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For 60 years, The Australian Financial Review has been the authority on business, finance and political news in Australia.

Joined January 2009


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  1. 4m

    Former submarine base HMAS Platypus to be opened up as a cultural, community and commercial hub.

  2. 34m

    It’s almost cruising season in the southern hemisphere, and this summer is looking to be cracker.

  3. 49m

    Minimal progress in latest talks.

  4. 1h

    APRA’s message to underperforming super funds is simple: Make "quick" changes or be shut down.

  5. 1h

    Labor says it’s here to help pass an energy policy he can sell to his backbench:

  6. 2h

    The fiasco can teach a good lesson in government relations: dump the political staffers.

  7. 2h

    . is getting another MP soon as the AEC confirms a shake-up of electoral boundaries:

  8. 2h

    . needed when they first partnered up six years ago. The situation has now reversed:

  9. 2h

    ASIC loses workers compensation claim for "disharmony, bullying and lack of respect,” writes .

  10. 3h

    Employment minister blasts current union merger laws, writes .

  11. 3h

    Increasingly, politics is occupied by the need for the government to step in and correct market failures:

  12. 3h

    Ardent Leisure has closed five centres in Houston in the wake of Harvey.

  13. 4h

    Ardent Leisure has defended its strategy for Main Event leisure centres after being forced to close five in Texas.

  14. 4h

    Bill Morrow's plans to monetise NBN's own value is very much a work in progress, writes .

  15. 4h

    . will fly to London via Singapore rather than Dubai in revamp.

  16. 5h

    Ex-manager at CSL who ran a private business selling sex toys has won $26,000 in unfair dismissal compensation.

  17. 5h

    PEP, Carlyle not worried about ATO's funds freeze ,

  18. Retweeted
  19. 6h

    Signs are emerging the business investment strike is over, writes .

  20. 6h

    Future Fund prepares for end to low interest rates that have allowed governments to borrow cheaply.

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