Titled Comrade...Bengal's Red Past, the film is based on the Left Front's rule on West Bengal for 34 years ... Titled Comrade... Panda, one of the accused in the Narada sting operation, was kept away from party activities after he was found in the Narada tapes, in March 2016 ... Tollywood actor Kharaj Mukherjee plays the lead role in the film along with Mainak Banerjee, Ena Saha, BhaswarChatterjee, Moubani Sorcar and Anindya Sarkar ... ....
Following in the foot steps of HindiTV serials, several Bengali mega serials have squeezed in festivals in their episodes starting with Holi celebrations to be aired this extended weekend ... Bengali TV soap star BhaswarChatterjee said, "Be it Durga Puja, Saraswati Puja or Doljatra, all popular Bengali festivals are now coming up in our soaps. They make the audience feel involved." ... ....
Somu (BhaswarChatterjee) is always belittled by his elitist wife (Sonali Chaudhuri). On a visit to his father's old property in a village somewhere in the outskirts, Sonali humiliates and eventually ousts Soumitra Chatterjee, who was once sheltered by Bhaswar's father ... Although it boasts of a good cast in form of Soumitra Chatterjee, BhaswarChatterjee and Monami Ghosh, the script doesn't allow anyone much sanity....