Why AGL boss Andy Vesey irritates coal miners

AGL chief executive Andrew Vesey isn't the coal miners' favourite.
AGL chief executive Andrew Vesey isn't the coal miners' favourite. Jeremy Piper

There are two reasons why Andy Vesey irritates the life out of coal miners, and they were offered reminders of both as AGL's chief executive delivered full-year financials that fully affirmed his ambition to sit at the vanguard of Australian energy market reform.

The first and most obvious point of vexation is that AGL's savvy boss is the single most powerful voice on the Australian executive landscape to have belled-the-cat on coal's terminal place in our national energy diet.

And the second is that this eloquent American evangelist for our renewable energy future is making so much money by selling huge volumes of coal fired power into a market that has been so obviously disrupted by the growth of the renewable options made possible by government incentive.

In the 2017 financial year AGL generated a profit of $802 million, which represented an increase of 15 per cent, or a cool $101 million, over the previous year.

The single biggest contributor to that welcome and impressive uplift in performance was the wholesale electricity business, which added an additional $166 million to the bottom line.

And, for all that AGL keeps inviting me to join it in walking away from coal, the simple fact is that the overwhelming majority of the electricity that AGL wholesales continues to be generated by coal-fired power plants.

This is not to damn Vesey or his plan to prepare AGL for an increasingly carbon constrained world. Indeed, we come to praise him.

AGL's pursuit, for example, of an initiative that could see it import liquefied natural gas in an attempt to introduce affordable molecules and pricing tension to an uncertain domestic market is both imaginative and courageous.

So, too, is Vesey's decision to put a hold on current and future share buybacks in preference for $1 billion of growth initiatives and to confirm that AGL is investigating how it might profitably leverage its abundant skill set and financial muscle into opportunities in new geographies and markets.

AGL under Vesey is unquestionably well managed and made more effective by the fact that it is working to a clear strategy that has been embraced by employees, customers and investors.

But the paradox of coal is unavoidable and will remain so, at least until his herd of coal-fired dinosaurs start slipping into extinction from 2022, which is the deadline for the death of the 1680-megawatt Liddell power station.

At one point during Thursday's profit briefing, Vesey was pressed on the decision to close Liddell.

The logic for holding rather than folding starts with the fact that the closure decision was made at a time when there was a surplus of generation capacity and wholesale pricing was very poor. The market has since been reshaped by other baseload retirements and that has made power production from existing infrastructure unusually profitable. So why not let Liddell live on?

Vesey responded with clarity. He started by noting that Liddell was nearly as old as he was, which explained why it ran on a technology that haD been left behind by progress. He repeated AGL's shaping mantra, which was we live in an increasing carbon constrained world, and finished by asserting that the reduction of AGL's carbon risk was "very important" and fiercely economically rational.

Then for final good measure, Vesey said it made no sense whatsoever to replace Liddell with more modern coal-fired technologies. "We just don't see new development of coal as economically rational even before factoring in a real carbon cost," he said.

To digress for just two paragraphs, this is commentary that the Minerals Council of Australia and others who promote the cause of public funding of expensive new-age coal power plants need to better understand. If the much vaunted high-energy, low-emission technologies made financial sense, AGL and Origin would surely be embracing them as the answer to their baseload problem.

Vesey served strongly worded notice on Thursday that all 50 of Alan Finkel's recommendations needed to be introduced urgently if Australia was to earn the private investment it needed to resecure its energy market. He is not alone in this proposition. The better part of the MCA's membership, for example, sees the fulsome and rapid embrace of Finkel as the first best answer to the policy certainty that is needed to invest.

But, now, back to the Vesey's post-Liddell plan.

AGL is working to a map that has Liddell progressively replaced by a suite of generating options that might seem a little exotic now but will be commonplace by the early point of the 2020s. Those options stretch from the obvious – solar and wind – to the emerging, batteries, pumped hydro and demand management.

Oh, yes, and then there are the gas peaking plants. There remains some uncertainty over how much new peaking capacity will be needed to meet demand and defend the security of the national network once Liddell is no more. Vesey estimated that anything between 800MW and 1500Mw of peaking capacity would be required and that might cost anything from $800 million to $1.5 billion to build.

This is, of course, what Vesey needs to help manufacture an end to the domestic gas drought that sees commercial volumes of any size and duration hard to come by and leaves Australian spot gas pricing the envy of the gas producing (rather than consuming) world.

Vesey has nothing like five years to make himself comfortable that a gas-fired power future is affordable to AGL and its wholesale and retail gas and electricity customers. If power stations were easy, affordable and profitable things to build then we would not be facing the trilemma of energy challenges that we do.

So we have Vesey's people deciding that Crib Point in Victoria's Western Port Bay is the best place for them to spend $250 million on a LNG re-gasification plant. AGL reckons it will take 18 months or so to gather the regulatory and social licences necessary to approve that investment, and a final investment decision is slated for 2018. That would enable construction to start by 2019 and gas to start flowing as early as 2020.

By 2018, the future state of Australia gas markets will be much, much clearer. While the gas industry has a habit of disagreeing with itself, there is some level of consensus on the idea that the current drought is transitional, that gas will become more readily available through the back end of this year and beyond, and that pricing will drift into a more affordable and traditional alignment with export pricing once that supply-side equilibrium is recovered.

If that happens, then AGL might not need to spend money on a project that Vesey says will be able to deliver $8 to $10 gas to wholesale markets. Sensibly though, AGL's man will continue to prepare for the worst in the hope that more rational outcomes can be achieved.

Crib Point was not the only talking point in Australian gas on Thursday. Before AGL's results, Origin confirmed another $1.2 billion of impairments on its domestic and export gas investments while erstwhile Macquarie takeover target, Central Petroleum, put itself into trading halt pending finalisation of the capital raising needed to sustain its plans to enter the east coast marketplace.

From what we understand Central is looking to raise the better part of $25 million through rights issue that will be jointly underwritten by Macquarie and Morgans.

The capital will be deployed on near-term gas developments that will provide the certainty necessary for Central to start discussions aimed at accumulating customer contracts and pipeline capacity.

And those Origin impairments, well, the bulk of them ($815 million) flow directly from a review of the carrying value of the assets that make up the $24 billion Origin inspired LNG project in Gladstone. This is the second APLNG impairment Origin has absorbed this year. It took a $1 billion non-cash hit back in February.

Origin owns an overweight 37.5 per cent of the Gladstone chillers. So the full-year impact of $1.84 billion would imply that the APLNG partners pruned carrying value of the project by a massive $4.9 billion through the last financial year.
