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Bill Shorten's argument on inequality isn't new, but it could prove effective

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For over a year, Bill Shorten has been preparing to fight an election campaign based on his argument that inequality – and attendant wage stagnation – has reached the point in Australia that it is not only hurting middle-class families, but threatening the nation's social fabric.

Such an argument is not new for opposition parties, particularly those of the left. Leading the Labor Party, Mark Latham once startlingly promised to "ease the squeeze".

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But the political weapon Shorten has been forging may prove to be particularly effective in the current environment, not only because he plans to deploy it against the richest man ever to serve as Australia's prime minister, but because it is fortified by a growing international consensus in economic theory.

In the US, working and middle-class economic stagnation is considered to have contributed not only to Donald Trump's shock win but to the Bernie Sanders insurgency that dogged the Hillary Clinton from the left.

A sense in Britain that the deck was stacked in favour of the super-wealthy and the corporations they own were factors in both Brexit and the surge of support for the UK Labour's far-left leader Jeremy Corbyn in the subsequent election.

Populist far-right parties have been surging across Europe. 


None of this is a coincidence, says Jim Stanford, the director for the Centre of the Future of Work, a body of the left-leaning think tank The Australia Institute.

Stanford argues that a new economic consensus is emerging after the perceived failure of so-called "trickle down economics" – the idea that massive tax cuts coupled with capital and industrial deregulation and wage restraint will generate enough growth to benefit all in society, not just the rich.

Emerging in its place, he says, is the view that economic growth might be better stimulated by bolstering wages in order to boost consumer confidence, spending and demand.

He notes that "unusual suspects" around the world are beginning to make the case that minimum wages are now dangerously low.

He cites a recent comment piece entitled The Wages of Fear by the former Economist editor in chief Bill Emmott arguing for government intervention to bolster wages across the Western hemisphere, not only to spur growth but to stave off destructive political populism.

"Without a sharp increase in wages – mainly statutory minimum wages – populism will continue to thrive, and most Western economies will remain saddled with slow growth. Inequality not just of income and wealth, but also of perceived political voice and influence, will continue to grow," Emmott wrote.

"And the temptation to pursue shortsighted solutions – such as closing borders and implementing protectionism – will become irresistible."

The growing acceptance of wage-led growth has been championed by the economists Marc Lavoie and Englebert Stockhammer based on data gathered by the OECD.

Their work – with titles like Wage Led-Growth, Concept Theories and Policies, and Wage-Led Growth: An Equitable Strategy for Economic Recovery – might remain truly obscure, but echoes of their arguments can be found throughout Shorten's inequality speeches over the past year.

"When you start to starve workers' wages, when the wages are flat lining, when the wages get cut, the whole economy shrinks," he said during a speech in Caboolture on July 2.

"And the crazy situation is that these right-wing economic rationalists, these elitists from the top end of town, they don't understand that when workers don't do well, then no one does well.

"This discredited theory that Malcolm Turnbull has about economics that says that if you give millionaires a tax cut, if you give large corporations a tax cut, that somehow the crumbs from the rich man's table will fall off and help everyone be better off.

"That is wrong. That is wrong.

"What instead happens is that when the money is not there in the pay packets of the workers, everything goes backwards."

In Townsville on July 29, Shorten was beating the same drum.

"A fair go all round, tackling inequality, refusing to cross the road and ignore unfairness on the other side of the street, this is not a proposition that we borrowed from overseas, as some in the conservative media care to say," he argued.

"It's not something that we have recently discovered after the UK election."

At the Melbourne Institute on July 21, he argued that inequality had social consequences beyond financial security.

"Inequality kills hope. Inequality feeds the sense that the deck is stacked against ordinary people, that the fix is in and the deal is done ... it fosters a sense of powerlessness that drives people away from the political mainstream."

The growing international embrace of wage-led growth theory lends potency to Shorten's political attack not only because it casts it as part of a broader movement, but because it neatly inverses the standard conservative response to Labor's calls for wage increases.

He can make the argument that Labor stands for both wage increases and economic growth, while overzealous wage restraint damages the broader economy.