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Man accused of raping and torturing former partner despite DV order

A Brisbane man with a long history of breaching domestic violence orders has been charged with raping and torturing the mother of his child while on parole.

The 28-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Wednesday, where his application for bail was refused.

The alleged victim, who the court heard had been in a relationship with him for more than three years, was hospitalised after the alleged attack, according to police.

Prosecutors will allege he trapped the woman in the house for four days.

The unemployed man is accused of breaching a domestic violence order as he raped the woman on three separate dates, July 31, August 1 and August 6.

Duty lawyer Crystal Lovel applied for bail, arguing the prosecution case against her client was not strong and saying he disputed the more serious charges.


"Your honour, it's conceded that he has a lengthy history of breaching domestic violence orders but notably he hasn't got like offences in terms of rape, deprivation of liberty and torture," she said.

"And speaking to the show-cause aspect, it's on the basis of the strength of evidence that I attempt to show cause (for why he should be granted bail).

"It's essentially going to be his word against the complainant's word in that respect.

"And it's not a substantial case against him, your honour."

But magistrate Grace Kahlert refused the application, calling the 14 charges against him "very serious".

"In my view, given the significant injuries of the complainant, the case is reasonably strong," she said.

"And in the circumstances I find particularly given the defendant's history with some nine previous breaches of a domestic violence order that he's an unacceptable risk of reoffending and endangering the complainant and I refuse him bail."

The torture allegation dated to some time from June 30, with four counts of deprivation of liberty dated from July 31 to August 3.

The man was remanded in custody for a committal callover on September 4.