BARA: Various areas of Bara tehsil in Khyber Agency have been facing prolonged loadshedding for the last several days, area residents said.
The locals said the Tribal Electric Supply Company (Tesco) subjected them to almost 23 hours power outages on a daily basis.
The outages have also caused shortage of drinking water, forcing the residents to buy it from private water tankers. They said that women and men from various tribes including Bar Qambarkhel, Malikdinkhel and Kamarkhel fetched drinking water in buckets and pitchers from far-off places where tube-wells function on solar power.
The tribesmen claimed that the Tesco supplied electricity to factories but cut it off to the residents. They stated the Malakdinkhel, Shalobar, Akakhel, Sipah, Kamarkhel and Bar Qambarkhel tribespersons became the worst sufferers when they left their homes and hujras due to military operations against militants in Bara subdivision.