Foreign Intrigue (also known as Foreign Assignment) is a syndicated television series produced in Europe by Sheldon Reynolds. The 30-minute series ran for four seasons from 1951 to 1955, producing 156 episodes.
It originally starred Jerome Thor for the first two seasons; in later reruns these episodes were titled Dateline Europe. Thor was succeeded by James Daly for the duration of the third season; in reruns, the Daly episodes were retitled Overseas Adventure. The fourth and final season starred Gerald Mohr as Christopher Storm; when these episodes were rerun they were renamed Cross Current.
Principal photography for the first two seasons was shot in Filmstaden, Stockholm. Production moved to Paris, France for the third season, and then later to Vienna, Austria for the final season, with locations throughout Europe and Scandinavia, including Copenhagen and Stockholm, utilized during the show's run.
Foreign Intrigue is a 1956 film starring Robert Mitchum The film is written, produced and directed by Sheldon Reynolds, who had produced a television series called Foreign Intrigue in 1951.
Foreign Intrigue was one of the first major Hollywood films to be based on a popular TV series.
Dave Bishop (Robert Mitchum) is a journalist paid by the wealthy Victor Danemore to create false press releases regarding Danemore's life. When Danemore dies suddenly of a heart attack, Bishop enters into a world of espionage and blackmail while uncovering Danemore's secret past.