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Category Archives: ISIS

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March 24, 2017

Even if Isis is defeated in Syria and Iraq, its foreign reach has taken on a life of its own

This article originally appeared in the International Business Times 
Just after 2:30pm yesterday afternoon, a terrorist mowed down pedestrians with a car on Westminster Bridge before jumping out near Parliament and stabbing a police officer to death. Three people were murdered, …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, Opinion Editorial, Syria, Terrorism & Security
January 16, 2017

Event Transcript: ‘Lighting The Path: The Evolution of the Islamic State Media Enterprise’

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Posted in Event Transcript, ISIS, Terrorism & Security

Event Summary: ‘Lighting The Path: The Evolution of the Islamic State Media Enterprise’

By Talia Jessener
On Tuesday 10th January, the Henry Jackson Society welcomed Dr Craig Whiteside from the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism. In an age of an increasingly accessible media, propaganda has become one of the most powerful weapons used by ISIS. …

Posted in Event Summaries, ISIS, Spotlight, Terrorism & Security
January 10, 2017

Event: ‘Lighting The Path: The Evolution of the Islamic State Media Enterprise’

TIME: 10th January 2017, 13:00 – 14:00
VENUE: Committee room 3, House of Lords, Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 1AA
SPEAKER: Dr Craig Whiteside, Associate Fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
For a summary of this event click here
For a transcript of this event …

Posted in Event, ISIS, Spotlight
December 18, 2016

‘5 YEARS of attacks on Britain’ as ISIS and al-Qaida fired up from Aleppo

Originally published by the Daily Express
Fighting has ended in the besieged city reclaimed by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and ISIS militants face catastrophic defeat in Mosul.
But ideas that the wave of terror striking fear across Europe is about to come …

Posted in ISIS, News Coverage, Syria
November 25, 2016

Foreign fighters for statelets: From Kurdistan to the ‘Caliphate’

Originally posted by the New Arab
Much is made of the foreign fighters who flock to join the “caliphate” Islamic State (IS) claims to have established in Iraq and Syria.
Although many foreign fighters are from Middle Eastern and North African countries, …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria
November 20, 2016

Spain terror threat: Two suspected ISIS terrorists ‘awaiting orders to attack’ arrested

Originally published in The Daily Star
The Moroccan pair were “dangerous” and “directed and controlled” by the terror group, Spanish Ministry of Interior officials said.
The two men, who have not been named, are said to have isolated themselves from the rest …

Posted in ISIS, Morocco, News Coverage, Spain, Terrorism & Security
October 30, 2016

Saddam and the Islamic State: family connections

Originally posted by The New Arab
Earlier this week on Tuesday, the Kirkuk police department announced that a cousin of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had been arrested south of the city on charges of participating in recent attacks launched in the province …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, News Coverage
October 29, 2016

The ISIS Dirty Dozen – the world’s most wanted jihadis hunted by the West

Originally posted by The Daily Star
The Battle for Mosul is raging as the so-called caliphate is battered back by the Iraqi Army and their US-coalition allies in bid to shatter the cult’s final stronghold in Iraq.

Daily Star Online can now reveal …

Posted in ISIS, News Coverage
October 27, 2016

Islamic State Attempts to Accentuate Coalition Disunity by Protracting Battle for Mosul

As Coalition forces advance on Mosul Islamic State launch counterattacks in an attempt to prolong the fighting so that the factions within the Coalition turn on one another.
Despite the gains made by Coalition forces in their advance on Mosul, Islamic …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Press Release
October 19, 2016

What happens if Islamic State flees Iraq?

Originally published by The Week
The EU’s security commissioner has warned of the threat to Europe posed by Islamic State militants fleeing Mosul.

Kyle Orton, a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, believes the group is deliberately giving up its caliphate.

Read full …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Defence, Europe, European Union, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey

Douglas Murray Discussing Migrant Crisis on BBC Radio Ulster

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom

Kyle Orton Speaks to BBC World Service on Battle for Mosul and Aftermath

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism & Security, Turkey

Douglas Murray on Sky News debating Migrant Crisis

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Defence, Europe, Extremism, ISIS, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom

Dr Alan Mendoza speaks to Wall Street Journal about no-fly zone over Syria

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security

Kyle Orton Speaking to LBC about battle for Mosul

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, Terrorism & Security
October 18, 2016

After losses in Syria and Iraq, Islamic State moves goal posts

Orginally published by Boston Globe
BEIRUT — Islamic State leaders had long promised their followers an apocalyptic battle — foretold, some believe, by the Prophet Mohammed — in an otherwise nondescript village they controlled in northern Syria.

Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, the senior Islamic …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 17, 2016

Mosul’s Liberation is Just the Beginning of a Dangerous New Phase in the Conflict

While Islamic State’s removal from power in Mosul is obviously necessary, the different forces operating against them may become rivals in the aftermath. It is far from clear that Islamic State will lose the capacity to operate clandestinely within and …

Posted in ISIS, Press Release

Kyle Orton on Symbolic Importance of Dabiq to Islaimc State on BBC World Service

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey
October 13, 2016

Egypt, Hamas and Islamic State’s Sinai Province

The latest report from the Henry Jackson Society’s Centre from the New Middle East highlights the enduring threat posed by Islamic State’s Sinai province. As this paper reveals, with assistance from Hamas’s military wing in Gaza, Islamic State militants in the …

Posted in Egypt, ISIS, Publication

Kyle Orton speaks about Syria to BBC Radio Oxford

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 11, 2016

Event: ‘Report Launch – Governing the Caliphate: Profiles of Islamic State Leaders’

17:00-18:00, Tuesday 11th October 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 6, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKER: Kyle Orton, Research Fellow, The Henry Jackson Society;
Author, ‘Governing the Caliphate: Profiles of Islamic State Leaders’
To attend please visit:
The Islamic State has been controlling …

Posted in CRT Event, Event, Iraq, ISIS, Islamism, Syria
October 3, 2016

Isil prepares for ‘apocalyptic showdown of Muslim and Christian armies’ in Syrian town of Dabiq

Originally published in The Telegraph
US-backed Syrian rebels say they are within 48 hours of reaching the Isil-held town of Dabiq, which is regarded by the jihadists as the preordained site of the final apocalyptic battle between Muslims and Christians.

But analysts believe a …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey, United States
September 20, 2016

Study: Former Al-Qaida Terrorists Training Islamic State Cells in Europe

Originally posted in Voice of America
The study by the Henry Jackson Society, a London-based research institution, looked at the al-Qaida-linked terror networks in Europe in the early 2000s, around the time of the NATO-led invasion of Afghanistan, and the current networks …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Europe, Extremism, ISIS, News Coverage, Syria, United Kingdom

This is why Isis prefers to use home-grown terrorists over foreign jihadis

By Emma Webb
Originally published by The Independent
Recently three women were arrested for allegedly plotting an Isis directed attack on Paris after French police found a car filled with gas cylinders near Notre Dame Cathedral. It is easy for this to …

Posted in ISIS, Islamism, Opinion Editorial, Terrorism & Security
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