Biofin to guard fauna and flora

USD 140 million is the annual cost of ecosystem services for the National Park in Chon-kemin - the habitat for unique species of flora and fauna, including snow leopard.

eGov: Japan, SRS and UNDP considered interim results

Representatives of the Embassy of Japan, State Registration Service, State Enterprise “Infocom” and UNDP discussed the interim results of the project, which underpins the buildup of e-government in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Data visualization: Press-services of state bodies and journalists of Central Asia have mastered their skills in multi-media tools

Representatives of press services of state bodies, national TV channels of Central Asian countries gained knowledge on working with new media for timely info distribution about emergency situations, the environment and natural resources.

Joint efforts of Jogorku Kenesh, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and UNDP to strengthen parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic

30 June 2017, Deputy Speaker of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Altynai Omurbekova, Ambassador of Switzerland to the Kyrgyz Republic René Holenstein and Acting Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Aliona Niculita signed a memorandum of understanding to support the consolidation of a strong and inclusive parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The signing ceremony took place in Jogorku Kenesh with participation of members of parliament, management of the apparatus of Jogorku Kenesh as well as representatives from international donor community.

Solar energy for yummy breakfasts

Social institutes in Orlovka, Kadzhi -Sai and Ak-Tyuz are gradually shifting towards using alternative sources of energy. Solar systems for heating the water have been installed in 4 kindergartens, 2 secondary schools and 2 health facilities of the above-mentioned settlements.

Baby care room became comfy and cozy at UNDP Bishkek

A baby care room has been opened at the UNDP National Programme Management Unit in Bishkek. Now mothers can find everything necessary to feed and change their babies and toddlers in a comfortable environment.

Human Development Week in the Kyrgyz Republic

Human development week has been held in Bishkek. This year, there have been presented and disclosed trade, labor migration, gender related areas. The Human Development Week launched 7 June 2017 with the presentation of the regular National Human Development Report “Trade and Human Development in the Kyrgyz Republic” (2016). Representatives of the government bodies, international and local experts actively discussed results of the Report with the authors.

“If you are one of us, help us!”

“If you are one of us, help us!” sounds the saying in the “Avatar” movie. And maybe, it's the right time for people to remember that we and nature are not different systems. We are one single organism. 5 June is an important date to mark this when people of the planet celebrate two main events – “World Environment Day” and “Environment Protection Day”, in celebration of which joins the Kyrgyz Republic as well.

Few things I got at the Global Legislative Openness Conference in Kiev

19-20 May, in Kiev, Ukraine took place the International conference on Global Legislative openness. A very intense agenda full of hard discussions, updates and cutting edge ideas from all over the globe. Here below, in no order, few of my personal takeaways.

Businesswomen to set up contacts in Central Asia

Today, representatives of women's business fill the relationship between the three countries of Central Asia with a new content. Supporting women's economic opportunities is crucial for establishing new business contacts among women entrepreneurs. It gives stimulus to further development of cooperation, promotes economic integration in the region.

Start a Business – Save The Planet!

At first sight “biodiversity” and “interaction with private business” seem to be not quite a clear combination. However, it was found out that the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity is impossible without participation of business!

Never stop dreaming!

I was 10 years old when I met Kofi Annan in person at the Children Word Festival held by the United Nations in Switzerland. For a girl from a small country in the Central Asia it was strong impression. Since that moment I have been dreaming to work for United Nations.

Back to the roots or the power of Kyrgyz women

During the recent Rule of Law Forum, launched by the UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic, I have met an incredible speaker. I noticed her immediately from the crowd, young woman with a short hair, dressed up boyish.  

Switzerland to Support a 10-year Project on Enhancing Parliamentarism

28 April 2017 UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic informed about the launch of a new project “Strong and Inclusive Parliamentary Democracy” aimed at strengthening parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic, ensuring its transparency and accountability to citizens.

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a process; working together is a success. Henry Ford

During planting season, more than five thousand residents of Tajik and Kyrgyz villages use   water coming through canals. Community work is not something new for local people as they follow traditions of ancestors but this year it is held in quite a large-scale.

How to live in mercury-free environment?

When the mercury-containing devices are broken, mercury enters the environment. Its vapors can lead to serious poisoning: if the substance is not collected in time, it results into fumes that create a dangerous concentration in the air.

Discovering Innovative Business Ideas of Youth in Kyrgyzstan

Tabyshker (innovator in Kyrgyz language) is a contest of innovative business projects launched 11 December 2016 and held as a part of Enactus Innovative Lab, a platform for the creation and testing of new start-ups before their further implementation. The idea came up in a result of cooperation of UNDP and Enactus Kyrgyz Republic.

Safety nets vital to counter rise of exclusion in Europe and Central Asia

Tackling discrimination, joblessness, and unequal political participation key to region’s continued progress, UNDP’s latest global Human Development Report finds.

Kyrgyz Republic: 25 years in the United Nations

2 March 2017 UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic Alexander Avanessov had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Erlan Abdyldaev. The meeting was timed to mark 25th anniversary of the accidence of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations.

Government of Japan allocates US$11.9 million for governance, disaster risk reduction in Kyrgyzstan

With USD 11.9 million from the Government of Japan, Kyrgyzstan today launched three major programmes to respectively build up the country’s civil registry, increase capacity to respond to disasters, and make schools safer. These will be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).