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  1. Horizons National's Annual Meeting is coming up...looking forward to seeing many friendly faces in Norwalk next week!
  2. Summer essential to Education Reform:
  3. "What about Summer?" Brian Williams poses the question to a panel of Mayors, Governors, and the Secretary of Education.
  4. Another morning of Education Nation. Next up: Shrinking the Achievement Gap. Look for Lorna Smith in the front row!
  5. Listening to Corey Booker's plans for Newark schools-time should be the variable and achievement the constant instead of vice versa
  6. @RonaldFairchild Thanks for the update-no announcement on website about weather, just blank screen
  7. thanks to Brian Williams for bringing the conversation around to summer learning (or trying to!) #educationnation
  8. there should not be a lottery for good education #educationnation
  9. watching the teacher conversation on #educationnation
  10. Education Nation live on NBC. What can be done to help our country's most underserved children?
  11. Watch Horizons at Brooklyn Friends School -- A Unique Summer Learning Experience on Vimeo!
  12. @kanter #nslachat So I would communicate & share links to program docs etc via twitter? If I build it, will they come?
  13. @kanter #nslachat working in Natl org, hard to get affiliates on twitter. How do I build a relevant network?