settings.

Send and receive direct messages.

Start or join private conversations through direct messages. In your settings, you can choose to get messages from anyone, or only from people you follow. If you opt to get messages from anyone, under the Messages icon you will see two tabs: Inbox (for people you already follow) and Requests (for those you don’t).

Strong passwords

Secure your account.

Safeguard your account with a strong password. Aim for at least 10 characters and a mix of numbers, symbols, and both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Login verification

Secure your account login.

Login verification is an extra layer of security for your Twitter account. Anytime you log in, you’ll need your password and a 6-digit code sent via text message to your mobile phone. This verification helps make sure that you, and only you, can access your account.

Account login

New device login alerts add security to your account.

When you log in to your Twitter account from a new device for the first time, we will send you a notification via email as an extra layer of security.

Password resets

Extra security when resetting your password.

In your account settings (web only), choose “Require personal information to reset my password”. You will be prompted to enter either your email address or mobile number in order to reset your account.

Third-party applications

Select third-party applications with care.

Many developers have built applications on the Twitter platform that you can use with your Twitter account(s). Be cautious when giving these third-party applications access to your account. You can review and revoke access anytime.

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