Xapuri Declaration: “We reject any form of climate colonialism”

From 26 to 28 May 2017, a meeting took place in Xapuri, in the state of Acre, Brazil. The meeting brought together Apurinã, Huni Kui, Jaminawa, Manchineri and Shawadawa indigenous peoples, representatives of traditional communities, rubber tappers, academics and supporting organisations. The meeting’s theme was, “The effects of environmental / climatic policies on traditional populations”. The meeting was supported by Friends of the Earth International, the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the World Rainforest Movement. In a short report about the meeting, Daniel Santini of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, writes that the participants reject the term “carbon credits”, because they are actually “pollution credits”. Trading pollution makes the climate problem worse by giving the illusion that something is being done, when in fact it allows pollution to continue.

UN promoting potentially genocidal policy at World Climate Summit

Tom Goldtooth NoREDD Action Paris COP21

Tom Goldtooth, IEN Executive Director

“Instead of cutting CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, the UN, the US, the EU, China, Norway and climate criminals like BP, Total, Shell, Chevron, Air France and BHP Billiton are pushing a false solution to climate change called REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). REDD is a carbon offset mechanism which privatizes the air that we breathe and uses forests, agriculture and water ecosystems in the Global South as sponges for industrialized countries pollution, instead of cutting emissions at source. REDD brings trees, soil, and nature into a commodity trading system that may result in the largest land grab in history. It steals your future, lets polluters off the hook and is a new form of colonialism. NO to Privatization of Nature!”

14th Session of The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

14th Session of The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Indigenous Environmental Network, MADRE, CICA (Consejo Indígena de Central America), CAOI, ECUANARI, Chief Oren Lyons-Haudenosaunee, Indigenous Information Network, Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism, Consejo Indio Exterior, Comisión Júridica de los Pueblos,...

U.N. COP Must Firewall The Fossil Fuels Lobby to Address Climate Crisis

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change brought together negotiators from nearly 200 countries at its 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) in Lima, Peru. Held Dec. 1-12, the summit was called to make progress on establishing a global agreement addressing climate change, with the final deal to be decided next year in Paris.

World Slams California’s Offsets

Opposition Mounts as California Expands its Cap-and-Trade Market Regime to Include Methane Capture from Coal Mining and Rice Farming   Contacts: Tom B.K. Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, 218-760-0442, ien@igc.org Mari Rose Taruc, Asian Pacific...

#EndWTO Week of Action in Bali – Update Dec. 2, 2013

By: Edgar Franks, Community to Community Development Solidarity between different fronts of struggle was apparent at the opening day of the #EndWTO Bali Week of Action.  From the Philippines to Thailand to Korea to Africa, every speaker called out that the current...

A Pathetic REDD Package

On 12 November 2013, the Global Forest Coalition made the following intervention during the negotiations in Warsaw on methodologies to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhance forest carbon stocks (REDD+): “The Global Forest...

International Outcry against California’s Forest Offset Scam

Global civil society rejects REDD in climate law FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8, 2013 Contacts: Miya Yoshitani, Asian Pacific Environmental Network (510)-417-1775 miya@apen4ej.org Tom BK Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network (218) 760 0442 ien@igc.org Anabela...

IEN Draft Recommendations to California REDD Offsets Working Group

May 07, 2013 INDIGENOUS ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK COMMENTS TO THE CALIFORNIA REDD OFFSETS WORKING GROUP (ROW) DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS Re: Recommendations of the REDD Offsets Working Group for Subnational REDD crediting in California’s Cap-and-Trade Program The Indigenous...

Stop California REDD Now!

Citizens of the World,   Please sign this petition to Stop California REDD, which is the model for doing REDD throughout the world. Make history by rejecting this market-based, land grabbing false solution to climate change which is bad for the planet, bad for...