Welsh Quiz: Can You Figure Out What These Welsh Words Mean?

The government wants a million people to speak Welsh by 2050.

10/08/2017 12:28

The Welsh language has been placed in the spotlight in recent days - so we’ve decided to celebrate some of the most glorious words that Wales has given us.

New legislation, outlined in a white paper this week, proposes measures to help Wales hit an ambitious target to get a million people speaking Welsh by 2050. Measures included scrapping the job of Welsh language commissioner and replacing it with a Welsh Language Commission.

Welsh also hit the headlines at the weekend when Sports Direct has faced yet another row over how its staff area treated after issuing a notice which appeared to ban staff in one of its Welsh branches from speaking their own language.

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The Welsh Government wants a million people to speak Welsh by 2050

A sign appeared in the Bangor Sports Direct store telling staff members that “it has come to our attention that some members of staff are speaking to each other in languages other than English whilst carrying out their duty”.

It continued: “We would like to take this opportunity to remind staff that they must speak in English at all times while they are at work, in order that they can be understood by all members of staff; this includes any personal conversations that may be taking place during work time.”

This led to condemnation by many Welsh speakers including Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood and BBC newsreader Huw Edwards.

Welsh may sound tricky to the uninitiated but it’s got some absolutely cracking vocabulary. 

Have a go at translate some of our favourite Welsh words...

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