- published: 24 Jul 2017
- views: 258888
MMS may refer to:
Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or MMS, is a toxic solution of 28%sodium chlorite in distilled water. The product contains essentially the same ingredient as industrial-strength bleach before "activation" with a food-grade acid. The name was coined by Jim Humble in his 2006 self-published book, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century. A more dilute version is marketed as Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS).
MMS is falsely promoted as a cure for HIV, malaria, hepatitis viruses, the H1N1 flu virus, common colds, autism, acne, cancer, and much more. There have been no clinical trials to test these claims, which come only from anecdotal reports and Humble's book. In January 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that one vendor admitted that they do not repeat any of Humble's claims in writing to circumvent regulations against using it as a medicine. Sellers sometimes describe MMS as a water purifier so as to circumvent medical regulations. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies rejected "in the strongest terms" reports by promoters of MMS that they had used the product to fight malaria.
Video from my mobile mms
स्कूल में बना छात्रा का mms, देखकर उड़ जाएंगे होश | Student MMS in School
MMS : The Miracle Cure? - the fifth estate
Emotivo testimonio de Pere explicando su experiencia en África con el MMS
MMS Que Cura que no Cura
ungesäuerte einnahme mms cdl
Entrevista exclusiva en español a Jim Humble, descubridor del MMS
Couple romance viral mms leaked
El MMS, el aspirador universal
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They call it the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and so-called “health ministers” are promoting it from B.C. to Newfoundland. They are members of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, with avid followers around the globe. Church leaders, including Jim Humble, claim their product can protect you from “95% of the world’s diseases” including HIV/AIDS, cancer and autism. Canadians are ingesting it, spraying it, bathing in it and treating their autistic children with it. But Health Canada warns MMS, sometimes referred to as Chlorine Dioxide Solution or CDS, is an “unauthorized drug” that contains a dangerous bleaching agent. Mark Kelley investigates, as the fifth estate talks to the believers and activists trying to stop them. For more on the fifth estate : http://www.cbc.ca/fifth Fol...
Pere es una persona anónima que ha vivido en primera persona experiencias de curación en África con el DIóxido de CLoro ( MMS ), Durante el multitudirario evento realizado en Barcelona sobre el MMS explicó emocionado sus exeriencias. _____________________ Si te ha gustado el vídeo haz un "me gusta" Suscríbete a nuestro canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/lascajasdepandora Visita nuestra web y apúntate a la lista de correo: http://www.lacajadepandora.eu ____________________ El viernes 27 de febrero de 2015 se celebró en Barcelona un evento multitudinario ( 2700 asistentes ) para divulgar el uso del Dióxido de Cloro ( MMS ) como tratamiento a muchas enfermedades. En el congreso se presentaron testimonios y argumentos científicos que avalan el éxito del uso del MMS en contra de lo que...
O MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution – Solução Mineral Milagrosal), criado já há alguns anos pelo investigador e inventor americano Jim Humble, é antes de tudo uma solução de água destilada contendo 28% de clorito de sódio (NaCLO2). Jim Humble desenvolveu o MMS inicialmente quase que por acidente, pois estava a usar o mesmo para tratamento de agua (amplamente usado em vários países). Acontece que estava com outros trabalhadores garimpando e dois deles contraíram malária e o acampamento deles estava há dois dias de viajem para o hospital mais próximos e o pior, estavam sem nenhum medicamento para malária pois inicialmente, disseram a eles que não havia malária no, local que iriam. . As chances de sobreviver eram pequeníssimas. Jim Humble intuiu que se o MMS servia para matar os patóge...
En ese video podrás resolver tus dudas sobre qué enfermedades puede curar el MMS y en cuáles solamente nos ayudará como parte del tratamiento. Si quieres recibir nuestros boletines y/o estar en contacto conmigo, lo puedes hacer directamente en mi página web: http://www.centroser.com o escribiendo al correo: armandoac@centroser.com
Jim Humble, mundialmente conocido por ser el descubridor del suplemento mineral milagroso, nos habla de cómo descubrió el MMS y sus experiencias con él hasta la actualidad. En esta entrevista nos descubre las amplias aplicaciones del MMS en la mejora y curación de muchas enfermedades graves y sus últimos descubrimientos en torno al clorito sódico. La tercera carrera del ingeniero aeroespacial, Jim Humble, comenzó accidentalmente mientras estaba en un viaje prospectando oro en la selva de Venezuela. Allí, usando oxígeno estabilizado, él improvisó un remedio efectivo para sus colegas, quienes estaban enfermos con malaria. Curioso como siempre había sido en su vida, el regresó a su nativo EE.UU. y se preguntó porqué la cura había funcionado tan bien. Las repuestas a sus propias preguntas ...
El MMS, es decir el dioxido de cloro, con sus 33 electrones de la ciencia oficial, realmente crea un aspirador universal ideal para limpiar el polvo del interior de nuestro cuerpo, es decir eliminar ruido y subir energía, mejorando las comunicaciones internas de nuestro cuerpo.
This is what I sound like after 5 years
(You back kid)
Why do I feel I still got the floor
(You back kid, Bad Boy for real, Let's go)
Before 99 I was born again
5 years later and I'm on again
Man I think I'm born to win
Mase broke, that's a oxy moron
Forget a bus, I bought a drop to tour on
G-4's What I soar on, uh
You thinkin I ain't hot you so wrong
Sorry for the prolong
But now life goes on
Long list of hits and it goes on
I wake up, and I don't even feel like a star
And man I'm getting a million a bar
Indeed I need not take no lie
Man, ya'll gone make me cry
It's kinda eerie when you hear me
Ya hairs stand up
Been a change of plan
Rip your old plan up
Instead of hatin
Help me lift the big man up (As we proceed...come on....yeah)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Betha I love this one...endeavor, for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Some days I make thousands
Some days I make millions
Spend my day chillin
Coupe's with suede ceilings
Everybody out there wanna know what Mase got
Way hot gray drop Maybach gray yacht (Whoooo)
And that's just the way it be
Favor, people wanna pay for me
When I'm in Mr. Chows, they waive the fee
And I don't chase money man
Money chase me
I give my wife things that she dream and more
I give a little bit, and she fiend for more (lets go)
I'm back like Moses to bring the law (Come on)
Brand new saint Mase in mean velour
I had bling before you ever seen the tour
Fans from Iran and Singapore
And grown men beg me to bring them on tour
Even if it mean they gotta sleep on the floor (Let's Go!!)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin' (This for real, Bad Boy)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
I used to be the guy stood next to Diddy
Crucified for bringin sex in the city
Even though the girls think I'm extra pretty
How I know? I ain't got no extra wit me, oh
With the fist tight flow
Wit a wrist like whoa
What if this might blow
Aint no if I...Know
I'm the man to plan the way
This ain't my life
I've become a saved (Say what)
Put up a good fight
Like its mandalay
Hate the game, but it made a man a man
Gone for a while, its like I ran away
God tI'me now, and I don't plan to play
I'm only here for the one thing you lack
And make dj's scratch is he is he back
Kids in the hood stutter it's a it's a fact
It's the kid resurrected it's a it's a wrap
(As we proceed, to give you what you need, he's back)
Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (I wanna see yall out there)
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Let's work this, let's work now)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(Let's work, Turn the lights on somebody)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (Let's work)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (Let's work)
Wake these people up and show them they keep dreamin'
(hahahaha...I like this right here, I like this right here)
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go
Breathe Stretch Shake, Let it Go (For real, Bad Boy)