10 August 2017

US health catastrophe: Drug overdose deaths approach 60,000 a year

By E.P. Milligan, 10 August 2017

More Americans have died from drug overdoses since 2000 than in all the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries combined.

Trump makes an appeal to the fascistic right

Thousands attend free health care event in Detroit

By a WSWS reporting team, 10 August 2017

Like other free clinics throughout the US, the Motor City Medical Mission revealed the deep health care crisis in America.

Democrats offer pro-corporate health care “compromise”

FBI raid on home of former Trump campaign chairman

By Patrick Martin, 10 August 2017

The extraordinary pre-dawn raid is a signal that special counsel Robert Mueller is stepping up his pressure on the Trump administration through the Russia investigation.

Polls show plunging popular support for Trump

CSX railroad closes and downgrades major facilities

By Jeff Lusanne, 10 August 2017

Workers at yards across the CSX system have been pushed aggressively to speed up work, risking injury, under the threat of yards being downgraded or closed.

CSX railroad workers denounce Wall Street plundering

British government backs US war drive against North Korea, China

By Simon Whelan and Robert Stevens, 10 August 2017

The UK Conservative government has staked its post-Brexit future on being the most loyal ally of the US in all its military actions.

Trump threatens “fire and fury” against North Korea

US to launch drone bombing campaign in the Philippines

By Joseph Santolan, 10 August 2017

The US military was involved in the initial attack by Philippine forces that led to the declaration of martial law and US surveillance planes have directed the daily bombing.

Danger of India-China border war grows

By K. Ratnayake, 10 August 2017

The standoff between Indian and Chinese troops on the Doklam Plateau is continuing, amid growing warnings of an impending military clash.

After Levallois attack, French government whips up law-and-order hysteria

By Francis Dubois, 10 August 2017

While what took place in Levallois remains highly unclear, the political establishment is stirring up security fears and promoting the state of emergency.

Grenfell Tower: How the warnings of cladding dangers were ignored

By Steve James, 10 August 2017

Decades prior to the Grenfell fire, the dangers of flammable and incorrectly installed cladding were known to governments of all stripes and ignored.

Grenfell fire: “It’s like Victorian days, where we have nothing and they have everything”

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

German automaker VW collaborated with Brazilian dictatorship

By Ludwig Weller, 10 August 2017

Volkswagen not only offered its services to collaborate with the Brazilian military regime which ruled from 1964 to 1985, but was an independent actor in the repression.

An anti-democratic witch-hunt in Australia over dual citizenship

By Mike Head, 10 August 2017

Question marks are being placed over the basic democratic rights of millions of people who were born overseas or had a parent born overseas.

Australian government threatens police violence to remove Manus Island refugees

Government of crisis installed in Papua New Guinea

By John Braddock, 10 August 2017

Widespread alienation and social unrest has seen the O’Neill government suffer a sharp drop in support in the highly contentious election.

Papua New Guinea prime minister re-installed

New Zealand: Inland Revenue Department to axe nearly 2,000 jobs

By Tom Peters, 10 August 2017

The IRD plans to slash jobs and wages as part of a restructure that is supported by the Public Service Association trade union.

New in French

Après l‘attaque à Levallois, le gouvernement incite l'hystérie sécuritaire

Par Francis Dubois, 10 août 2017

Alors que le caractère de l‘attaque de Levallois n'est pas clairement établi, la classe politique l‘exploite pour justifier le passage de l‘état d‘urgence dans le droit commun.

Trump menace la Corée du Nord de “feu et fureur”

Par Peter Symonds, 10 août 2017

Le monde n’a jamais été si proche d’une guerre nucléaire depuis la Crise des missiles de Cuba en 1962.

Un professeur allemand fait l'éloge de militaires de la Première Guerre mondiale

Par Sven Heymanns, 10 août 2017

Dans une chronique publiée par le Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, le Professeur Ralph Rotte a déclaré que l’armée allemande devrait se tourner vers la Première Guerre mondiale pour trouver ses modèles.

New in German

Trump droht Nordkorea mit „Feuer und Wut“

Peter Symonds, 10. August 2017

Die Welt steht so nah am Rand eines Atomkriegs wie seit der Kubakrise 1962 nicht mehr.

Das Ende von Rot- Grün in Niedersachsen

Ulrich Rippert, 10. August 2017

Der Mehrheitsverlust in Niedersachsen ist ein schwerer Schlag für den neuen SPD-Vorsitzenden und Kanzlerkandidaten Martin Schulz.

Opel-Übernahme durch PSA bedroht Leih- und Zeitarbeiter

Marianne Arens, 10. August 2017

Wie ein Damoklesschwert hängt die PSA-Vorgabe über den Opel/Vauxhall-Standorten: Von 2020 an werden nur die Teile überleben, die Gewinn einfahren.

Syrien wirft Washington Kriegsverbrechen bei Belagerung von Rakka vor

Bill Van Auken, 10. August 2017

Durch US-Luftangriffe sind zahlreiche Zivilisten getötet worden. Laut Damaskus wurde dabei auch Munition mit dem geächteten weißen Phosphor gegen ein Krankenhaus eingesetzt.

New in Spanish

Los cañones de agosto

Por Alex Lantier, 10 agosto 2017

Un poco más de un siglo después de que sonaran los cañones de agosto de 1914 anunciando el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial en Europa, varios focos de conflicto están desarrollando las condiciones para la erupción de una guerra nuclear entre las principales potencias nucleares.

New in Turkish

İsrail polisi ile protestocular arasındaki çatışmalar sonrasında üç Filistinli öldü

Peter Symonds, 9 Ağustos 2017

İsrail Başbakanı Benjamin Netanyahu’nun ve onun başında olduğu hükümetin Doğu Kudüs ve Mescid-i Aksa camisi konusunda daha kışkırtıcı ve saldırgan bir tutum alması, Trump yönetiminin güçlü İsrail yanlısı duruşu eliyle açıkça teşvik edilmektedir.

Washington’ın Venezuela’ya yönelik yaptırımları ve Chavezciliğin çıkmazı

Eric London, 9 Ağustos 2017

Latin Amerika’ya egemen olan sürekli yoksulluk ve eşitsizlik, buradaki işçi sınıfının küçük-burjuva radikalizminin çeşitli akımları tarafından siyasi olarak silahsızlandırılması ile sıkı sıkıya bağlantılıdır.

Other Languages


Trump’s nuclear war threat against North Korea

10 August 2017

With the staggeringly reckless statements of Trump and his aides, a fuse has been lit that can lead to the eruption of a nuclear war in Asia with incalculable global consequences.

Earlier Perspectives »

Google Censorship

Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount

By Andre Damon, 8 August 2017

Google blocked every one of the WSWS’s 45 top search terms

By Andre Damon, 4 August 2017

Watch: Join the fight against online censorship!

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook!

Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites

More on Google Censorship »


Another reactionary attack on artist Dana Schutz, this time in Boston—and a healthy response

By David Walsh, 10 August 2017

Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old black youth murdered in Mississippi in 1955, came under attack in March when it was shown as part of the Whitney Museum’s Biennial in New York City.

Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu dies, aged 46

By Richard Phillips, 9 August 2017

Barbet Schroeder’s Amnesia: The trauma of German history

By Joanne Laurier, 7 August 2017


The hacking of HBO and the “Russian meddling” campaign

By Barry Grey, 10 August 2017

The massive hack of HBO is but the latest case demonstrating the proliferation of hacker groups all over the world that employ advanced technology to successfully attack giant corporations.

Irish nationalism versus socialist internationalism: A reply to a reader—Part two

By Steve James, 10 August 2017

Knox proceeds from insisting that the British working class is hopeless to exalting the nationalist revolutionary traditions of the Irish working class.

Irish nationalism versus socialist internationalism: A reply to a reader—Part one

New Zealand: Pseudo-left International Socialist Organisation backs Labour, Greens in election

By John Braddock, 9 August 2017

The guns of August

US sanctions against Russia intensify conflict with Europe

Devastating toll of hunger on US school children

International Amazon Workers Voice

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

By Samuel Davidson, 10 August 2017

”You are not supposed to talk, just supposed to work in this hive. That is what it looks like in there, a beehive, and we are working in a honeycomb.”

Amazon and Foxconn in Kenosha, Wisconsin: The new American “special economic zone”

By Christopher Davion, 8 August 2017

“It’s like we are going back to the early 1900s before workers had any rights”
Amazon job applicants speak on social crisis in US

By Isaac Finn, 4 August 2017

Amazon Jobs Day: A Tale of Two Americas

Amazon and the CIA: a match made in hell
Part One: Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook


Curiosity rover marks fifth year on Mars

By Bryan Dyne, 9 August 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
August 7-13: Mezhraiontsy unite with the Bolsheviks

7 August 2017

At the Sixth Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, convened by the Bolsheviks, the 4,000 strong Interdistrict Group (Mezhraiontsy), led by Trotsky and Lunacharsky, merges with the 240,000-strong Bolshevik Party, led by Lenin.

From the archives of the Russian Revolution
Letter to the Provisional Government

By Leon Trotsky, 31 July 2017

This is a new translation of an open letter Trotsky addressed to the Provisional Government on the arrest of Bolshevik leaders, which took place during the crackdown that followed the July Days.

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

Five years since company-provoked incident used to frame up Maruti Suzuki workers

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Workers Struggles

Spectrum strike in New York-New Jersey enters fifth month

By Mark Witkowski, 9 August 2017

Steelworkers in Sheffield, UK strike after decade without a pay rise

By Danny Richardson, 7 August 2017

A letter from a reader on social conditions and the Fiat workers’ strike in Serbia

5 August 2017

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party of Germany presents its posters for September federal election

By our reporters, 7 August 2017

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the US-led imperialist war drive!

7 August 2017


Fifty years since the Detroit rebellion
Part one: An uprising of the oppressed

By Barry Grey, 21 July 2017

The WSWS is posting a three-part series originally published in July of 1987 under the title “Twenty years since the Detroit rebellion.”

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.