
Latest science news

A view of the 1919 solar eclipse, observed in Sobral, Brazil. Arthur Eddington set out to verify Einstein’s prediction ...

The eclipse that revealed the universe

In 1919, British astronomers photographed a solar eclipse and proved that light bends around our sun — affirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Scientists encode a film in DNA


DNA will never become obsolete, and can store a "million million" times more data than a compact disc in the same space. Injected into the sequence of a living organism, the data could remain readible for millions of years as the organism reproduces. Now scientists have made an important step, storing a GIF in E. Coli and then recovering it.

Humans key to improving therapeutic robotics

An ankle exoskeleton.

Mechanical and robotic exoskeletons hold considerable promise, both as aids to the disabled and machines to increase the lifting power of worked in heavy industry, but so far the reality has lagged considerably behind the dream.