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Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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702 Spying

EFF Urges Supreme Court to Take On Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance, Reverse Dangerous Ruling That Allows Massive Government Spying Program

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked the Supreme Court to review and overturn an unprecedented ruling allowing the government to intercept, collect, and store—without a warrant—millions of Americans’ electronic communications, including emails, texts, phone calls, and online chats. This warrantless surveillance is conducted by U.S. intelligence agencies...

Don’t Let Congress Compromise on Net Neutrality

A few months ago, we received confirmation of what many of us had feared: incoming Federal Communications Commission Chair Ajit Pai announced his plans to eliminate the clear, enforceable protections for net neutrality that the Commission had implemented in 2015. Since then, people have stood up en masse in support...

End Biometric Border Screening

This blog post was first published in The Hill on July 18, 2017. This summer, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expanding its program of subjecting U.S. and foreign citizens to facial recognition screening at international airports. This indiscriminate biometric surveillance program threatens the personal privacy of...

Thank you to our Summer Security Camp Donors!

Last month we wrapped up another successful summer membership drive. Thank you to everyone who participated in EFF’s Summer Security Camp! Whether it was sharing with your friends or helping us reach our match goal, you continue to make our work defending digital rights possible, and for that we are...

West Coast Jurisdictions Advance Community Oversight of Police Surveillance

This summer, two of the west coast’s largest metropolitan areas—Seattle and Los Angeles County—took major steps to curtail secret, unilateral surveillance by local police. These victories for transparency and community control lend momentum toward sweeping reforms pending across California, as well as congressional efforts to curtail unchecked surveillance by federal...
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